Panther Commando

Chapter 4521: red eye circles

The mountains were completely darkened, and the rolling hills had become shadowy. The deafening gunshots and explosions had long since disappeared, and only the distant lake in the mountains was making a "rushing" sound.

Charlie pulled the scorpion in the dark, then looked at Wan Lin and asked in a blunt Chinese language in a low voice, "Leopard head, don't you want to reveal the identities of the few of you and the Xiaohua brothers?"

When Wan Lin heard Charlie's question, he pondered for a moment before replying in a low voice in Chinese: "Yes, the troops we serve are classified troops, and our identities are top-secret information. I don't want you to publish our identities. . About Xiaohua's situation, please don't disclose it to the public."

He then looked at Scorpion and said in a low voice, "Scorpion, you translate my words to Charlie." Scorpion immediately agreed, he knew that Wan Lin was worried that Charlie didn't understand what he meant.

After Charlie listened to Scorpion's translation, he nodded immediately, then looked at Johnny and Scorpion and said sternly in Y language: "Johnny, Scorpion, you have all heard Leopard Head's words, it is strictly forbidden to disclose their situation to the public. It's a military order! In addition, we will issue a seal to all those who know the origins of Leopard Head and the others. Once it is leaked, military law will be used!" "Yes!" Scorpion and Johnny replied in a low voice with serious expressions.

Charlie then looked at Wan Lin and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, you're going back to the base soon, what identities are you going to appear in front of everyone?" Scorpion quickly translated Charlie's words.

Wan Lin pondered for a moment, looked at Charlie and replied, "We are here as instructors, so let's use this name for the time being. I need to ask the superior to decide how long we will stay here. Charlie, look Is this arrangement convenient?"

Charlie nodded solemnly and replied in a low voice: "Okay, that's it, we'll call you instructors from now on." He then looked at Scorpion and Johnny and said in a low voice, "From now on, you'll be called instructors. Introduce them to the people in the base in their name. Tell everyone that they are all instructors I invited from all over the world, don't disclose any information about them."

At this time, Wan Lin had roughly understood what Charlie said in Y language, he nodded and said, "Yes, that's good, we Chinese people are all over the world, it doesn't matter if everyone sees that we are Chinese people. ."

Charlie followed up: "Yes, many of the special forces have your foreign Chinese figures. As long as we don't say it, the members and students of the Eagle Base will not doubt your identity."

Charlie said in a low voice, he looked up at the Falcon team members sitting around, and then sighed with a gloomy expression: "This sudden attack, several instructors at our base have been killed in battle, and there is a huge shortage of instructors."

He looked at Wan Lin and continued, "You all have extremely high combat literacy, which is just right to help us train our students. Alas, there are many outstanding students selected from various countries in the base, and we can't let them stop. For their studies, since they entered my Falcon Base for training, I must train them to become excellent soldiers!" He lowered his head with red eyes.

Wan Lin heard Charlie's sigh and knew that the sudden attack of the enemy had indeed caused serious casualties at the Eagle Falcon Base. Charlie was feeling bad for those brothers who died on the battlefield.

He raised his hand and patted Charlie's shoulder lightly and comforted: "Charlie, we are all people with guns in our hands, and it is our duty to fight the evil in the world! It is our honor to die in battle, and those who die in battle are our honor. My brothers are all heroes with strong bones, you don't need to be too uncomfortable."

He followed Johnny and Scorpion who were sitting next to him and said: "Your Eagle Falcon base itself is a special forces training institution that provides actual combat training. This battle is also a rare opportunity for actual combat. It is an ambush and counter ambush. A typical battle example. I believe that the students of your Eagle Falcon Base will definitely get enough exercise and learn a lot in this battle, which is a training effect that cannot be achieved on any training ground."

When Johnny heard Wan Lin's words, he looked at Charlie and said in a low voice, "Falcon, Instructor Wan is right! Although we paid a heavy price in the enemy's attack, we instructors and Shougu brothers have protected us. The safety of most of the students, the students have indeed learned a lot in this battle of life and death. Moreover, we eliminated a large number of mercenaries in the battle, and their losses were far greater than ours. We won a big victory! "

Scorpion also raised his face and looked at a few people and said: "Yes, in this battle, we not only killed a large number of mercenaries from Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security, but even the elite snipers they were proud of, let Instructor Wan and the others annihilate them in one fell swoop. , This is a very classic example of sniper warfare. Now, we have hit these two mercenary groups who have done bad things, and they will definitely fail in the absence of time. "

He followed and looked at Charlie and comforted: "The Eagle Falcon, Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security are two very strong mercenary but they are still beaten down by us. Through this battle, the special warfare of various countries The troops will definitely be impressed by our Falcon Base, and they will definitely send more students to come here for our training!"

Scorpion said this and lowered his head, his eyes suddenly turned red. He was silent for a moment, then looked up at Charlie and said, "Falcon, all this is what the brothers bought with their lives. You must have an explanation for those brothers who died in battle!" Johnny and Wanlin heard Scorpion's grief and anger The words raised their heads and looked at Charlie.

When Charlie heard Scorpion's request, he raised his head and said decisively: "Scorpion, don't worry, how could I, Eagle Falcon, treat the wounded and killed brothers badly. For those brothers who sacrificed their lives for the Eagle Falcon Base, I will definitely let their families live. To live a rich life, I will never let these brothers die!"

Wan Lin nodded silently when he heard Charlie's words. He didn't know the composition of the Eagle Falcon base, and he didn't know the pension terms of the base, but he heard the firm voice of Charlie, the principal, and already understood that Charlie was a kind and righteous person.

Hearing Charlie's answer, Scorpion nodded vigorously, and then said with gritted teeth: "Falcon, I will be relieved if you say this! In addition, the traitor Brown must be eliminated, otherwise we will be sorry for the dead brothers!" Johnny also looked at Charlie with a murderous look in his eyes.

Scorpion followed and looked at Wan Lin and whispered in Chinese: "Brown is the quartermaster. He secretly leaked our situation to the black eagle and the **** of Yamaguchi Security!"


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