Panther Commando

Chapter 465: beating the gang

At this moment, Lingling was sitting beside Xiaoli, her round face sticking out of the car, her eyes widened and she stared hard at the outside, her mouth kept shouting: "Da Da", "Happy", "Be careful"...

Xiao Li bent over and covered her face with her hands, her body trembling slightly. When she saw such a **** scene, she was naturally frightened.

Just now, Dali received an order to prepare to attack, knowing that Wan Lin would definitely arrange someone to protect Xiao Li, so he rushed out without hesitation, leaving Xiao Li shivering in the car, when Rong Rong suddenly got into the car Inside, Xiao Li screamed in fright and almost fainted, and Rong Rong hurriedly shouted, "It's me, Rong Rong" and hugged her around her.

At this moment, the two leopards had quickly run to both ends of the road, and quickly ran around a few cars that were rushing outward, their sharp claws grabbing all the tires of the cars like tofu. broken.

Several people with shotguns in the car felt that the moving vehicle swayed violently, followed by a harsh sound from under the car, and immediately realized that the tire burst and the car could no longer move forward. The car door jumped out, holding the shotgun in his hand, dangling the muzzle to find the target to shoot.

Just as they jumped out of the car door and raised their guns to look for their opponents, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of them like a ghost. The sound of the wind suddenly flew up with his feet hanging, and a gangster who was clutching the gun body screamed, and slammed into another accomplice beside him. A few gangsters who had just rushed out of the van were knocked down.

The black shadow was Wan Lin who rushed over. He flashed past the crowd with knives all the way, his hands quickly flipped up and down in the crowd, and where he passed, machetes flew into the air, flashing coldly in the light of the street lights. of cold light.

The other people with guns saw Wan Lin who suddenly appeared and injured two of them in the blink of an eye. They hurriedly turned around, and before they could lift the shotgun in their hands, "Hey," Wan Lin's shotgun in his right hand spun toward him. The few people in front flew away, grabbed the **** of the left-hand shotgun with their right hand, and pulled down the bolt on the gun barrel with their left hand, putting a shot of the shotgun on top of the heads of the group of gangsters who had gathered behind the car, "Boom. ' fired a shot.

A flash of fire flew over the heads of a group of gangsters wielding machetes, and the red-hot iron sand illuminated the faces of the gangsters.

Wan Lin's side was all from Liying Entertainment City. When they saw the shotgun suddenly turned and shot towards them, they were all stunned for a moment. Shotgun bullets, followed by another shot, and at the same time shouted: "Put down the weapon and squat down." Wan Lin Luck's cry was like a thunderbolt from the blue, Xiao Hua's eyes flashed, and she jumped up Wan Lin's left shoulder and looked around. The thugs in front of him.

Shotguns shot out from Wan Lin's muzzle, and the twenty or so thugs who were still standing in front of them turned their heads to look at Wan Lin's muzzle. The man suddenly woke up, throwing away the machete in his hand and squatting on the ground with his hands over his head, no one dared to fight against these hot iron sand.

Xiaoya and Lingling had already rushed over from both sides, picked up a shotgun respectively, and aimed at the gangster in front.

At the same time, nearly half of the 40 or 50 people in the Hongcan Entertainment City on the other side of the road were already rolling on the ground. The two dozen gangsters who were still standing held machetes and clubs in their hands and rushed towards Zhang while yelling. Wa, Cheng Ru and Dali.

Just now, the three of Zhang Wa rushed into the crowd and quickly shuttled in the light of the knife. They vigorously flashed a machete sideways, grabbed the opponent's arm with their right hand, turned their feet, and avoided the light of the knife on the other side. With a loud shout, his right hand directly swung the gangster who was dragging his right hand.

"Hey", the figure that was swung was like a stick, swept towards the surrounding gangsters, "Ah, you motherfucker", a few machetes that were too late to retract slashed at the figure in the air, and there was a shrill scream in the air and yelling.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa were like electricity, grabbed each other's knife-wielding hand and twisted it hard, the sound of "click" and "click" breaking bones kept ringing from their side, and the two followed the injured person to him. The machetes shone with cold light around him pushed away, while his body rushed towards the gangsters on both sides.

A few people who had just rushed out of the van raised their guns and faced the crowd in front of them at a loss. The other three were swimming quickly in their own crowd. They didn't dare to shoot at all, just when they were hesitating how to deal with the situation in front of them. At that time, there was a rush like a siren in the distance, and it was obvious that the reinforcement police vehicles had already arrived.

The gangsters with guns were obviously the leaders of this group of thugs. They didn't care about the men who were fighting with Cheng Ru and the three behind them. He rushed forward, wanting to rush out before the brigade of police came.

"Ow", a small white shadow rubbed the ground and chased out from the crowd behind, like a white lightning flashed by the gunmen in front, "Ah", "Ah", "Ouch"...

A few gangsters who were running forward suddenly let out a few screams, then let go of the shotgun in their hands and fell to the ground, holding their calves and rolling on the ground.

At this time, the three of Zhang Wa had already flashed past the surrounding gangsters and rushed to the front of the gangsters who were rolling on the ground just after being torn by Xiaobai's leg muscles. , as if it had been cut by a sharp blade, and the bones were deeply visible.

The three of Cheng Ru bent down and picked up a shotgun each turned around and faced the gangsters who were chasing after waving machetes. "Bang bang bang" means three shots.

They were really annoyed. The three of them hit more than 20 people in the light of the sword, and the rest of the people were still fiercely rushing with machetes. The three did not hesitate to shoot at the gangster in front of them. .

A large piece of iron sand whistled towards a dozen gangsters, and the sound of crying father and mother came from the opposite side. More or less, a dozen gangsters were drilled into their bodies by the hot iron sand, and immediately screamed and rolled on the ground. .

Zhang Wa's three "ka", "ka", "ka" put the shotgun bullets on top, and their eyes were cold at the gangster rolling on the ground.

A large number of police cars roared at both ends of the road and stopped on both ends of the road. A large number of police officers and special police officers armed with miniature submachine guns and pistols jumped out of the police cars and completely blocked both sides of the road.

"The people in the middle of the road immediately put down their weapons and raised their hands." There was a loud cry from the police. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru in the field all threw down their shotguns and turned to look at the surrounding people. Policemen.

"Put your hands up, squat down." The surrounding police shouted loudly, and a high-brightness searchlight on the top of the police car suddenly flashed, looking for the middle of the road as if it were daytime.

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