Panther Commando

Chapter 4626: Care for the calf

Just now, Cheng Ru and several people saw that Wan Lin had rushed in front of the leopard, but he did not insert the sharp saber in his hand, and they were a little puzzled in their hearts, they were afraid that Wan Lin would be bitten by the big leopard in front of them. One mouthful, so he hurried over with a gun.

Now, when they saw the crooked little leopard, they understood the reason why Wan Lin did not kill this fierce leopard. The big leopard in front of them must be a nursing female leopard.

The student who was injured just now must have inadvertently approached the two leopards, one big and one small, so the female leopard was eager to protect her calves, so she fiercely attacked this group of students to prevent her cubs. hurt by someone.

At this time, the big leopard that was kicked away by Wan Lin had already "snapped" and landed on the forest floor six or seven meters above the hillside. It rolled over and climbed up from the ground, and then shook vigorously. He glanced at that huge head.

Obviously, this leopard has been beaten by Xie Chao and Wan Lin's palms and kicks with internal force, and its body is already shaking when it just stood up.

It shook its big head vigorously, then staggered and rushed to the side of the forest, and then it looked down into the forest in a panic, and there was an anxious look in its eyes.

It immediately saw that the little leopard was running towards it crookedly, and it immediately let out a low roar of delight, jumping up from the forest above and rushing towards the little leopard.

The mother leopard rushed in front of the little leopard and stopped, immediately raised her head, opened her mouth wide, and made a threatening roar at the group of people below.

At this time, it saw that the people below were not chasing after it, so it lowered its head and picked up the little leopard on the ground, turned around and ran limping to the side of the forest. A group of people watched, lest they catch up and hurt the cub it was carrying.

At this time, the students at Linbian had already embraced John who was thrown out by Wan Lin.

They ran into the forest and saw the scene in front of them. A group of people silently lowered their guns and quietly looked at the leopard that fled with its cub in its mouth. No one said a word, and the faces were full of murderous intent just now. It has become peaceful at this moment.

Everyone was relieved when they saw that this leopard full of motherly love did not continue to charge. At this moment, in the dense forest on the side, there was a sudden sound of "wow wow" shaking the branches and leaves. Wan Lin's brows immediately wrinkled, and he looked towards the forest above the side following the sound.

A leopard with a larger body covered in patterns suddenly jumped out of the dense woods above the side. It saw the female leopard running with her cubs in her mouth, and immediately stopped, and fiercely rushed towards the forest below. Wan Lin looked at a group of people.

It stared at the group of people below, raised its head and let out a deafening roar, its two front claws grabbed the woodland under it, sat back, and was about to rush down into the forest below!

A group of practitioners saw another ferocious big leopard suddenly sprang out. They immediately raised their guns to aim at the leopard, and there was a burst of "crash, crash" sound of gun bolts in the forest.

"Don't shoot!" Wan Lin shouted in a blunt Y language. He followed and took a step forward, holding his true energy and facing the leopard who was about to pounce, imitating Xiao Hua's voice and making a deafening leopard roar !

Wan Lin's roar when he mentioned his true qi was deafening, and the branches and leaves on the surrounding tree trunks shook violently with the roar. The leopard, who was about to save, trembled all over, and a look of panic flashed in its two furious eyes.

It looked around in a panic, and then stared blankly at Wan Lin who stepped out below, as if not believing that the roar just now was the voice of the person below.

At this time, the female leopard with the cub in her mouth had already run crookedly to the big leopard's side. It made bursts of "woohoo" in its mouth, and then limped away from her companion. He ran over, and there was another anxious "woo woo" sound in the dense forest.

The big leopard heard the screams from the woods behind, and then glanced at the surrounding woods in a panic, then turned around and ran into the woods behind, and disappeared into the dense woods in a blink of an eye.

Wan Lin saw that the three leopards had already left, so he turned to look behind him. He ordered to the students who were still raising their guns and aiming at the surrounding forest: "Put down all the guns!" He followed a step and stepped in front of John, whose arms were already bleeding.

He looked at John's arm carefully, and asked in a blunt Y language, "John, did you hurt any bones?" John pushed away a student who was supporting him, looked at Wan Lin and replied, "It's fine, it's just the leopard's attack. The claws scratch a little skin, and it will be fine in two days!"

John turned to look at the student who had just been attacked by the leopard and asked, "Howard, how are you?" The student, who had been scratched by the leopard's claws, quickly stood at attention and replied, "Report to Instructor John, I'm fine, but the leopard's arm was wounded by the leopard. Grab a few times." He followed John and Wan Lin and said loudly, "Thank you, instructor!"

At this time Scorpion walked to the student's side, he picked up the opponent's arm and took a closer look at the claw marks on it, then stared at the opponent's **** again, frowned and said, "What's the matter? You show it all. The **** **** is gone, hurry back to the cave to get some medicine!" Everyone heard the scorpion's cry, and all looked behind the boy,

"Ah?" The boy screamed, and turned his head to look behind him. He followed with an embarrassed look at the two female instructors standing opposite, and quickly covered his **** with his hands and limped out of the forest. .

At this time, everyone has seen that the trousers on the boy's buttocks and the pants inside have been torn apart by the leopard's sharp claws, and his white buttocks are already dripping with blood.

Everyone looked at his embarrassed appearance, and all laughed "hahahaha", Wu Xueying and Wen Meng also covered their mouths, turned their heads to look at the side of the forest and laughed "giggling".

Everyone understands that in the extreme tension just now, this kid must not realize that his **** has been scratched by the leopard that rushed behind him. Now he saw the presence of the two female instructors, so he quickly ran away with his **** covered.

John smiled and ordered to the two students standing beside him, "Follow him to the clinic and block his ass." The two students replied and ran after the boy with a smile.

Wan Lin smiled and watched the student run towards the back of the canyon. He then looked at John's arm whose sleeves had been torn open by the leopard and said, "John, your arm is bleeding. Go back and get some medicine?"


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