Panther Commando

Chapter 4628: lakes and mountains

Wan Lin took off the sniper rifle from his shoulder. He looked at the long sniper rifle in his hand and continued: "Now, we are all soldiers with weapons in our hands, and we will not kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

"The muzzle in the hands of our Chinese soldiers is only aimed at those gangsters who do all kinds of evil, and at those aggressors who endanger our people and our country. For these people, we have no mercy!"

Having said this, he raised his right hand and gently stroked the body of the gun, and said to Scorpion: "You Falcon Base are doing well. Just now, if the students hadn't followed your order not to kill those animals indiscriminately, that mother would have done a good job. The leopard may have died at the gunpoint of these students. John also did a good job, he almost gave his life to save his own students!"

Cheng Ru and several others nodded in admiration when they heard Wan Lin's comments. Indeed, these students are all specially trained special forces. When they were attacked by the female leopard just now, as long as they dared to shoot, they could indeed kill the ferocious leopard quickly. No matter how fierce a leopard is, it cannot be the opponent of these heavily armed special forces!

Scorpion heard Wan Lin's feeling, he said with a smile: "Yes, when Charlie established this Eagle Falcon base, he told us that we are not cultivating vicious thugs, but real special soldiers."

After speaking, he raised his arm and pointed around, and continued: "We have established strict military discipline since the establishment of the base. It is strictly forbidden for students to kill at will, let alone slaughter those breast-feeding and pregnant animals. Military discipline. Although there are lush water and grass here, and there are a large number of animals of all kinds, no matter how many animals there are, we can’t bear to kill them with guns.”

"So, those students did not dare to shoot easily just now. Even when John rushed over, he just raised the muzzle to scare the leopard away. Unexpectedly, the mother leopard was too fierce to protect her cub. , nearly cost John his life, thanks to you being here."

After speaking, he turned to look at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng again, shook his head and said, "It's too scary for you mothers to be so violent, I don't dare to provoke you."

"Fuck you, who are you calling mad!" Wu Xueying and Wen Meng kicked the scorpion. The scorpion jumped back like a spring, and he stared at him and shouted, "My God, did I say something wrong again?" face down.

"Hahahaha..." Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao all laughed when they saw his embarrassed look. Wu Xueying and Wen Meng also arm in arm, and let out a series of silver bell-like laughter "giggling".

Wan Lin reached out and grabbed the scorpion's arm and pulled him up, he said with a smile: "Hahaha, Lao Feng has already persuaded you just now, don't say it if you don't know it, you still like to judge them when it's nothing. Not looking for a kick."

Scorpion stood firm, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Don't talk, don't talk, if this is kicked by these two little aunts, I might as well take the initiative to feed the leopard, at least I can do something for the mother leopard. Contribute."

After he finished speaking, he stuck his head out from behind Wan Lin, looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng and said proudly: "Hey, this time I use this little aunt right? Next time I introduce you, I will say that you are mine. Auntie."

"Ah?" Wu Xueying and Wen Meng stared at him with wide eyes. The two took a step forward, raised their right leg at him and shouted, "Who is your aunt?" Scorpion quickly pushed Wan Lin to him Qian exclaimed: "What's wrong again! Instructor Feng, what's going on?"

Fengdao laughed and stopped Wu Xueying and the two, then turned to look at Scorpion hiding behind Wan Lin and said, "Scorpion, Chinese language is broad and profound, you don't understand. There is indeed an aunt in our Chinese language, and you just called it. The same generation as the little grandmother, you have put them in the old woman again, can they not kick you?"

Scorpion said with a sad face: "Don't say, don't say, I won't say anything, I'm in front of these two aunts... No, no, it's Instructor Wu and Instructor Wen who don't say anything in front of you, so you don't get kicked!"

He followed Wan Lin's arm and turned around and said, "Instructor Wan, let's go to the lake and have a look." After he said that, he dragged Wan Lin and walked down, and Cheng Ru and the others followed with a big smile. .

Wan Lin and the others followed the scorpion to the lake, and their eyes were immediately attracted by the gorgeous scenery in front of them. They all stood on the rocks by the lake and looked around intently.

There are dark gray reefs all over the lake, the blue water ripples, and the shimmering water reflects the steep mountain peaks. Groups of pure white herons are dancing on the spacious water, and birds of different colors are flying in the blue sky.

Dangerous rocks on the left side of the lake stand steeply, while the right side of the lake is lush and picturesque.

"What a beautiful lake and mountains!" Wan Lin couldn't help but praise, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng also looked at the heron dancing on the water obsessively, and they both shouted in unison, "I didn't expect the scenery here to be so beautiful. It's so beautiful here, we should have come here yesterday!"

While looking at the lake and mountains in front of them, the two of them squatted on the rocks by the They rolled up their sleeves and happily stretched their white and tender arms into the cool and clear lake water, with pretty faces on their faces. Filled with a look of extreme excitement.

Scorpion saw a few people intoxicated, he raised his arm, pointed to the spacious lake and sighed: "When the wind is calm, this is indeed a fairyland on earth. If you come here in the evening, it will be another rare sight to see here. sight."

"At that time, the whole lake was pink under the reflection of the setting sun, and with the dark blue sky, white clouds, green hillsides and dancing water birds, it was a natural picture."

Wen Meng heard Scorpion's description, looked up at the blue water in front and said, "Look, does this place look like a sapphire falling from the sky? Then in the evening, it must look like a beautiful ruby!"

Scorpion looked down at the two girls squatting on the rock, and he couldn't help sighing: "Yes, this lake is a gem that fell from the sky. It is as beautiful and charming as you are."

When Wu Xueying and Wen Meng heard Scorpion's praise, they both turned their heads and looked sideways in surprise. Scorpion quickly took two steps back, he covered his mouth and said, "Bad, I'm making a blind comment on the two female instructors again, I am Isn't it wrong again?"

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