Panther Commando

Chapter 4668: closely monitored

When Charlie heard Sean's report, he pondered for a moment, and asked in a low voice with a gloomy face: "What time did the unknown signal find? Could it be the mountain pass mercenaries in the mountains outside, before they were shot dead yesterday? S.O.S?"

Just yesterday, they had a fierce battle with those mountain pass mercenaries in the mountains outside, and the battlefield was not too far from the location of the Tiankeng, so Charlie suspected that it was the distress signal sent by those mercenaries.

When Sean heard Charlie's question, he shook his head decisively and replied: "It was an unknown signal that appeared at four in the morning. The signal was not sent from the area where we fought yesterday. Our electronic detection equipment is very advanced. The time is very short, but the telecommunications team is still determined that the signal source is within a radius of five kilometers."

He raised his hand and looked at his watch, then said, "It's 5:20, and 4:00 in the morning is when the guards feel sleepy and let down their guard, so the communication team suspects that someone in the base has a radio communication device. , taking advantage of the time when people are sleepy and sleeping, to communicate with the outside world secretly.”

When Wen Meng heard this, she said in a low voice with a look of astonishment on her face: "How is this possible? Don't you strictly forbid students to bring electronic equipment into this mountainous area, and after these students get off the plane, the instructor will also strictly control each student. an examination."

Feng Dao and Wu Xueying also looked at Sean with some puzzlement. They had already heard Scorpion introduce the situation here in detail, and knew that when all students got off the plane, they must hand over all their electronic equipment immediately, otherwise the army will punish them!

Seeing the surprised expressions of the three of them, Sean immediately replied: "You are right, all students are strictly forbidden to bring electronic equipment into this mountain, even our instructors and Eagle Falcon team members have no right to contact the outside world without authorization, in case of emergency Specialized communication equipment is provided by the base. So if someone can come in here with communication equipment, they must be carrying very small equipment and using special methods to bring things in.”

Feng Dao, Wen Meng, and Wu Xueying all nodded silently when they heard Sean's explanation. These students already knew the rules here before entering the Falcon Base, so if they enter with prohibited electronic equipment, they must be small-sized spy equipment, and it is difficult to find out through general inspection. The two students who were killed a few days ago had already entered here with espionage equipment such as wiretapping.

In the dim starlight, the canyon is dim. Charlie glanced at the pitch-black canyon around him, and said thoughtfully, "If the communication signal appears within a five-kilometer radius, it means that the signal must have come from our sinkhole."

He looked at Sean and said in a low voice, "It seems that among the new students who entered here yesterday, there must be some people who are carrying contraband!"

When Sean heard this type of face suddenly flashed a gloomy look, he looked up at the gray sky, and then scolded in a low voice: "Bunny, it must be our opponent disguised as a student and secretly following this group. The students sneaked into our base!"

At this moment, a gust of mountain wind whistled through the air, followed by the sound of "rushing" in the dim woods across the canyon.

Charlie stared at the dark woods opposite and sneered: "Hey, the trees want to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, it seems that our opponents are not giving up! Come on, since they have sent people in, let us collect their bodies. Bar!"

He then looked at Sean and ordered in a low voice: "Sean, the new students will start training in a while. After they leave the station, quietly lead someone to carefully search each dormitory to find their hidden contraband. In addition, ask Brothers who were on guard in the valley at night to see if anyone secretly left the cave and entered the tiankeng in the middle of the night."

After speaking, he stopped and thought for a moment, followed by a stern command in the voice: "Order Shougu's brother to immediately close all passages in and out of the Tiankeng; order the telecommunications team to closely monitor all communication signals within five kilometers of the Tiankeng. From now on, don't let out even a fly!"

"Yes, I'll set it up now!" Sean replied immediately, he raised his hand to salute Charlie, then glanced at the three of the air knives, turned and ran into the darkness.

When Charlie saw Sean leave, he looked back at the three of Fengdao and said, "It's no big deal! I guess it was Black Hawk or Yamaguchi security who sent someone to enter our Falcon base under the guise of another company, disguised as students. The purpose of their entry here is nothing more than two aspects, one is to continue to determine our exact position among the mountains, and the other is to scout the strength of our base and prepare for the next move."

Fengdao heard this, nodded and said: "From the current situation analysis, I also suspect that Yamaguchi security guards and or Black Hawk sent people to sneak in here. Some time ago, although we hit the Black Hawk and Yamaguchi security guards hard. The bosses of these two mercenary groups are veteran special operators who have experienced many battles. They will definitely take into account the situation in case the operation fails before the operation. Therefore, they sent people to infiltrate the base. Probably part of their follow-up."

Wen Meng also looked at Charlie and said: "Yes, they should know that the Eagle Falcon base is a place to train special forces, and the personnel here must have strong combat effectiveness. Moreover, they are very aware of you, the original black eagle. The strength of the snipers, so they will definitely have a backup plan in the operation."

Wu Xueying also said: "We just met those Yamaguchi mercenaries in the mountains outside, and an unknown communication signal appeared here. I guess that the students who infiltrated here are probably mercenaries sent by Yamaguchi security guards!"

When Charlie heard the analysis of the three of Fengdao, he said thoughtfully: "Your analysis is very reasonable. Not to mention that the Yamaguchi security guard is our enemy, Kuroda took over the task of the employer in this mountain, Kuroda. He will definitely realize that in this barren mountain, the only armed force that can cause trouble for their actions is our Eagle Falcon base. Therefore, he will definitely find a way to learn more about our situation, and send someone to enter This is really the most direct approach.”

He followed and looked at the three of Fengdao and said: "Don't worry, in the recent battle, whether it was Black Hawk or Yamaguchi Security, they have been severely injured by us, and in a short period of time, they have no strength anymore. Attack our falcon base, you are absolutely safe here!"

When Charlie said this, he turned his head to look at the side canyon where the student dormitory was located. He sneered and said, "Hehe, since they dare to send people in, they won't be able to walk out of me alive again!"

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