Panther Commando

Chapter 4604: Jedi Strikes Back

Taniguchi's open space was silent, and all the students looked serious, looking at the two new instructors in front of them, a man and a woman. Wu Xueying let out a stern roar, and glanced at the surrounding students with sharp eyes.

Seeing that no one had stepped forward, she raised her hand and took off the assault rifle on her shoulder, twisted and stuffed it into Cheng Ru's hand, and then she was about to step forward with her feet raised.

At this moment, Wen Meng, who had been standing in the back, had already stuffed the little flower she was holding into Feng Dao's arms. She took off the sniper rifle behind her and handed it to Xu Liang, followed by stepping over to Wu Xueying and said, "Yingying. , you go down, and I'll come and experience this student's fighting skills."

In the voice, Wen Meng stepped in front of the two students in the field, stared at them and said coldly, "You two come up together!" At this time, Wen Meng's voice was clear and cold, like pieces of ice. The mans generally stabbed the faces of the two students in front of him.

The two students were startled, and their faces suddenly became solemn. At this time, they already felt that a fierce murderous aura was rushing towards their faces following the clear voice of the female instructor in front of them!

They really didn't expect that this beautiful-looking female instructor who had been standing quietly by the side without making a sound could actually look like a different person after stepping into the arena, and her whole body was filled with a strong fighting spirit. , The pair of originally clear and bright big eyes on the other side's face has also poured out a fierce murderous aura!

The students around were also stunned, as were the three instructors, Scorpion, Johnny, and Tucker. At this time, they have also felt the murderous aura gushing out of the female instructor, and everyone's faces became solemn at this time.

These students have experienced many actual combat training in this mountain. Like the instructors like Scorpion, they all know that only those who have experienced the baptism of bullets, smoke and artillery, and only those soldiers who have faced the enemy face to face many times to the death, The body will emit such a fierce murderous aura!

Just as the two students on the field stared blankly at the female instructor in front of him, Wan Lin raised his finger and pointed at the student's squad leader, Bobcat, and he said coldly in Y language, "You, go down!"

Hearing the icy voice, Lynx turned to look towards Wan Lin. When he saw the majestic look on the male instructor's face, he involuntarily followed the icy voice of the other side, raised his feet and stepped back.

At the moment when the bobcat pulled back, Wen Meng raised her left hand and faltered on the opponent's face, and shouted crisply, "Come on!" She knew that the other party would not take the lead on her female instructor, so she shot Fake a move in front of the opponent's face.

The tiger, who is more than 1.9 meters tall, looked down at the female instructor who was more than two feet short. He shook his big head suddenly, followed by raising his hands in a boxing stance, and shouted loudly at the same time. : "Be careful!" With a rough roar, he slammed his left fist towards Wen Meng's helmet.

At this moment, the pupils in everyone's eyes shrank involuntarily, and their eyes were fixed on the two people in the field. At this moment, the fist that this tiger threw out was like a hammer that had been swung into the garden. With a fierce wind in the air, it went straight to the beautiful face of the female instructor and smashed it. The big fist almost covered the female instructor's face. beautiful face,

Just as the tiger's fist hit the opponent's face, the female instructor on the field suddenly took a half-step, her slender body side, her right hand stretched forward like lightning. She put her right hand on the arm hit by the strong man, and then suddenly exerted force on the other's arm, and slammed it behind her.

"Yeah," the tiger groaned, and rushed forward two steps out of nowhere. He didn't expect the opponent's move to be so quick, so he followed to stand firm, turned around and roared, "Okay!" In the roar, his feet One step forward, he rushed to the female instructor again, his left hand was in front of his face, his right fist went from bottom to top, and hit Wen Meng's chin with a "woo"!

The movements of the two of them on the field were extremely fast. While Wen Meng vigorously threw each other out, he suddenly turned around to look at the staggering opponent. But as soon as she turned around, she suddenly saw the other party rushing in front of her like a mountain, and a horrified look suddenly flashed in her eyes. Wan Lin and the others who were standing on the sidelines saw the other party turn around and charge again, and their faces also showed nervous expressions.

Wen Meng and Wan Lin thought that the powerful force thrown by the other party in the forward charge and Wen Meng would definitely stumble back several steps, and they would most likely fall to the ground in this superimposed force.

But they didn't expect that the opponent's bottom plate was so solid, and they turned around and launched a second attack in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the opponent's big fist had hit Wen Meng in front of him.

In the interim, Wen Meng's **** eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, and her upper body leaned back like a willow. The opponent's big fist made a "woo", rubbing against her reclined chest and flying over.

Wen Meng leaned back, raised her right foot up, and kicked the opponent's chest with a "slap" kick, and her figure immediately used the strength of the opponent's forward ~ Shot backwards like an arrow.

She followed and rolled back in the air, standing firmly on the soil two meters away, with her feet on the soil like nails, her feet filled with internal force had already stepped deeply into the soil.

"Okay!" A deafening roar suddenly erupted from the surroundings, and the students standing on the sidelines couldn't help but cheer. They originally thought that the female instructor would definitely fall under the tiger's heavy fist.

But they did not expect that under impossible circumstances, this female instructor not only escaped the inevitable attack of her companions, but also kicked the tiger's chest with agility, and exited the opponent's attack range in time. This Jedi counterattack really opened their eyes.

At this time, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru had grabbed Scorpion and Tucker who were about to rush out, and Feng Dao also grabbed Johnny who was leaning on a wooden crutch. Just now, Scorpion, Tucker and Johnny saw Wen Meng, a female sniper, in distress, and the three of them rushed into the arena in horror.

Now they saw that the female instructor not only avoided the opponent's attack with agility, but also kicked the opponent's chest fiercely.

Tiger's right punch is empty, and his left punch is about to hit from the side. At this moment, there was a heavy hitting sound of "pop" on his chest full of muscles.

His tall body swayed violently, and a painful muffled sound came out of his mouth. The left hand he was about to strike covered his chest, and his face instantly turned pale.


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