Panther Commando

Chapter 4608: flying silhouette

At this time, Wan Lin only leaned back in the fierce attack of the opponent, raised his left hand to face the enemy, and stood on the spot with his feet like nails, without taking a half step back.

Just as Wan Lin raised his arm, the right foot of the lynx kicked down suddenly. At this moment, his body suddenly took a step forward, and his left fist went straight to Wan Lin's chest.

The Bobcat's movements were extremely fast. At this moment, he had stepped in front of Wan Lin, and his hard fist roared and hit Wan Lin's chest. Everyone around looked at the sudden punch from the Bobcat, and everyone's breathing seemed to suddenly stop at this moment.

The moment Lynx's fist hit Wan Lin's chest, Wan Lin's right hand, which was hanging by his side, suddenly raised upwards. The knife in his right hand came first, hitting the opponent's wrist like lightning. Lynx's left arm Swing out violently.

The Bobcat moved extremely fast. The moment he was hit by the opponent on the wrist of his left hand, he turned his body sideways, his right hand jutted forward, and grabbed Wan Lin's raised right wrist.

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes, his body twisted sharply in the direction his left arm swung out, his crotch was attached to Wan Lin's body, and he grabbed Wan Lin's wrist with his right hand and threw it forward vigorously, trying to push the Wan Lin just threw it off his shoulder and pressed it to the ground!


At the moment when the lynx grabbed Wan Lin's wrist and threw it forward vigorously, his right arm seemed to be pulling a mountain, and the other party didn't move at all.

However, there was a sudden "pop" under his feet, followed by a sharp pain in his ankles, his feet suddenly flew off the ground, and his body was in the air in an instant.

Lynx was startled. He was about to let go of the opponent's right hand, when a force suddenly came from the palm of his hand. He clenched the fingers of the opponent's wrist tightly and involuntarily opened them out.

At this moment, his right wrist suddenly tightened, and the right hand of the instructor in front of him suddenly turned up, grabbed his wrist and threw it out to the side, and the bobcat was flying upwards and went straight to the side of the empty space with a "woo". Fly to the ground!

The situation on the field suddenly changed dramatically. The surrounding students saw that the instructor on the field was about to be thrown out by the Bobcat. Everyone's eyes just showed joy, but in a blink of an eye, they saw that the figure flying out was actually a Bobcat, and that one. The new instructor still stood firmly in place. This dazzling change made all the students wide-eyed.

The three instructors, Scorpion, Johnny, and Tucker, all stared at the flying lynx in stunned eyes. Just now, the Bobcats and Wan Lin moved extremely fast. The two of them had already made several moves in a row, but they didn't fully see the changes on the field.

Just now, they clearly saw that Instructor Wan's wrist was grabbed by the lynx, and the lynx moved very quickly to get close to Instructor Wan, and grabbed Instructor Wan's arm with his right hand and threw it out vigorously. But they didn't expect that the one who flew out was not the instructor Wan on the field, but the Lynx who already had the upper hand. This really caught them by surprise!

Just as everyone stared at the field in dumbfounded manner, the lynx had already curled up into a ball in the air. When he landed, he rolled on the ground for two weeks, followed by pressing his hands on the mud in front of him, and got up and jumped up from the ground. But he just started to whisper, and his feet staggered forward a few steps under strong inertia, and then he stood firm and turned to look at the instructor behind.

Instructor Wan on the field was still standing there, but his feet didn't move at all. At this time, Wan Lin saw that he had stood firm, and he looked at the Bobcat and said coldly, "You are really good, go ahead!"

Lynx looked at Wan Lin in horror. He heard the voice of the instructor in front of him. He raised his right wrist that was hit by the opponent and turned it twice, then raised his foot and walked to Wan Lin again.

Wan Lin looked at his left hand holding the right wrist that he had hit, and he asked coldly, "Can we continue?" Lynx suddenly released the still painful wrist, and threw his right hand twice, and he lifted it. Looking at the instructor in front of him, he replied solemnly, "No problem!"

After speaking, he spread his feet apart, raised his hand and assumed an offensive stance. He looked at the instructor in front of him and said in a low voice, "Instructor, please be careful!" In his voice, he suddenly punched forward with his left fist.

At this time, he already knew that he had met a rare martial artist! The opponent didn't launch an attack just now, but he threw himself out unexpectedly while on the defensive.

Moreover, when the opponent raised his hand to block him, his wrist was still sore now, which showed that the opponent's strength and reaction had far surpassed him, the so-called Lynx student.

Before the words in Lynx's mouth fell, he raised his hands to protect his chest, his body was slightly sideways, his left leg was raised diagonally upwards, his calf followed like a spring, and he went straight to Wan Lin's ear with a "woo" .

As soon as he stopped on the field, a fierce wind sounded immediately, and the expressions of the people around became nervous again, and their eyes were fixed on the field.

At this moment, Wan Lin's quietly standing body suddenly moved, his left arm raised to protect his side, and his right hand, like a machete, slashed across the opponent's right calf.

At this moment, Lynx's right leg retracted like He landed on his right foot and took half a step forward, his body was slightly sideways, and his right elbow went straight to Wan Lin's exposed right rib and hit him. .

Wan Lin took a half-step forward with his left foot. He let go of the elbow that the opponent had hit hard. He raised his right hand, which was slashing at the opponent's right leg, and suddenly pressed it towards the opponent's chest lightly.

Bobcat stared at Wan Lin's palms, his pupils shrank suddenly, he slammed his feet on the ground hard, and his body stepped back like a spring. He took two steps back, followed by a shudder, his face instantly turned pale, and he looked at the instructor in front of him in horror.

This fluffy palm to outsiders has already taken him by surprise! The seemingly fluttering palm was actually extremely fast, and it had already touched his chest in an instant.

A bone-piercing chill followed the opponent's palm, hitting his heart. If it weren't for his extremely fast retreat, the other party's palm with icy cold air would have been firmly attached to his chest.

At this moment, Wan Lin stared intently at the opponent's face. The palm he hit just now really used the cold art taught by the Taoist priest Xuanxu Guan.

Since he has practiced this kind of cold art, he has not found a chance to use this magical kung fu in close combat. The last time he used it was against that mysterious rebel, but that rebel's fighting skills were simply not enough to make him go all out. Do this kind of cold work.

So, after seeing that the lynx in front of him had good fighting skills, he suddenly raised half of Xuanxu Guan's internal strength and gently slapped the opponent's chest in order to observe the effect of this cold skill in actual combat.

: . :

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