Panther Commando

Chapter 4566: fierce fight

"Hahahaha..." Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they heard Wu Xueying's cry. Wan Lin said with a smile, "Yingying, don't look for trouble, why are you kicking someone when you're not?"

Wu Xueying waved her hand and said, "No, I won't kick them if they don't trouble me and Mengmeng." Cheng Ru also looked at Yingying and said with a smile: "Yingying, you are now an instructor and you are promoted. You should look like an instructor."

Wu Xueying immediately stuck her head out, with a sullen face, stared at Cheng Ru's serious face and said, "Just like you?" "Hahaha" Wan Lin and Fengdao all laughed, Cheng Ru stood upright. He raised his fist and shook it at Yingying.

Wan Lin smiled, raised his wrist and looked at his watch, then said, "It's still early. Breakfast will not be served until 7 o'clock. Let's go to the training ground first." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the outside of the forest.

Cheng Ru sighed as he walked: "The training conditions here are really good. Yesterday we worked for seven or eight hours and cleaned up several canyons."

While walking, Wu Xueying looked at Chengru curiously and asked, "With so many dead branches and rotten trees, can the river really wash away?" Wen Meng also looked at Chengru curiously.

Cheng Ru replied, "That's true. We threw those tree trunks and branches into the river, and they were washed away by the rapids in a blink of an eye. However, don't approach the river on a rainy day, or you may be washed into the lake by the river. The whirlpool of , was involved in the dark river below, it is too dangerous there!"

He followed Wen Meng and said, "By the way, when you train with the students, you must pay attention to the weather changes. Once you find dark clouds, you should quickly call the students to enter the surrounding caves to avoid lightning."

In the early morning, the woods were still a little dark, but the dewdrops hung on the leaves and grasses, which had already shone brightly in the faint morning light, and the chirping of birds had also sounded one after another on the treetops.

Some small animals in the forest were sticking their heads out of the grass, and when they saw a few people from Wanlin approaching, they quickly got into the tall weeds.

Wan Lin sighed as he walked: "This place and the barren mountains outside are like two worlds. Here is full of life, but the mountains outside give people a feeling of being devastated."

Wen Meng heard Wan Lin's admiration. She looked at the hares jumping in the forest on the side and murmured: "Yes, these are really two completely different worlds. However, this Tiankeng is indeed too beautiful! In the future If I am old, I will definitely find such a place to live in a place with mountains and water, where there are mountains, water, and all kinds of cute little animals, this is the day of the gods."

Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they heard Wen Meng's muttering to herself, Wu Xueying took Wen Meng's arm and laughed: "Meng Meng, I think you are aging before you get old, so we will take you away when we leave. This old fairy Wen has to stay here." Wen Meng smiled and turned around and knocked on Wu Xueying's helmet, and said coquettishly, "You are not getting old before you get old."

A few people walked out of the woods at the station, talking and laughing. As soon as they approached the Taniguchi in front of them, they heard a loud noise and the sound of fighting with each other in the canyon in front.

Wan Lin and the others stopped at Taniguchi and looked forward intently. There were dozens of students on the fighting training ground. Two students were fighting fiercely in the open space with their shirts on, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of one's mouth. The students around were booing and cheering loudly for the students who were fighting, as if they were afraid that the matter would not be a big deal.

Fengdao looked at the energetic students and said with a smile: "These two boys must have had a dispute last night. They didn't dare to come out during the curfew here at night. Now it's dawn, so they came out to compete."

He then turned his head to look around, and said with some surprise: "Hey, the instructors here don't care?" Wan Lin said with a smile, "Haha, if they don't play shit, Charlie won't care about them."

Cheng Ru also said with a smile: "Yes, this is a fight, and they will definitely go all out. This is of an actual combat nature, and it is comparable to combat training. Come on, let's take a look at the fighting level of these foreign special forces." The man stepped forward again.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion among the students who were watching in front. The students who were shouting at the side suddenly turned around and waved their fists with the students beside them.

There was a sudden chaos on the training ground, and a dozen pairs of students suddenly huddled together at this moment. In a blink of an eye, several students had been knocked to the ground, and several pairs of students were tumbling in the mud pits next to the training ground, and blood was splattered from the corners of the mouths and nostrils of several students.

Some of the students who did not participate in the fight had already ducked to the side, all staring at the scene of the fight, but no one stepped forward to persuade them to fight. Wan Lin and the others frowned when they saw the large-scale fight between the practitioners, and they stepped forward.

Wan Lin and the others walked forward while watching the students fighting, Wu Xueying said in a low voice, "The fighting skills of these students are really good, some of them are actually masters of Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu and boxing~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The speed of their shots is very high, and the strength is also good."

Just as a few people stepped up and stepped forward, a scream suddenly sounded. A student was kicked out of the center of his opponent's punch, and the black student on the opposite side took two steps forward. With a murderous look in his eyes, his raised right foot slammed into the head of the student who fell on his back. kick away.

Wan Lin and the others were shocked! The opponent was punched in the heart by this kid. At this time, he has no ability to counterattack. If the next kick is kicked on the head again, the student will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

Just when Wanlin and the others were about to stop shouting, "bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", a dull machine gun sound suddenly sounded from the side cliff, and a series of heavy machine gun bullets whistled from the students' heads. Fly over.

The group of students who were desperately working on the training ground were startled, and the group immediately turned around and rushed to the ground, moving extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the crowd who had just been fighting fiercely on the training ground were already lying on the ground with their heads folded.

Wan Lin and the others stopped and turned their heads to look. A crack on the cliff was shooting out fire. Several people immediately understood that although there were no instructors on the fighting training ground, in the cave on the side of the cliff, there were already instructors watching the fight of this group of students. At this time, they saw that a student violated the rules and made a black hand, so they immediately pulled it. The trigger of the machine gun.

The gunfire stopped immediately, and Wan Lin and the others strode forward again. At this moment, a password shouted in Y language suddenly sounded from the front, a group of students lying on the ground quickly stood up and lined up, and a figure quickly ran towards Wan Lin and the others.

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