Panther Commando

Chapter 4523: fulfil your promise

Wan Lin and the others looked down at the hillside attentively. It turned out that it was Yan Ying who was injured and was running up with an assault rifle. At this time, Xie Chao, who was standing behind Wan Lin and the others, saw Yan Ying running with an injury. He got out from behind Wan Lin and the others, ran down quickly, hugged Yan Ying, and followed him to Wan Lin. Lin ran beside him.

Yan Ying ran in front of Wan Lin and the others, he stood at attention and saluted, while panting, he shouted in a choked voice: "Leopard head, Instructor Cheng, Instructor Feng, you are here, I didn't expect you to really put Xiaochao and Xiaochao together. Instructor Johnny was rescued safely, I've been so anxious these few days!" At this time, tears burst into his eyes.

Wan Lin looked at Yan Ying and raised his hand in return. Wan Lin took a step forward and hugged him with open arms. He patted Yan Ying's back and said in a low voice, "Yan Ying, you are all good. , did not embarrass your troops and our instructors!"

He then loosened his arms, looked down at the bandages wrapped around Yan Ying's waist and asked, "How's the injury?" Yan Ying looked at Wan Lin excitedly and replied, "It's okay, what is this injury! If it wasn't for Principal Eagle Falcon? Order me to stay in the valley, and I will definitely go with Xu Liang and the others to meet you."

At this time, Wu Xueying, who was supported by Wen Meng, stuck her head out from behind. She looked at Yan Ying and scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy, don't you recognize us?"

Yan Ying was stunned when he heard Wu Xueying's scolding, and then he recognized Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, and he exclaimed in surprise: "Oh, you are here too!"

He stepped in front of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng in an excited step, then looked at Wu Xueying's arm hanging on his chest and shouted, "Yingying, are you injured? I'll carry you!" He then stuffed his assault rifle. In the hands of Xu Liang next to him, he turned around to carry Wu Xueying on his back.

Wu Xueying was so frightened that she quickly pushed him away and shouted: "Stinky boy, you are so virtuous and still backing me? You are going to fall to death, my little aunt!"

A few people around heard Wu Xueying's cry and all laughed. Charlie came over and patted Yan Ying's shoulder, and then said to the group of scorpions who came out of the cave behind: "You go down first." With that, he raised his head. Look at the two heavily armed Falcons running from below.

The visitor ran in front of Charlie, stopped and stood at attention and saluted. One of them reported in a low voice, "Report to the falcon, everything is normal. We have prepared hot water and meals and are waiting for the brothers to come back."

Charlie raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads, then turned around and pointed at Wan Lin and the others. : "This is the brother of the Valley Guard, this is Lieutenant Sean and Second Lieutenant John, who are responsible for the defense of the Valley"

Xiao En and the two immediately turned around. When they saw Wan Lin and the others covered in gunpowder smoke and weapons covered in mud, their expressions suddenly became serious. They immediately put their feet together and raised their hands to salute.

They already knew in their hearts that these new instructors would definitely participate in the battle to rescue Johnny and Xie Chao! Wan Lin and the others didn't speak, they all watched Sean raise their hands in return.

Charlie followed Sean and ordered: "Let's go, let the instructors go back to take a hot bath, and then go to the restaurant for dinner! By the way, I invited two female instructors over, and you can list their lives separately. In this area, the dormitories of the two of them are arranged next to Instructor Wan and several others, and it is strictly forbidden for outsiders to approach!" He raised his hand and pointed to Wu Xueying and Wen Meng.

Sean and the two heard Charlie's order, and only then did they realize that there were actually two female soldiers in front of them. One of the female soldiers was actually injured, and the tactical vest on her body had been dyed red with blood.

Sean looked at Charlie and replied, "Yes." After speaking, he stepped in front of Wu Xueying and bent over to carry Wu Xueying: "You are injured, I will carry you off!"

Wen Meng quickly pushed him away and said with a smile, "No, no, thank you, I'll just support her." Charlie also said with a smile, "Sean, you don't need to worry about it, this Instructor Wu's injury is up to them themselves. Deal with it, you can arrange their lives well."

The sturdy Sean glanced at the injured Wu Xueying in a daze. He agreed, turned on the flashlight, and walked with Wan Lin and the others to the canyon below.

Wan Lin and the others followed Sean into the woods below. Sean stopped in front of a dimly lit military tent, he turned his head to look at Charlie and asked for instructions, "Principal, Instructor Wan, do they go to take a bath first? Eat something first?" Charlie turned to look at Wan Lin when he heard Sean's question.

Wan Lin glanced at the few people around him who were covered in dust and gunpowder. He looked at Charlie and replied, "Let's pack up first, send us ammunition supplies and medicines for healing, and find us some clean clothes. Wen Meng quickly translated Wan Lin's words.

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's answer, there was a look of admiration in his eyes. He sighed in his heart: "This is a group of real soldiers. The first thing they think of is to replenish ammunition."

He then looked at Sean and ordered: "Follow Instructor Wan's order! Arrange the female instructor's living area next to Instructor Wan and them."

"Yes!" Sean also glanced at the new instructors who were covered in gunpowder smoke with admiration. He already knew in his heart that he was a real soldier, and he was always vigilant!

He was about to lead Wan Lin and the others into the tent on the side, when the two Eagle Falcon members suddenly carried a stretcher and hurried out of the forest on the side. Ni.

Johnny was holding two boxes on his chest, and he looked at Wan Lin and the others and shouted in blunt Chinese language: "Instructor Wan, Xiaohua, I'm bringing something delicious to my little brother!"

When Wan Lin and the others heard Johnny's fiery voice, they all laughed, knowing that he must be holding chocolate to fulfill his promise to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua, who was lying on Wan Lin's shoulder, heard Johnny's cry, and raised his head suddenly, staring at the box Johnny was holding on his chest and sniffing hard, a blue light flashed in his eyes, "Whoosh. "With a thud, he jumped out from Wan Lin's shoulder.

It landed on Johnny's lap, his right paw raised like lightning, his sharp nails flashed a cold light in the dimness, and instantly slid across the box. It stuck out its head and opened its mouth, took a piece of chocolate, turned around and jumped out in front of Johnny, disappearing into the dark woods on the side in a blink of an eye.

Johnny saw the cold light passing in front of him, so scared that he quickly let go of the two boxes of chocolates that he was holding tightly. The two Eagle Falcon members who were carrying the stretcher saw a black shadow jumping by, and they both flicked to the side in panic, almost releasing the stretcher in their hands.


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