Panther Commando

Chapter 4610: suspicious look

Wind Knife's bandaged arm was hanging on his chest, looking at the three scorpions and continued: "Lynx feels restrained everywhere, and his self-confidence has been affected. In this case, he can't continue to fight with Instructor Wan at all."

He followed and looked at the Bobcats who were walking to the sidelines, and said in a low voice, "The palm that Instructor Wan shot just now seemed to be light and powerless, but in fact, the palm of his hand has already stimulated a cold internal force. You didn't see the Bobcats withdrawing. Afterwards, your face has turned pale, and your whole body is shaking slightly?"

At this time, Cheng Ru also turned his head to look at the three of Scorpions and said in a low voice: "The fighting level of the two of them is not at the same level. ."

At that time, Cheng Ru and a few people saw Lynx's pale face and trembling appearance, and already understood that Wan Lin had shot a cold palm, and at this time, they were indeed shocked.

Several of them know that Wan Lin has completely refined the Yin and Cold Internal Skill that was passed on to him by the Daoist of Nothingness, but he has not seen him use it in close combat, so no one has seen this internal skill in actual combat with his own eyes. The performance in , and now they see the bobcat trembling in Wan Lin's palm, they are really pleasantly surprised.

Cheng Ru watched Scorpion and the three of them explained, and then looked at Lynx who had walked to the sidelines and said with some regret: "Alas, we originally wanted to see this kid's Sambo fighting moves, but I didn't expect him to voluntarily admit defeat so soon. ."

When the three Scorpions heard Feng Dao and Cheng Ru's explanation, they recalled the moves they made just now, and then nodded in admiration.

The black instructor Tucker said in astonishment: "Instructor Wan's fighting skills are incredible! This lynx's fighting skills are extremely strong, even if an instructor like me fights against him, I'm afraid there is no chance of winning, I didn't expect Instructor Wan to take this kid completely suppressed."

Before he could finish his sentence, Wan Lin, who was standing in the field, had already glanced coldly at the students who were whispering, and he followed up and said loudly in a blunt Y language: "Is there anyone else who wants to come up for the test?"

The students who were whispering around Lynx and Tiger heard the instructor on the field suddenly asking, and everyone quickly straightened their backs and looked at the field, but no one dared to take a step forward. All seemed very serious.

At this time, Tucker already understood the reason why the Bobcats conceded defeat. He raised his foot and stepped beside Wan Lin, looked at Wan Lin and said loudly: "Instructor Wan, you have worked hard! Thank you for giving us instructors and students a wonderful game. 's fighting demo, thank you!"

After speaking, Tucker suddenly stood upright with his feet, watching Wan Lin raise his hand in a salute, then lowered his arm again, stretched out his hands and firmly grasped Wan Lin's right hand and shook it. He knew that Wan Lin's military rank was much higher than him, so he raised his hand towards Wan Lin and raised his hand in salute to thank him.

Seeing the sincerity of the black instructor, Wan Lin raised his hand in return and said with a smile: "It's nothing, exchange combat skills with the students, this is also the responsibility of our new instructors, to be able to learn from students like Lynx, this It's my honor."

Saying that, he looked up at the students who were standing at attention on the sidelines. Seeing that there were no more students on the court, he looked at Tucker and said politely in Y language: "It's delayed your training, you continue, let's go to the front canyon to see Look."

Just when Wan Lin was about to turn around and walk off the court, a voice suddenly sounded from the sidelines: "Report!" Wan Lin and Tucker looked up, and the student Bobcat looked at them and shouted.

Tucker's face turned gloomy immediately. He thought that the lynx suddenly regretted it again and wanted to challenge Instructor Wan again. With a gloomy face, he shouted: "Lynx, get out, what are you doing?" The right hand has reached the holster on the leg.

Seeing Tucker's action, Wan Lin quickly reached out and grabbed his arm. He stared at the Lynx who had already taken a step and asked coldly, "Why, do you still want to come up and try?"

After he finished speaking, he let go of Tucker's arm, raised his foot and took a big step forward. His two hidden eyes stared coldly at each other's face.

The Bobcats saw the angry expressions of the two instructors in front of them, and immediately understood that the other party had misunderstood what he meant, and knew that they both thought they had backtracked, and they had to enter the arena to continue the challenge.

He quickly waved his hands, looked at Wan Lin and explained, "Reporting the instructor, that's not what I meant, I was convinced that I lost, I just wanted to ask you for advice, what the **** was the cold wind and hot wind that you hit me just now? ?"

At this moment, when the students around heard the voice of the Bobcat, they immediately remembered that the Bobcat was pale and trembling slightly on the field just now. Work hard!

Everyone followed and looked at the instructor in the field in astonishment, and then they all started talking in a low voice. One of the students said to the students next to him: "Is this instructor using Huaxia's internal skills? It is said that it is lower than us. The few Huaxia students in the first class are all masters of internal skills, and they have no rivals in their class."

When everyone heard his, they all looked up at Xu Liang and Yan Ying standing under the rock at Taniguchi, and then looked at Wan Lin on the field and several new instructors standing on the sidelines, A suspicious look appeared on everyone's face.

When Wan Lin heard Lynx's answer, he immediately understood that Lynx had indeed conceded defeat. He just wanted to know what kind of kung fu the opponent was using. This is indeed normal for a person who is proficient in martial arts.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to answer, he immediately heard the voices of the students on the sidelines, seeing everyone's skeptical expressions, he immediately understood that these students had already suspected that these newly arrived instructors were from China from the kung fu he used.

He pondered for a moment, looked at Bobcat and said loudly in Y language: "Very good, as an excellent soldier, failure is not terrible, the terrible thing is not knowing how to defeat your opponent. The students behind you have already judged that I I used Huaxia's kung fu just now."

When he said this, he walked up to the Bobcats and said, "These new instructors, although we come from all over the world, we are indeed Chinese instructors." He said this with a smile on his face. Said: "My Y language level is limited, I'd better ask a translator."

At this time, Wan Lin knew in his heart that there were many martial arts masters among these students. They had already seen from their own moves that they were using Huaxia Kungfu. All the students suspected that they were from China.

He knew that the more he concealed it at such a time, the more he would arouse the suspicions of the students, so he simply admitted that several of his instructors were Chinese instructors, and they were indeed using Chinese Kung Fu, so as to avoid too many associations among these students.

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