Panther Commando

Chapter 4535: won't give up

In the dim tent, Wu Xueying heard Charlie finish speaking. She frowned and asked in Y language, "Principal, you mean that the spy company that Green is in is also coveting our baby?"

Charlie's Chinese language level is limited. Now there are two people who are proficient in Y language, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng. He is already using Y language to communicate with everyone. Wen Meng looked up at Charlie while translating Charlie and Wu Xueying's words to Wan Lin and the others.

When Charlie heard Wu Xueying's question, he immediately replied: "Yes, even an outsider like me knows that there is probably a huge energy hidden in those meteorite fragments that we don't understand yet, and once the secret is cracked, it will definitely be a sensation This is a priceless treasure, and the intelligence company Green and the others are in will naturally pay special attention.”

He turned his head to look outside the pitch-black tent, and said thoughtfully: "When you were at the landing site of the meteor, you should have already played with the people they sent. They naturally know that Huaxia has an extremely elite special forces unit."

Charlie turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "You are all members of this elite force, and your identities are extremely hidden, but the members of your special forces have already become the focus of those intelligence and employment organizations. , because you have become an obstacle to their actions."

"My Eagle Falcon base has gathered the world's outstanding special forces talents. The special forces of various countries have sent people to conduct training here. Those intelligence agencies will definitely guess that your special forces in China will send people over. Therefore, Green and the others People from these intelligence agencies will naturally pay special attention to you."

After listening to Wen Meng's translation, Wan Lin nodded solemnly, he turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and several people sitting beside him and said, "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not stopping, I thought the meteorite incident had ended at that time, those hostile The people of the forces have retreated. Now it seems that these hostile intelligence agencies and personnel are still just around the corner."

Cheng Ru said with a sneer: "Hey, come on, if they are not afraid of death, come! Otherwise, what do they want us to do?!" When Charlie heard Cheng Ru's sneer, he laughed: "Haha, yes, Otherwise, why do you want us people! We have cultivated the ability to kill the enemy, just to deal with these bastards! When you meet these people, don't be merciful, kill them and kill them happily"

Charlie put away the smile on his face and looked at Cheng Ru with a solemn expression and said in Chinese: "You Chinese people once said that you should despise the enemy in strategy and pay attention to the enemy in tactics. Although you are all experienced professionals Soldiers, don't be afraid of those bastards. But they are also professionally trained special operators, and their combat capabilities are equally strong. Moreover, they are in the dark, you must not underestimate the enemy. "

Wan Lin nodded when he heard Charlie's reminder, he looked at Cheng Ru and said, "Principal Eagle Falcon is right, in a face-to-face battle, we are not afraid of any enemies, but they are all people who can't see the sun, and we have to beware. The enemy's plot."

Wan Lin looked at Charlie and said, "Charlie, although we are old friends, we are now the instructors here. From now on, we will call you Principal Eagle, right?"

Charlie said with a smile: "Okay, this is just a title, it doesn't matter if you call it Charlie or the principal. Now, Black Hawk and Yamaguchi security guards have chased after this mountain, so I don't need to keep my identity secret. Haha. I'm tall, you can call me whatever you want."

When he said this, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and a fierce murderous aura suddenly flashed from the two pale blue eyes that were deep in the eye sockets. Wan Lin and the others saw the murderous aura in his eyes, and immediately understood that Charlie, a top-notch sniper, would never spare the two hired groups of Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security.

The two mercenary groups sent people here to hunt him down, Charlie, which was equivalent to a gauntlet against him. Although George of Black Hawk had issued a hunting order for him in the past, it did not cause him any harm.

But now it's different. They actually sent people to this mountainous area to attack his base, killed and wounded many of his brothers, and almost destroyed the Falcon base he worked so hard to build. He will definitely retaliate against George and Kuroda. , he is not a person who eats fast and recites Buddha!

After Charlie finished speaking, he lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then he looked up at Wan Lin and asked, "By the way, you should know something about the new killer organization, the Red Fox, right? As far as I know, the meteorite fall incident. , Red Fox also sent about a team of people to sneak into the target area."

Wan Lin replied immediately: "I know a little bit, we have already dealt with their people several times in the last operation." He knew that Charlie had a high reputation in some special forces and also had a wide network of contacts. He must know something about the operation, and he can't hide it from him.

Charlie laughed when he heard Wan Lin's answer: "Haha, that red fox finally met his opponent. Since his debut he has never failed and claimed to have never failed. If I guess correctly, they must be with you. The subordinates suffered a big loss!"

Wan Lin looked at Charlie in surprise and asked, "Do you know the boss of Red Fox?" He understood from Charlie's laughter that Charlie must know something about Red Fox. When Cheng Ru and the others heard Wan Lin's question, they all looked at Charlie.

Charlie looked at Wan Lin and nodded and replied: "Yes, I do know the owner of this Red Fox. This man's name is Phillips, his age is similar to me, and he was also a well-known sniper in a special forces unit at the time. He is introverted, with a sullen face, calm and fierce combat style, and has a very keen observation and judgment on the situation on the battlefield. He is brave and decisive in combat, and has a very strong individual fighting ability."

When he said this, he glanced at Chengru and the others, and continued: "When I was serving in the special forces, I used to work with them in war-torn areas. This person is code-named Red Fox. I was very impressed. I remember that after the battle, he immediately pulled out his saber and killed all the wounded people of the enemy around him. The scene was very bloody. This man is ruthless and has a strong winning mentality. If you are on the battlefield in the future When you meet this person, you must be careful."

He pondered for a while when he said this, looked at Wan Lin and continued: "This Phillips and I are both introverted people, so we are not familiar with each other. However, I heard that this person is very stubborn, once he recognizes The sure thing is that the nine cows can't be pulled back. Now that he has intervened in the matter of your Huaxia meteorite fragments, I am worried that he will not give up easily.


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