Panther Commando

Chapter 4514: accurate bullet

Charlie saw that his subordinates and Xie Chao had already protected the injured Huaxia female players to retreat. He immediately ran behind the wind blade lying on the rock on the side, bent down and pulled up the wind blade, then grabbed the wind blade's arm and ran to the mountains behind.

The wind knife was forcibly pulled up by Charlie, he turned his head and glanced at the boulder on the side, and hurriedly shouted into the microphone: "Leopard head, be careful!" After that, he staggered and ran back after Charlie.

At this time, the rest of the Eagle Falcon team heard Charlie's command, and immediately raised their weapons and stood up. Some of them twisted their backs to carry the seriously injured team members around, while others supported the slightly wounded and ran to the mountains behind.

The enemy lying on the rocky beach and under the rocks in the pass suddenly felt that the bullets whizzing past disappeared, and a few boys immediately stuck their heads out from under the rocks.

When they saw the figure running away from the foot of the mountain in front of them, they immediately judged that the other party had retreated. Sounds from the mountains ahead.

At this time, the twenty or so shadows rushing out of the forest and the pass had also approached the rocky beach in front of them with their guns in hand. A group of people shot forward and charged forward in ups and downs.

At this time, at the foot of the mountain where Wan Lin, Cheng Ru, and Wen Meng were located, a cloud of dust shot up by bullets rose again. On the boulder in front of the three, there was a constant sound of "pop" from the enemy's bullets. The howling bullets flew past them.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru were lying in the depression on the top of the boulder, and both sniper rifles protruded forward from the two raised rocks. At this moment, a rain of bullets whizzed past the top of the rock, and Wan Lin suddenly stuck his head out from under the raised rock and stared intently at the scope on the gun.

Through the diffuse smoke, Wan Lin could see at a glance: on the hillsides on both sides of the pass in the distance, two shadows were burrowing out from under the rocks, and they swiftly rushed towards the two corpses lying across the hillside.

Wan Lin immediately understood that the other party was not trying to pull back the two killed companions, their goal was the two anti-tank ** thrown next to the corpse!

Wan Lin quietly aimed at the figure beside the mountain on the left, and gently pulled the trigger with his right index finger. Amid the muffled sound of the sniper rifle, the black shadow that was rushing towards the hillside below suddenly fell backwards, and then rolled on the steep hillside for a few weeks, then lay motionless beside the body of his companion below.

Wan Lin's eyes flashed with a cold look. He shot the enemy in the distance, raised his right hand to pull the bolt, and quickly moved the muzzle to aim at the hillside on the right side of the pass.

At this moment, there was a low sound of gunshots beside him, Cheng Ru had already pointed at the shadow on the right hillside and pulled the trigger, and the shadow on the right hillside of the pass fell down.

At this moment, the sound of a sniper rifle was also heard from under the boulder, and a cluster of machine gun fires that were spraying in the rocky beach went out in response!

"Hide!" Wan Lin shouted in a low voice, and then rolled back from the rock. Cheng Ru on the rock and Wen Meng, who was lying under the rock, also pulled the trigger and quickly fell down.

"Da da da", "bang bang bang", followed by a loud gunshot in the distance, the sound of being hit by bullets immediately sounded on the boulder where Wan Lin and the three were located, and pieces of debris hit by bullets Stones and mud blocks roared and flew, and a dense rain of bullets flew over the bodies of the three of them, and the surrounding air became scorching hot from the hot bullets.

Wan Lin jumped off the boulder and immediately lay down on the grass behind the rock under the cover of the boulder in front of him. He then looked up at a pile of rocks on the side of the boulder, and suddenly rolled his gun towards the side of the rock. Go away.

His movements were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was already lying under the rocks on the side. He then stretched out the muzzle of the gun from the gap between the two rocks, and leaned behind the gun to aim at the hillside of the distant pass.

He knew that the enemy would not easily give up the two anti-tank missile launchers on the hillside! Under the cover of this boulder at the foot of the mountain, the enemy's assault rifles and machine guns can only temporarily suppress the firepower on their side, and they can't cause substantial damage to them at all. They will definitely send people to take the risk to get those two. ** Launch tube!

Sure enough, as soon as he stretched out the muzzle from the rock crevice, he saw that there were two black shadows crawling on the hillside. These two boys had already climbed up to the corpse lying on the hillside under the cover of the intensive firepower of their companions.

The **** of Wan Lin's sniper rifle stared closely at the shoulder socket, he aimed at a shadow a thousand meters away and pulled the trigger. He immediately took advantage of the surrounding dust and mist, and quickly pulled the bolt to aim at the hillside on the right side of the pass.

The boy on the hillside on the right was picking up the ** launcher, bent over and stood up. Wan Lin had a calm look in his eyes. He focused on the launcher held by his opponent, and pulled the trigger lightly.

In the rain of bullets whistling from the enemy, Wan Lin's sniper rifle made a dull sound of "pop". In the distance, the boy who was bending over and stood up holding the ** launcher suddenly staggered sideways.

The launcher that the kid was about to carry on his shoulder flew out sideways to the side of the hill. The thick cartridge slammed into a rock on the side, and the raised controls on the launcher were torn apart from the violent impact. Round bullets fly out. The boy on the hill staggered two steps, and then he was about to pounce under the rock on the side.

At this moment, there was a gunshot on the top of the boulder on the side of Wanlin. The boy fell down on the hillside as if he was hit by a heavy hammer, and then rolled down the steep hillside. There was a red bloodstain on the rock!

At this time, Wen Meng, who was clinging to the side of the boulder, also suddenly pulled the trigger, behind a cluster of machine guns spraying fire on the side of the pass. It also followed the rolling next black shadow. The enemy's machine gun mounted on the rock also tumbled from the rock and fell to the hillside below.

The three enemies on the hillsides on both sides of the pass were killed almost at the same time. The rest of the mercenaries who were leaning out to shoot were so frightened that they shrank under the rocks with their guns in their hands, and the sound of gunfire on the hillsides on both sides of the pass suddenly stopped! They already knew in their hearts that several of the other snipers were using their muzzles to firmly lock on the hillside they were on.

As the three black shadows suddenly rolled down the hillside on the side of the pass, a louder gunshot sounded from the rocky beach in front of the hillside, and the dense bullets whistled towards Chengru and Wanlin's location.

Several bullets shot from the rubble in front also roared on the side of the hillside, and the bursts of flames flew around with countless fragments of gravel and mud.


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