Panther Commando

Chapter 4577: laughing students

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru stood up from the rock with a smile, Wan Lin looked at Charlie and said, "No misunderstanding, that's what we say in Chinese. Haha, our instructor Wu has no special requirements, just give her some goodies from you. Just eat."

Wu Xueying also smiled and said: "Yes, yes, just have some delicious food. My conditions are not high, not high, and I'm good to pass." Charlie smiled and said: "Haha, it's good to pass! This time Stevens will pick it up. Students, I have asked him to buy you a lot of local specialties, and just now I have asked Sean and the others to send them to the cooking class, and they will bring them to you during dinner in the evening."

Wan Lin looked at Wu Xueying and said with a smile: "Yingying, it seems that we are going to take advantage of you, Instructor Wu." After speaking, he looked at Charlie and said, "Principal, you are injured and you were outside again last night. After a busy night in the mountains, you go back to re-bandage the wound first, then go back to the station to sleep, and Instructor Wu and I will go to see the new students." After saying that, he grabbed Charlie's arm and helped him to go down. walk in the woods.

Charlie pushed away his outstretched arm, then waved his hand and said, "Go down from the woods. You can go directly back to our instructor's station from under this cliff. It's closer here. Let's go from here." Stevens waved at Wan Lin and the two, turned and walked to the side.

Wan Lin and Wu Xueying sent Charlie away, and they strode into the woods below. As soon as the two walked through the dense forest to the edge of the forest at the foot of the mountain, they saw a group of new students covered in dust and dressed in different clothes, standing upright in a clearing in the canyon.

Scorpion, Cheng Ru, and Wu Xueying stood upright in front of the team, with their wounded wind knives sitting on a rock on the side. Scorpion was speaking to the students in Y language with a serious expression.

At this time, Wu Xueying listened to Scorpion's voice in Y language. She turned her head to look at Wan Lin and said in a low voice: "Leopard head, Scorpion is introducing the relevant discipline and punishment regulations of the base to the students." Wen Meng in the field was also low. The sound was given to Chengru and Fengdao, translating the meaning of the scorpion's words.

Wan Lin and Wu Xueying walked over to Cheng Ru and the others. Scorpion turned his head and greeted Wan Lin and the two of them. He then raised his finger and pointed at Wan Lin and Wu Xueying to introduce to the students, "This is Instructor Wan and Instructor Wu from our base. "

Before Scorpion's voice could finish, the students' eyes were already on Wu Xueying's face, and a group of students began to whisper, and there was a "buzzing" discussion at the scene.

At this time, Wan Lin and Wu Xueying had already walked up to the trainee team. Wan Lin could see clearly at a glance that most of the trainees had Western faces. They were tall and burly, and their originally white skin was already exposed to the wind and the sun. Medium redness. There were only two dark-skinned blacks and two short Asian trainees in the queue.

Wan Lin glanced coldly at the students in front of him. Although he didn't understand what the students were talking about, he could already see from the faces of these students that the three students saw that all three of Chengru had Asian faces, and There was also a female instructor, and they were already stunned.

Now, they saw that they and Wu Xueying were also Asian-looking instructors, so they couldn't help but made a noise. The two Asians were whispering and raising their hands on their chests. They stared at Wu Xueying and Wen In the eyes of Meng's chest, an obscene look has already been revealed.

Wan Lin and the others frowned and stared at the group of students, their faces gloomy. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng stared at the two Asians with fiery eyes.

At this moment, the scorpion had also heard the students' discussions. He turned his head sharply to stare at the group of students, staring at the group of students, just as he was about to shout, Wan Lin suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him.

The scorpion turned his head to look at Wan Lin, Wan Lin shook his head at him, and reached out to stop Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were walking towards the two Asians. He straightened his back and suddenly shouted at the students standing in front. :"stand at attention!"

Scorpion was taken aback by Wan Lin's arm, and then he understood what Wan Lin meant to stop him. Wan Lin and the others are also the instructors of this group of students. The prestige of the instructor needs to be established by themselves, and he cannot be completely relied on to command this group of new students.

At this time, the group of students heard Wan Lin's sudden voice in Chinese, and most of the students looked at Wan Lin blankly. Obviously, they didn't understand Wan Lin's command voice shouted by Hua Xia Yu.

Only those two students with Asian faces suddenly looked away from Wu Xueying and Wen Meng's faces. They quickly lowered their arms and straightened their bodies to look at Wan Lin.

Wan Lin and the others quickly glanced at the students in front of them. They could see at a glance that the two Asians with sleazy eyes must be the R students mentioned by Stevens. Sturdy, with a gloomy look on his face, at first glance, he is not a good kind.

At this moment, Wu Xueying saw the dazed look of most of the students. She stared at the two R-descendants and shouted loudly in Y language, "Stand at attention!"

Her clear voice just called out All the students quickly stood at attention, but most of them looked at the delicate faces of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who looked at the tight faces of the two female instructors , followed by a playful smile on his face.

Cheng Ru saw that the group of students were not serious, and took a step forward in anger. Feng Dao also stood up from the rock on the side with a gloomy face, and there was an angry look in his two small eyes. flare.

Cheng Ru took a step forward. He pointed to a tall, burly student with a big nose standing at the end of the queue, and shouted sharply, "You, get out of the queue!"

At this time, Wen Meng heard Cheng Ru's roar, she immediately raised her finger and pointed at the big student to translate: "You, get out of the queue!" The other party heard Wen Meng's translation sound, raised his foot and took a step forward, he followed Looking down at Cheng Ru, who was a head shorter than himself, there was a careless smile on the corner of his mouth.

He then raised his sturdy arm to point at his nose, looked down at the instructor in front of him and asked with a smile in Y language: "Hey, are you calling me? What are you doing?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Cheng Ru and the big student standing in front of him. The big student was over 1.9 meters tall, more than a head taller than the instructor standing in front of him.

At this moment, his sturdy body stood in front of the queue like a big mountain, and his body was a circle bigger than the instructor in front of him. The students burst into laughter when they saw the disparate body proportions in front of them.

"What did you say I asked you to come out for?!" Cheng Ru roared angrily when he saw the laughing look on the other side's face, he raised his right hand suddenly, and slapped the other side's cheek with a "woo"!

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