Panther Commando

Chapter 4583: Healing Elixir

When Wan Lin heard Scorpion's question, he sat quietly at the table and pondered for a moment, watching Scorpion and Chengru shaking their heads and answering, "No, their company sent them here to learn practical skills, not It's not good for us in China, let alone just a few of us. []"

He looked at Scorpion and said, "Before they came here, these students had already decided to come here for training. The company they belonged to, at most guessed that there were students from our Huaxia here, and did not expect that there would be instructors from Huaxia here. "

Wan Lin pondered for a while when he said this, and continued: "Now, if these two boys are really from those spy companies, they should just doubt our identity. Let's just wait and watch and be more vigilant."

Feng Dao also said: "Yes, it is easy to send people to monitor it. We will raise our vigilance secretly first, and once we find that they have misbehavior, we will find a way to deal with them."

He followed Wan Lin and said, "If these two boys are really spies, they will not miss the opportunity to collect any intelligence. I am afraid that your Falcon base is also the target of their intelligence collection. Therefore, they are likely to secretly carry the location or The communication device comes in, will we settle down in a few days and send someone to search their residence secretly first?"

When Wan Lin heard Feng Dao's suggestion, he turned his head to look at Scorpion who was sitting next to him and asked, "Scorpion, is this appropriate?" They were the guests that Charlie invited here, and he was really worried that this would violate the rules of the base.

Hearing Wan Lin's question, Scorpion understood that they were worried that these two boys were really intelligence-gathering spies. Just like the two spy trainees who were killed a few days ago, they secretly entered the base with electronic equipment.

He immediately replied: "No problem, I will report your guesses to Falcon, and ask him to order the telecommunications team of the base to send people to carry special equipment to search the residences of these students."

When Wan Lin heard Scorpion's answer, he glanced at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, who were already eager to try, and then replied with a smile: "Okay, then leave it to you. Let us know if there is any situation."

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng are experts in espionage warfare. If any of these students really carry espionage equipment, they will definitely not escape their scrutiny, so he wants them to be involved in the search. But he heard the scorpion saying that the staff of the base would be searched, so he quickly stopped his voice to prevent himself from interfering too much in the internal affairs of the falcon base.

Hearing that Wan Lin agreed with his suggestion, Scorpion picked up a small bag from a wooden pier on the side and said, "Okay, let's do it like this. By the way, Stevens brought back a package just now, and he asked me to take this to you."

After speaking, he handed the packet to Wan Lin and explained, "This is when Stevens was picking up the students at the airport. A Chinese man found Stevens and asked him to hand over the packet to Instructor Wan of Huaxia. Stevens didn't open it and didn't know what was inside."

He then sighed again and said, "You Chinese people are really amazing. He could see at a glance at the airport that Stevens is from our Falcon Base. It's terrible."

He then said with a smile: "Haha, if yours were our opponents, I'm afraid Stevens would have died before he received the students."

When Wan Lin heard Scorpion's sigh, he raised his head and glanced at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng. He knew that it must be Wang Molin's person. He had already seen from Stevens' behavior in responding to the students that he was from Eagle Falcon. will give things to him.

He stretched out his hand to take the packet and said with a smile, "No, our people are all friends of your Eagle Falcon base, and it will never be bad for you." He reached out to open the packet and looked inside. They all stretched their necks to look inside the bag, and several people's faces showed surprised expressions.

Wan Lin opened the small bag, reached out and took out a small bag tightly wrapped in a rain-proof cloth. Wu Xueying looked at the small bag and asked in puzzlement, "It's not long since we arrived here. What did they bring us?"

At this moment, Wan Lin stared at the package and sniffed hard, followed by a flash of light in his eyes, he gently untied the rainproof cloth on the package, and said in a sense, "It's from Xiaoya, She and Li Tou must have a hunch that we have already fought the enemy here, and this package contains the healing medicine that Grandpa gave her."

When Wan Lin and the others heard that it was Xiaoya who sent the healing medicine, their faces showed moved expressions. They already knew in their hearts that when they came out, due to the urgency of the task, each of them only brought a small amount of first aid medicine and personal belongings.

Xiaoya must have seen that she did not contact the military area in time to report the situation after she left, so she immediately judged that the battle was very fierce, so she quickly asked Wang Molin to find a way to send these healing medicines here just in case. .

At this time, the scorpion had also smelled a strange herbal smell from the package that Wan Lin opened He looked at Wan Lin and asked in surprise, "Is this all medicine for wounds?"

Wu Xueying reached out and took a bamboo tube from Wan Lin's hand. She looked at the bamboo tube and said gratefully, "This is my little sister who was worried about us and the leopard head, so I asked someone to send it."

Scorpion heard Wu Xueying's answer, looked up at her and asked, "Who is your little sister?" Just as Wu Xueying was about to answer, Wan Lin waved her hand and said, "It's our military doctor, she must have a premonition that the battle is fierce, so she asked People brought us these medicines, but we didn't expect them to come in handy, and we ran out of powders with us."

Wan Lin followed and put the packet on the table. He picked up a bamboo tube and handed it to Wen Meng and said, "Wen Meng, give the scorpion some medicine." The scorpion looked at the bamboo tube and asked in surprise, "What is this? What medicine, does it work?"

Wu Xueying glared at him and shouted, "What's the point? Didn't you see that the wounds of Brother Feng and I have started to heal? This is the healing medicine that my grandfather and sister Xiaoya concocted by themselves. Do you want to use it?"

Scorpion saw the little girl's big eyes, and he quickly shrank his neck and replied, "Use it, you must use it, this medicine will definitely work!" Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw the scorpion, Wan Lin laughed. He immediately grabbed the scorpion as his hand and carried a burst of infuriating energy into his body.

With luck, he probed the scorpion's body once, and then let go of his hand. He untied the bandage on the scorpion's wound and said, "Although your injury is better, the wound has not healed. Several meridians in the body have been blocked. Our powder can really speed up the healing of wounds." [This chapter first published. Love. have. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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