Panther Commando

Chapter 4590: cave in the sky

In the dimness, the figure of the scorpion and the other person were leaning against a rock on the side of the grass. One of them pressed his hand on a thick wooden stake on the side. The scorpion was looking up and shouting loudly.

Just when Wan Lin and the others were trying to distinguish the scorpion's cry, the little flower that Wen Meng was holding suddenly shot out a blue light in the dimness, and it broke away from Wen Meng's embrace and went straight to the steep rock wall behind.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaohua was already standing on the steep rock behind the lift, and her eyes flashed blue light, and she let out a low roar at Wan Lin and the others.

Wan Lin and the others heard Xiao Hua's anxious roar, and they quickly turned their heads to look at the dark cliff behind the elevator, only to find Xiao Hua standing on the edge of a dark cave on the cliff, with blue light in her eyes greeting them Come in quickly. At this time, in the howling wind, they understood the meaning of the scorpion shouting below,

Wan Lin quickly stood up, grabbed the wind knife's arm and lifted him to the edge of the cave. At this time, Wen Meng quickly took out the flashlight from her body, and she turned on the flashlight to shine on the cliff. The wind knife drilled into the hole in the electric light. He leaned against the wall of the cave, stretched out his right hand and shouted: "Laocheng, send Yingying in."

Cheng Ru grabbed Wu Xueying's slender waist with both hands in the voice of Feng Dao, lifted her up and shoved her in front of Feng Dao, Feng Dao stretched out his hand and pulled her into the hole. At this time, Wan Lin had already turned around to grab Wen Meng and Xie Chao, and then pushed them into the cave.

At this moment, the tumbling dark clouds had already shrouded the top of the tiankeng, and the huge tiankeng suddenly became invisible. A silver-white electric light tore through the thick cloud layer, and then shot into the dark canyon.

In the blink of an eye, the pitch-black canyon was suddenly illuminated by lightning like daytime. The lightning slid past the lift where Wan Lin and the others were, and then hit a tree trunk as thick as one person at the bottom of the cliff.

"Kara", a huge thunder followed from the top of Wan Lin and the others! In the bright lightning, the big tree dozens of meters away from the side of the two scorpions had been broken by the lightning in the middle!

A red spark flew around like fireworks. The top half of the trunk of the big tree, with the lush branches and leaves on the top of the tree, fell diagonally to the side, and a fire followed from the broken trunk.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru quickly pushed a few people around them into the cave, and the two followed them in the middle of the explosion. They slammed the pedals under the already inclined lift, and the two rushed into the cave behind the lift.

The two rushed into the cave and held on to the cave wall with their hands. They stuck their heads out of the cave and faced the cliff. They raised their true energy and shouted loudly, "Scorpions, hurry up and enter the cave!"

At this time, the bottom of the cliff was pitch-dark, only the big tree on the side that was hit by the explosion was blowing a red flame in the gust of wind, and the two Scorpions were no longer visible at the bottom of the cliff.

Wan Lin hurriedly looked up into the air. Pieces of dark clouds blown by the gust of wind had already shrouded the sky above the Tiankeng. There seemed to be countless silver snakes flying in the violently rolling black clouds, and thunderous explosions came one after another.

In the huge tiankeng, there were flashes of firelight struck by lightning. The dense canopy of the woods on the opposite side of the canyon was swaying violently with the howling wind, and the entire canyon was no longer visible in the flickering electric light.

Wan Lin quickly glanced at Gu Zhong, and then he retracted his head back into the hole. He anxiously shouted to the microphone beside his mouth: "Scorpion, scorpion!" In his hurried shouting, bursts of "Kakaka" came from the earphones. "Click" noise, there is no response from the scorpion at all.

Cheng Ru and several others were also standing in the pitch-black cave, calling anxiously into the microphone. Their faces had already turned pale from the flashing electric light outside, and their eyes were full of extreme nervousness.

Wan Lin and the others already understood that the two Scorpions must have rushed under the cliff at the risk of being struck by lightning in order to meet them. At the moment when the thunder sounded, they urgently pressed the stop button of the elevator and parked the rapidly descending elevator in mid-air, allowing them to drill into the cave in time amid the dangerous thunder and lightning, and escape the danger of being hit by the thunder.

If the two Scorpions had an accident at the bottom of the cliff, it would really make several people feel uneasy. Just when Wan Lin and the others were anxious, two flashlight beams suddenly flashed from the side cave, and the voice of the scorpion came from the side hole: "Instructor Wan, we're fine!"

Wan Lin and the others were overjoyed when they heard Scorpion's voice, and they quickly turned around and walked over. In the flashlight beam, Scorpion and the captain of the guard, Sean, who was in charge of the Tiankeng vigilance, were striding forward with their flashlights in their hands.

Wan Lin strode up to meet him, he grabbed Scorpion's arm and said, "It's too dangerous, are you all alright?" He glanced up and down at the Scorpions, then looked at this Sean and said, "Sean, you're fighting. Why haven't you rested all night?" Wu Xueying quickly translated Wan Lin's question into Y language, she knew that Sean did not speak Chinese.

After Xiao En listened to Wen Meng's translation, he replied with a smile: "Hehe, I just washed and was about to go to I received a report that the mountains were dusty and misty outside, and there seemed to be a large group of people. It came to Tiankeng, so I quickly got up from the bed, but I didn’t expect the herd of beasts to come to us.”

He raised his flashlight and glanced at Wan Lin and the others, then said with a smile: "Hehe, I didn't expect that the beasts just retreated, and the gods have done it with us again. Grandma, this is not wanting to let me sleep. Oh! Hehe, I met a scorpion outside just now, and he said you were on the top of the cliff, which scared me at the time, so the two of us quickly ran under the lift."

Scorpion also said in a somewhat stiff Chinese language: "Xie Chao is riding this lift for the first time. He doesn't know that the lift will pass through several caves and can temporarily avoid lightning."

He then raised the flashlight and tapped the helmet on his head, then said: "It's up to me, I saw that the weather was fine in the morning, so I didn't explain to him in detail how to park the elevator in an emergency, so I saw Sean Afterwards, quickly pull him to the bottom of the cliff and let him press the stop button urgently according to your position."

When Wan Lin heard what Xiao En said, he gratefully said to them, "When the lightning hit the big tree beside you just now, it scared us too. I'm really worried that you will have an accident."

Scorpion glanced at the flashing electric light outside the cave, and said with a smile: "It's okay, we have long been used to the weather here. The weather here is unpredictable, and often a dark cloud will fly over on a sunny day, followed by lightning and thunder in the Tiankeng. , The rainstorm is like note. Now there is a strong wind outside, this dark cloud will be blown away in a while, and this kind of rainstorm will not last."

: . :

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