Panther Commando

Chapter 4490: Traitor at the base

The sun shines into the forest through the gaps between the branches and leaves. The bright light is like a transparent thread, hanging diagonally between the dense branches and leaves and the woodland, and the dim forest has become much brighter.

Wan Lin sat cross-legged under the tree, he heard Johnny talking to himself, and immediately looked at him and asked in a low voice, "Do you know this black snake?"

Johnny shook his head and replied in blunt Chinese: "I haven't met this black snake. However, I did hear about this black snake and know a little about this kid. We were in those special forces at the time. This kid has a great reputation and is the most famous sniper in my army!"

He then looked at Wan Lin and asked in surprise, "How could this kid be with the mercenaries like Black Hawk? Could it be that he has already joined the Black Hawk mercenary group?"

Wan Lin replied in a low voice: "No, he joined Yamaguchi Security. This time attacking your Falcon base personnel is the elite of the two hired groups, Black Eagle and Yamaguchi Security. Black Snake was also killed by the head of Yamaguchi Security, Kuroda. sent."

Johnny heard Wan Lin say that the two mercenary groups, Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security, attacked their Eagle Falcon base. He immediately showed an angry look on his face and said, "No wonder their combat effectiveness is so strong! We from Wild Elephant Valley The defense is impeccable, but it is also very tight. The brothers guarding are all carefully selected by us from retired special forces, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, and ordinary armed forces cannot approach our Wild Elephant Valley at all."

He then looked up at Wan Lin and said, "I was still thinking at the time, Black Hawk couldn't have sent so many elite mercenaries to deal with us. It turns out that Yamaguchi Security also sent elite mercenaries. Before we were attacked, we had already We obtained some information from various sources, and we strengthened the defense of the base at that time. By the way, your Huaxia also provided us with valuable information. At that time, Charlie was very moved and said that Huaxia is our true friend. "

"At that time, Charlie had a hunch that the opponent was probably the Black Hawk mercenary group looking for revenge. But our Wild Elephant Valley is extremely hidden, and our people go out to train students, and they are also looking for enemies far away from the base. There are many temporary footholds in the surrounding mountains, and outsiders simply cannot find our Wild Elephant Valley in this mountainous and forested area with complex terrain.”

He shook his head when he said this. He glanced around and said in a low voice, "After we were suddenly attacked, Charlie immediately realized that the Black Hawk's people had chased the door."

He then glanced at the entrance of the cave, and continued with a gloomy expression: "At the same time, Charlie also realized that there must be a traitor inside us! The traitor not only leaked the exact location of our Wild Elephant Valley, but also leaked out the defensive positions of the base. Otherwise, it is impossible for the enemy to sneak into the canyon from the blind spot of our observation post and attack our firepower at the same time. At that time, Charlie stopped the resistance and ordered a few of our instructors to count the number of people."

Johnny said this with an angry look on his face. He stared at the dense forest on the side and whispered: "At this time, we found out that the quartermaster of the base has disappeared. This bastard! He must have been killed by Black Hawk. People bought it and leaked the location of our Wild Elephant Valley and the firepower configuration in the valley."

Wan Lin looked at Johnny in astonishment. He asked in a low voice, "Are you sure it was the quartermaster who betrayed you?" Johnny immediately replied, "Yes! Since we are located in a war-torn area, the military discipline of our base is extremely high. Strictly, no one can leave the valley without Charlie's order. Even if the quartermaster goes out to buy arms and living supplies, he must also get the approval of Charlie and leave the valley in a special way."

Johnny took a deep breath when he said this, clenched his sniper rifle in both hands and said angrily: "According to the report of the guards, this kid suddenly left the canyon with Charlie's warrant half an hour before the enemy attacked. , but Charlie did not issue a warrant to him, the only possibility is that this kid has been notified by Black Hawk or Yamaguchi security and forged Charlie's warrant to leave the canyon before the attack."

When he said this, a murderous look shot out from his deep-set eyes: "Charlie was furious at the time, and he ordered all our brothers to hunt down: whoever leaves the canyon alive, must kill this bastard. With his whole family, let this **** who is seeking glory from the seller get his retribution!"

When Wan Lin heard this, there was an awe-inspiring look on his face, the quartermaster of the Eagle Base should really be killed! But Charlie's order was to kill the kid's family together, which really surprised him.

But Wanlin immediately understood that Charlie had been born and died in the mercenary group for many years, and his behavior had become a bit perverse and fierce, and he hated those who betrayed! Moreover, this quartermaster's betrayal really killed many brothers around him, so he gave the order to kill the opponent's whole family!

Wan Lin shook his head slightly when he thought of this. Although Charlie was his friend, they lived in different environments and each had different moral concepts. He had no right to interfere with each other's behavior.

He lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head to look at Johnny and asked in a low voice, "Johnny, does that quartermaster know the location of the alternate base?" At this moment, he suddenly thought of if this quartermaster Knowing that backup base, Xu Liang, Yan Ying and Charlie will still be in danger!

Johnny replied immediately: "He doesn't know. The backup base was secretly established by Charlie and our brothers during the preparation stage of our Falcon base. There is our retreat in this mountain, and we must ensure the safety of the trainees. So, Only the core staff of our bases know about the backup base, and the quartermaster doesn't know about it."

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Johnny's answer. He whispered, "That's good, otherwise the enemy will definitely be near the backup base and ambushing heavy troops to surround Charlie and the others."

Johnny looked at Wan Lin and said, "Absolutely not, the location of the backup base is extremely hidden, and all kinds of military supplies and living materials are available, only the core staff of our bases know. Charlie is an extremely good sniper, he does things It is very meticulous, and even the daily maintenance of the backup base is carried out by Charlie personally arranged by his cronies, and it is impossible for outsiders to know where it is, let alone the quartermaster."

Wan Lin nodded. He already knew in his heart that Charlie was indeed a very good sniper, and he always strived for perfection in everything he did. Moreover, the training method of the Eagle Falcon base has already determined that the base must be located in such a war-torn area, and it is impossible for him not to consider all kinds of accidents.

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