Panther Commando

Chapter 4588: fleeing herd

On the top of the mountain covered with jagged rocks, the male lion, who was looking at the three lionesses behind, suddenly heard the low roar of Xiaohua from the top of the side. His whole body shook violently in the roar, and then ran towards him. The three lionesses let out a howl.

The male lion then jumped up from the rock and jumped out to meet the three lionesses and the cubs behind. It flew backwards in panic, and gave a panicked roar from its open mouth.

Obviously, Xiaohua's roar at the three lionesses had already made the fierce lion's heart skip a beat, lest the fierce little king of the hill would hurt his lover and child.

On the top of the high mountain, the three lionesses saw the male lion suddenly fled back in panic. They quickly stopped and looked up at the little black shadow that sprang from the top of the mountain in front of them. There was an uneasy look in their eyes. The look of solution.

But when they saw the blue light projected by Xiao Hei, there was a look of fear in their eyes, and they turned around and jumped back with the fleeing lion.

The lions ran very fast, and in a blink of an eye they rushed to the front of the three little lions behind. The three lionesses lowered their heads, opened their mouths, grabbed the little lion in one bite, and immediately followed the male lion like a smoke. Jumped down from the top of the mountain behind. The huge rocks on the top of the mountain trembled slightly in the fast running of these beasts.

At this moment, the Eagle Falcon team members standing under the boulder and the two companions in the two outposts above stared blankly at the group of lions that suddenly fled, and they turned their heads to the side of the mountain.

Wan Lin is like a statue standing on the top of the mountain, standing upright on a rock more than two meters high. He is holding a long sniper rifle in his right hand, and his two piercing eyes are staring at him as he flees. The pride of the lions, his helmeted face showed no expression.

The three Eagle Falcon team members moved their gazes and looked to the side of the hillside. Just now, they had heard the deafening roar from the side hillside, and also saw the flashing blue light. At this time, several people thought that some ferocious large animals appeared on the side hillside, otherwise, how could those ferocious lions suddenly escape.

But they turned their heads, only to see wild beasts running away on the hillside. The herd of beasts that were rushing towards the top of the mountain actually turned around and ran towards the surrounding mountains.

Clouds of thick dust and mist rising from the mountains are extending to the distant mountains, and there are no terrifying large beasts on the side slopes at all.

The three Eagle Falcon team members looked at the top of the mountain behind in surprise. Several Huaxia instructors were already standing among the rocks, all of them holding weapons and standing quietly on the top of the mountain, with no signs of nervousness on their faces. The terrifying sight of the fierce beast rushing just now did not seem to touch these Huaxia instructors at all.

Just when the three Eagle Falcon members were startled, they suddenly saw a black shadow in the air out of the corner of their eyes. They quickly turned their heads to look, and only then did they see the kitten that had been following a few Huaxia people. The edge of the mountain leaped like lightning and rushed towards Instructor Wan, who was standing on the rock on the side.

In the blink of an eye, the little animal was already standing on Instructor Wan's shoulder. It looked coldly at the fleeing lions, and then lay lazily on Wan Lin's shoulder, as if nothing had happened.

The three Eagle Falcon team members looked at each other in astonishment, then turned to look at the opposite cliff top. On the top of the high cliff and the rolling mountains on the opposite side, there is also a dust mist. The thick dust mist is gradually drifting away from the dense black spots, and the dust mist on the cliffs around the Tiankeng is slowly dissipating.

At this time, a rush of questions sounded in everyone's earphones at the same time: "I'm Sean, what's going on in the surrounding mountains?" The Eagle Falcon team members standing under the boulder immediately reported: "**Observation post report, I don't know why. The herd that rushed just now left suddenly, and no suspicious persons were found within our alert range."

While reporting into the microphone, he looked at several Huaxia instructors behind him. He was really puzzled. The ferocious animals just rushed towards the top of the mountain regardless, but as several Chinese instructors suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain, these ferocious beasts turned and fled away.

What happened just now really shocked him. But he didn't see why? Let these hordes of beasts gather here, and then disperse in a panic.

At this time, the sound of several other observation posts also came from his earphones, the herds of beasts in the surrounding mountains were retreating, and the thick dust and mist in the surrounding mountains were dissipating.

As soon as the reports from several observation posts around the Tiankeng fell, Wan Lin and the others heard a hurried question from the scorpion: "Instructor Wan, are you safe?" Wan Lin looked up and retreated into the mountains in the distance. The herd of beasts replied: "Safety, we are beside the observation post."

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Scorpion pondered for a moment and asked, "Instructor Wan, what happened just now? Could it be that there are a large number of enemies in the surrounding mountains, these beasts are avoiding danger and fleeing to our mountains. Wan Lin heard the scorpion's question, he gently stroked the little flower lying on his shoulders, while hesitantly looked up in the air. He knew in his heart that all this was caused by the little flower's disturbance, But he couldn't explain it to the scorpions, and he really couldn't explain this strange phenomenon to them.

He stared at the dark clouds in the distance and pondered for a moment. Suddenly, he replied to the microphone: "No, maybe it was the weather that caused these animals to flock here."

When he said this, he turned his head and glanced at the mountains that had gradually returned to calm, and then said: "Fortunately, the brothers at the guard post on the top of the cliff are not in danger. Now the surrounding herds have receded, don't worry about them, I guess they are I won't come again." After Wan Lin finished speaking, he pressed the flower on his shoulder with his left hand, twisted and jumped off the top of the rock lightly.

At this time, the Eagle Falcon team members and Cheng Ru, who were standing under the boulder and on the top of the mountain behind them, had already strode to Wan Lin's side. The Eagle Falcon team members walked in front of Wan Lin and looked at Xiao Hua with a puzzled look on their faces.

He raised his finger and pointed at Xiao Hua who was lying on Wan Lin's shoulder and asked, "Instructor Wan, is it not injured? It was too scary just now! I have seen a few leopards and several groups of hyenas running on the hillside. These Animals are too dangerous." The two Falcon team members on the boulder also stuck their heads out and looked at Xiaohua

Seeing the puzzled expressions on the faces of the Falcon team members in front of them, Wan Lin and the others knew that they were already suspecting that the beasts that were flying over were all coming towards the little animal, Xiaohua, but they didn't believe it in their hearts. All that you see in front of you.

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