Panther Commando

Chapter 4506: Jedi Strikes Back

The enemy's bullet rain hit the hillside like a torrential rain, and the grass on both sides of the rock in front of the wind knives made a "crack and crackle" sound in the dense rain of enemy bullets.

In the fierce firepower of the enemy, pieces of debris splashed on the hard rock in front of the Fengdao people, and the flying debris kept hitting the helmets and body armor of the Fengdao people.

At this time, the faces and arms of Feng Dao, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng were already covered with blood marks drawn by sharp rocks, and the bandages wrapped around Wu Xueying and Feng Dao's arms were completely stained with blood.

Seeing the battle situation around, Feng Dao's face became extremely solemn. He leaned under the rock and stuck out half of his head, and ventured to look at the mountains ahead. On the towering rocks on the rocky beach in front of them, several violent machine gun fires were being sprayed. On the hillsides on both sides of the pass, the deafening gunshots resounded again.

Among the rocks three or four hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain, there were already more than a dozen black shadows moving up and down. The pupils in Feng Dao's eyes suddenly shrank to the size of needle awns, and the enemy was rushing straight to the foot of the mountain with the fierce firepower of his accomplices behind him.

If the enemy's footsteps are not stopped in time at this time, Wan Lin and the others will definitely be surrounded by the enemy at the foot of the mountain! Feng Dao quickly moved his eyes and looked at Wan Lin and several people near the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others had been slammed into a piece of rock near the foot of the mountain by the ferocious bullet rain. Wan Lin squatted under a rock more than one meter high, leaning against the rock behind him, holding the sniper rifle tightly in his hand, as if his figure had merged with the rock.

Johnny was lying under another rock beside Wan Lin. His face was pale and he was holding the sniper rifle in his hand tightly. The bandage around his waist had turned dark red, and bright red blood was flowing out from his left leg. The camouflage pants on his body have been stained red with blood.

Cheng Ru and Xie Chao were lying on the rock pile not far behind Wan Lin, their heads were lying tightly under the rock, and they were holding sniper rifles tightly in their hands, ready to extend their muzzles from the bullet rain at any time.

At this time, the four Wan Lin and the others were splashing with dust and mist being hit by enemy bullets. The whistling bullets were flying over their heads and the invisible rock. They couldn't extend their sniper rifles from the side of the rock at all.

There was an anxious look in Feng Dao's eyes. He has already seen in this glance that the situation of Wan Lin and the others is the same as their team members on the hillside. They have also been firmly locked under the rock by the fierce rain of bullets from the enemy, and they have no fighters with their guns out at all. .

When Feng Dao saw the situation of Wan Lin and the others, he suddenly leaned forward, stretched out his uninjured left hand, and pulled over the bazooka that had just been thrown beside him. He followed from under the rock to the ammunition box placed under the rock look.

The ammo box was empty, and he then reached out and touched the tactical vest on his chest. The bag where the spare magazines were placed was also deflated! At this moment, a desperate look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He knew that Wan Lin's snipers had already been suppressed by the enemy's firepower. As long as he could shoot *** and temporarily suppress the firepower of several machine guns in the rocky beach, Wan Lin would definitely extend his muzzle in time. . At that time, the four accurate sniper bullets would definitely focus the enemy's firepower at the same time, reducing the pressure on their own hillside.

But now, the guns he brought out have been used up, and even the bullets of the captured enemy machine guns have been exhausted. Now he only has a spare magazine on the rock, and a spare for his assault rifle.

Feng Dao looked to the side in despair, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw Wen Meng, who had been lying under the rock on the side, suddenly ignoring the danger and braving the enemy's bullet rain, he leaned diagonally to the big tree seven or eight meters below the side. Pounce down.

Wen Meng's agile figure flashed like a meteor in the rain of bullets, and then appeared under a few intertwined tree roots. She followed from the thick tree and quietly extended the muzzle forward.

Fengdao was overjoyed when he saw Wen Meng who was saved! The enemy had already aimed at several firepower points on his hillside, and the ferocious bullet rain firmly suppressed his group. Now, Wen Meng suddenly jumped out and shifted the sniper position at the moment when the enemy's bullets swept over.

As long as Wen Meng can establish a new sniper point and kill the enemy's machine gun firepower covering his position, he and Wu Xueying can extend their muzzles and suppress other firepower points of the enemy in the distance, creating a creation for the leopards and scorpions at the foot of the mountain. Opportunity to stick out the muzzle.

The wind knife was hiding behind the rock. He stared at Wen Meng's movements with glowing eyes. He shouted into the microphone, "Wen Meng, pay attention to safety, and wait for the opportunity to kill the enemy machine gunners in the rocks!"

Wu Xueying also lay nervously under the rock, staring at Wen Meng, who was lying on the lower side. The sniper rifle in her right hand was ready to be stretched out. She is ready to fight back!

In the whistling rain of bullets, the thick trunk in front of Wen Meng fluttered with sawdust and bark hit by bullets, and the bark of the sparks fluttered around her. Some dead branches among the dense branches and leaves around her and above her head were bouncing around. Black smoke billowed from the rain.

Wen Meng lay under the tree trunk and didn't answer Feng Dao's shout. She stared at the sniper scope on the sniper rifle, and the extended barrel of the sniper rifle trembled slightly.

She quickly pulled the bolt with her right hand raised, and the gun suddenly vibrated again. At the moment when Wen Meng's gun trembled on the rock in front of Feng Dao and Wu Xueying, the sound of "crack, crackle, crackle and crackle" suddenly disappeared, and the sound of bullets breaking through the air around them suddenly stopped!

Feng Dao and Wu Xueying suddenly leaned out from under the rock, the machine gun and assault rifle clenched in their hands stretched forward at the same time, and two flames roared from their muzzles, "bang bang bang" "da da da" The gunshots resounded from the hillside!

Wen Meng, who was lying under the tree, quickly pulled the bolt of the gun, and the muzzle followed the hillsides on both sides of the side pass. The sniper rifle in front of her trembled slightly again.

With the low "pop" sound of her sniper rifle, a cluster of flickering firelights on the hillside in the distance disappeared, and a black shadow rolled down from the hillside.

At this time, on the hillside below Wen Meng's side, the gunshots of several scorpions followed. Several sniper bullets fired by Wen Meng accurately hit the three enemy machine gunners, providing a counterattack for the Eagle Falcon team members who were suppressed by enemy fire.

The scorpions who were hiding on the hillside all leaned out, followed by a burst of fire. The ear-piercing gunshots echoed on the hillside again, but the muzzle fire from the hillside was obviously much weaker than before. A few Falcons who had pulled the trigger just now fell to the hillside covered in blood.

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