Panther Commando

Chapter 4630: drill into the cave

Wan Lin looked up at the steep rock wall and pondered for a moment, then asked: "How far can the observation post in this direction be observed?" the mountains."

Wan Lin pondered for a moment after listening, and then said to the scorpion: "Order the Eagle Falcon team members to strengthen the vigilance in this direction, let's go out and have a look."

As he said that, he pointed to the dark caves on the rock wall on the side of the lake and asked, "Can you directly lead to the southwest mountain from here?" He knew that the caves in the mountains were rugged and tortuous. Not in the mountains where Xiaohua came calling.

Hearing Wan Lin's question, Scorpion quickly replied, "Yes." As soon as he finished speaking, John's voice came from his earphones: "Scorpion, is there anything unusual in that mountain? I'm bringing someone here. "

Scorpion hurriedly turned his head to look. John, with a bandage on his arm, was carrying an assault rifle, leading a group of students to run out of the woods by the side of the lake, and hurried towards the lakeshore on their side.

Scorpion saw John's anxious look and understood that Principal Charlie and Falcon Brigade's captain Sean had fought the enemy with a small group of brothers last night, and are now resting, so he, the deputy captain, is in charge of guarding the base. Now that he received the report from his subordinates, he must be very anxious.

Scorpion looked at John running from a distance, and replied to the microphone: "John, Instructor Wan found something unusual in the mountains to the southwest, and we are going out to scout."

In his hasty voice, John was already running over quickly, Xie Chao followed closely, and the rest of the students had been pulled seven or eight meters away by the two of them.

Scorpion watched John run in front of him, and he said in a hurried voice: "John, Instructor Wan suggested to strengthen the vigilance of this cliff. I will follow Instructor Wan and the others to take a look."

John stared at Scorpion's arm hanging on his chest, and he immediately said: "Scorpion, you are injured. Instructor Wan and I will take the students out to take a look. You are in command in the valley!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Xie Chao and the rest of the students who had already run over and ordered: "Prepare for battle, untie the cable of the assault boat, and start the assault boat."

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied in a low voice, and ran to the rock with the students. They bent over to untie the ropes tied to the rock. Xie Chao and the other two students followed and jumped into three assault boats. There was a low "humming" sound immediately.

John stepped over to Wan Lin's side, and then ordered the students standing on the shore: "You sit on the other two." He then looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "Instructor Wan, you and me get on this assault boat. "Speaking, he raised his foot and jumped onto the assault boat where Xie Chao was.

Wan Lin immediately turned around and said to a few people around him: "Wu Xueying, Feng Dao, you have injuries on your body and stay in the valley, Wen Meng, you follow the scorpion to establish a sniper position on the top of the mountain, Cheng Ru follow me."

As he said that, he got up and jumped up and jumped agilely onto the assault boat on the water. Cheng Ru also jumped up with a sniper rifle. The surrounding students also quickly ran towards the other two assault boats.

At this time, the scorpion turned his head and said to Wen Meng: "Instructor Wen, you can get on the assault boat with me. There is a passage from the cave to the top of the cliff." "Okay." Wen Meng replied, got up and jumped on the assault boat.

Feng Dao and Wu Xueying also immediately said, "Let's go to the top of the mountain to have a look." After that, Feng Dao couldn't help but jumped on the assault boat with Wen Meng. Scorpion was about to stop Fengdao and Wu Xueying, but the two had already jumped on the charge boat. He shook his head helplessly, and also jumped up and gently jumped onto the charge boat.

Seeing that the students and Wan Lin had already boarded the three assault boats, John raised his finger and pointed to the cliff in the distance, turned his head to Xie Chao who was sitting in the stern and ordered loudly: "Go!" "Yes!" Xie Chao answered loudly Road, the assault boat immediately left the reef and went straight to the black cliff ahead.

The other two students' assault boats immediately followed with a roar. The three fast-moving assault boats immediately pulled out three white water belts on the blue water.

A group of waterbirds that were playing on the water immediately flew out of the water in panic, flapping their wings and flying toward the distant water surface.

It didn't take long, the assault boat that Wan Lin and the others were riding in had quickly approached the steep rock wall on the side. John, who was squatting on the bow, raised his finger to the reef under a cave, turned his head and ordered Xie Chao, who was controlling the assault boat, loudly: "Xie Chao, park the assault boat under that reef."

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied, slowing down and slowly leaning the charge boat over. As soon as the assault boat approached the rock, John swiftly jumped up to the side of the rock, and then loudly ordered the two assault boats following up: "Fix the boat, keep up!"

He followed with both hands and pressed **** the rock on the side of the assault boat, got up and rushed towards the cave above. He grabbed the rock above and turned into the cave.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru also jumped up from the charging boat with agile movements. The two turned into Shandong East, and then stood at the entrance of the cave and shouted to the three scorpions below: "Come up."

In their voices, Feng Dao and Wu Xueying had already stood up and rushed up, and Wan Lin and Cheng Ru above grabbed their outstretched arms and dragged them into the hole.

Cheng Ru followed and stuck his head out of the hole again, and shouted to the scorpion below, "Scorpion, jump!" The scorpion quickly stretched out his arms and jumped up when he heard the sound. Cheng Ru grabbed his arm and pulled him up. Then he ran into the hole.

At this time Xie Chao had already used a cable to fix the assault boat on a rock beside the cliff. He followed with his sniper rifle, got up and ran up.

He grabbed the rock under the hole and turned it into the hole, then stuck his head out of the hole and shouted to the students on the other two assault boats below, "Quick, get on!"

Wan Lin and the others walked into the cave, and John in front had already turned on the strong light flashlight in his hand. At this time, Scorpion had strode over to Wan Lin and John. He looked at John and Wan Lin and whispered: "You guys Be careful."

After he finished speaking, he took out the flashlight and turned it on, turned his head to the wind knife, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were following up and said, "You come this way with me." Dig into the cave.

At this time, the students behind had already climbed into the cave one after another, and they all turned on their flashlights and ran towards the cave. John raised his flashlight and ordered the students: "Act in groups of combat teams and follow in order!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wan Lin and Cheng Ru who were standing beside him and said, "Instructor Wan, Instructor Cheng, come with me." With that, he raised his flashlight and turned to drill into another cave down the side. go.

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