Panther Commando

Chapter 4581: all foodies

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng saw that the three of Wan Lin were reaching for the sausage, and they suddenly reacted. The two of them reached out and grabbed the wooden plate on the table. Wu Xueying stared at Wan Lin and the three called Said: "Wait a while, why are you in a hurry? You can eat all this sausage."

"Hahahaha..." Scorpion and Wan Lin all burst into laughter, the wind knife said slowly while holding the sausage on the fork into his mouth, "For us foodies, it doesn't matter what kind of meat it is made of. Well, as long as it's delicious, you can slowly figure out what kind of meat it's made of."

Wen Meng heard Feng Dao's funny words, she laughed "puchi", she picked up the leaves on the wooden plate, poured a few pieces of sausage on it into Wu Xueying and her own bowl, then looked at Feng Dao and smiled Said: "Yes, yes, we are all foodies, as long as it is delicious."

Wu Xueying also hurriedly sat down, took two pieces of sausage with a fork and stuffed it into her mouth, she said vaguely, "Eat it first, what kind of meat it is."

She then looked at the scorpion and stared at it and shouted: "Brother scorpion, don't tell us this when we eat in the future. There is meat from your scorpion in the sausage, should we still eat it?" Lin Jiren complained: "You don't want to be gentle when you eat, you have eaten all the sausages in the leaves."

When Scorpion and Wan Lin heard Wu Xueying's cry, they all laughed "haha". They know that the average girl, whenever she hears mollusks like snakes and ugly animals like scorpions, immediately comes to mind with terrifying images of those animals.

Wan Lin chewed the delicious sausage hard and said with a smile, "Guarding you two foodies, can we still eat at Sven Point?"

Scorpion saw in the laughter that several people had already devoured the sausages, he said with a smile: "These sausages are indeed made from snake meat, mouse meat and other meat, and the taste is very unique. It is in the city here. , you can't taste such an authentic taste."

When Wu Xueying heard Scorpion's introduction, she stared at him and asked, "Ah, it's really made of those scary animal meat? You're not scaring us, are you?"

Scorpion looked at her and said, "It's not to scare you, it's true. This is a mountainous area, the land is barren, and it is turbulent all the year round, so food is scarce. In order to survive, the indigenous people here will make all the animals they can catch into food. , these sausages are really made from those scary animals, and they have a unique local spice added, so the taste is very unique."

He then looked at the three of Wan Lin and said, "It is precisely because the sausages are filled with these strange meats and spices, coupled with their unique smoking method, so the sausages here are unique and have a unique and attractive taste. In the city where you got off the plane, this kind of sausage is also sold everywhere on the market, but the taste is far worse than the sausage made by these indigenous tribes."

Wan Lin took a glass of milk and took a sip, then continued: "In the past, people said that when you go out, you want to eat local food, and the food sold in the city has lost its original taste. In the city beyond our hometown, there are also many sales. It's a souvenir shop, but the things in it can't compare with our mountains, and the taste is even worse."

At this time, Wu Xueying had finished eating the sausage in the bowl, she took a glass of milk and took a sip, then looked at the scorpion and asked, "Brother scorpion, although it sounds scary to think of, but this sausage is really delicious, is there anything else? Hey, this milk tastes good too, where did you find the milk?"

Scorpion replied with a smile: "Yes, Stevens asked the students to carry back several backpacks of local specialties, and they were strictly forbidden to open them. These milk are brewed with the best milk powder, and our logistics personnel will regularly go abroad. Purchasing, only the teachers can enjoy the milk and coffee.”

Cheng Ru heard Scorpion say that these local specialties were brought back by the new students, he looked at Scorpion and asked in astonishment, "Aren't these students running out of food on the way back, didn't they bring them out? Some hunger?"

Scorpion waved his hand and said: "No, for the students, the field survival training begins when they enter the mountains. On the way to the base, Stevens has been teaching the students to find edible wild vegetables, wild fruits and some vines to satisfy their hunger, and occasionally Catch some animals and insects to eat raw. Even in battle, they are hungry and never allow them to use the contents of their backpacks without authorization.”

When Wan Lin and the others heard this, they all looked at Scorpion with emotion. They knew that this was all for entertaining them. Wen Meng said moved: "Brother Scorpion, thank you so much."

Scorpion looked at the grateful eyes of several people and explained with a smile: "There is nothing to be thankful for. This is not only for you to taste the delicious food here, but also for training these new students."

He followed Wanlin and the others, and said solemnly: "We are a special forces training base, and real soldiers have to go through the process of starvation. If these people are kept in the wild, If they can't survive, they can't be real special forces."

When Wan Lin heard Scorpion's answer, he nodded and said: "Yes, Xu Liang also said when he reported to us that when they came to the base with you, they also experienced this kind of field survival training, and the three of them still After you fought with the enemy, Xu Liang gave us a detailed description of the battle process at that time, the battle was fierce and dangerous, and it was thanks to you that brought them to the base safely."

Scorpion immediately said: "Yes, this is the first lesson that all students must go through when they come here. Some students with poor quality died in the battle in the mountains on their way to the base. This process is indeed very dangerous."

He then sighed and said: "Stevens has a lot of combat experience. Under normal circumstances, we should have dispatched three instructors to pick up these dozen students, but because the base was attacked, the Falcon only sent him. Carrying out this mission, I didn't expect him to bring all the students back safely in such a dangerous situation, it's not easy."

Wan Lin looked at Scorpion with a dignified expression and nodded. He and Wu Xueying had already listened to Charlie and Stevens to introduce the battle process of these students here in detail, so they understood Scorpion's emotion.

Wan Lin looked at the scorpion and said, "Just now, Yingying and I have listened to Stevens and introduced in detail how this group of students came here. The situation at that time was indeed very dangerous. None of the students can get here alive. Speaking of which, you instructors are not lightly burdened. This job is indeed very dangerous, and you all have to be extra careful."

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