Panther Commando

Chapter 467: resistance by force

When Director Wang and Bureau Zhou heard this, their expressions changed.

Director Wang glanced at Zou Tao, Zou Tao grabbed the walkie-talkie, and said loudly: "I'm Zou Tao, immediately block all passages and stand by, what about the Red Can Entertainment City?"

"There is an accident here in Liying. I have ordered the police over there to suspend entry into the Hongcan Entertainment City, but it is blocked." Luan Ming replied, "Okay, we will arrive at the scene immediately."

When Director Wang heard so many police casualties, he frowned and looked at Zou Tao, and asked, "I asked you to investigate the general situation of the two casino owners in private, and what's the progress."

Zou Tao replied immediately: "I have already reported to you the situation of the bosses of the two entertainment cities. We are currently investigating the situation of the people around him. At present, the situation on Hongcan's side is basically clear, and their bosses always follow three people. Of the three bodyguards, two are former provincial first- and second-ranked Sanda players, and the other is a member of the former provincial martial arts team who won the eighth place in the national competition.

He paused for a moment, frowned slightly, and then said, "Liying's situation is more complicated. Boss Ni Qiusheng also has three personal bodyguards. The situation of the three bodyguards is more complicated. We can't find these three people through formal channels. I just heard from the people around them that all three of them were from special forces and may have served in the special warfare brigade of the Southwest Military Region. A few days ago, I had a phone call with an old friend of the Southwest Military Region, asking him for help. Check out these three people."

After hearing this, Director Wang immediately understood that the Southwest Military Region hadn't replied yet. Since it was a private investigation before, it was impossible to formally request the Southwest Military Region to inquire in the form of an official letter, and the information of the special forces was classified, which naturally took a lot of time to inquire.

He immediately said: "I immediately request the Southwest Military Region to inquire in the name of the Provincial Public Security Department. There has been a murder case, and the case has been officially opened for investigation."

When Zou Tao heard it, he immediately conveyed the director's instructions to the relevant departments of the provincial government. At this time, their car had arrived in front of the Liying Entertainment City. The police had already cordoned off thousands of meters away. The police were densely parked in the cordon, and a large number of special police officers and criminal policemen wearing body armor were distributed behind various police cars, and their guns were all facing the entertainment city.

Luan Ming, the captain of the city criminal police brigade in charge of the scene command, and the captain of the special police team saw Director Wang and the others get out of the car, and they all bent over and ran over.

"What happened just now, how could there be so many casualties?" Zou Tao asked in a low voice Luan Ming, who ran over, and Luan Ming described the scene in a low tone.

At that time, after hundreds of police surrounded the entertainment city, they immediately dispatched more than 100 police officers to rush into the entertainment city. The Liying Entertainment City is a three-story building with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. The first and second floors are entertainment venues. , The third floor is the office space. When the police entered the entertainment city, they immediately searched the rooms in the entertainment city in three separate ways.

The police who searched the first and second floors were in various private rooms at that time, and found a group of addicts and drug dealers who were smoking and trading drugs. They seized a batch of various drugs on the spot; The men and women who traded found a casino of hundreds of square meters in the innermost room on the second floor, and seized more than 3 million yuan in gambling funds on the spot.

At this time, more than 20 police officers searched the third floor of the building on the third road. After reaching the third floor, a dozen bodyguards suddenly poured out of the floor, blocking the corridor and preventing the police from entering.

Upon seeing this, Director Liu of the local police station who led the team immediately ordered loudly: "We are ordered to search, please return to your room immediately for inspection." After speaking, he pushed away the bodyguard in front of him, but he did not expect the other party's body On one side, his left hand immediately wrapped his arms around Director Liu's neck, his right hand stretched out to Director Liu's waist and grabbed the right hand of Director Liu holding a gun, trying to grab Director Liu's spear.

The surrounding police immediately surrounded, and more than a dozen bodyguards in the corridor rushed over to have a melee with the police. During the melee, Director Liu's pistol suddenly rang, and the bodyguards who competed with Director Liu for the pistol covered their hands and shouted. , the other dozen bodyguards heard the gunshots and immediately pulled out daggers from their waists, stabbing five or six policemen in a row.

The second-floor policeman who came from the second floor upon hearing the news immediately took out his pistol and knocked down several bodyguards and rushed to the third floor. At this moment, three people suddenly rushed out of a large room on the third floor. , raised his hand just a few shots, and immediately five policemen were shot in the forehead and fell into the corridor.

The police behind him immediately returned fire and dragged the injured policeman out of the third floor. Luan Ming, who was commanding outside the building, rushed up immediately with the special police, covered the second and third floor policemen and retreated, cutting off the entire building at the same time. The power to prevent the other party from escaping, and only then asked the Zhou Bureau.

After listening to Luan Ming's report with a frown, Zou Tao asked, "Did you shoot at them when the last three people rushed out?"

At this time, Captain Yang of the city's SWAT team standing beside Zou Tao said: "I was on the second floor at the time, and when I heard the gunshots, I rushed to the third floor immediately. When we saw the three people who rushed out, we immediately shot back. The other three were extremely agile and immediately tumbled into the room next to them. The three of them also shot a few shots and wounded our three team members. Judging from the movements of several people, they seemed to have undergone extremely strict military training. What is the origin of these three people?"

Zou Tao turned his head and glanced at Director Wang, and nodded, indicating that the three people who rushed out were the three bodyguards of Ni Qiusheng, the owner of Liying Entertainment City, and from the analysis of the actions of these three people, they must be The legendary retired special force of the Southwest Military Director Wang gave Zou Tao a grim nod. Zou Tao immediately took out his phone and walked aside, asking for a reply from the Southwest Military Region in the inquiry hall. No, the hall replied: "Not yet."

Zou Tao looked around anxiously. Several snipers from the armed police were already lying on the roofs of surrounding buildings, with their guns pointed at the entertainment city in front. Nearly a hundred SWAT members wearing bulletproof vests and helmets were already scattered in the entertainment city building. Under the outer wall, ready to attack at any time.

At this time, the night was getting darker and darker. The entire Liying Entertainment City had been selected into the night, and there was no light at all. There was no lively scene of bright lights and busy traffic in the past. The police had already cut off the power supply in the building. to facilitate offensive operations.

Zou Tao knew in his heart that if the three bodyguards on the other side were really special soldiers who had served in the special forces, they would not know how many casualties they would cause if they forcibly attacked at this time. Having been in the army, it is natural to know the individual capabilities of the special forces of these field troops.

At this time, Director Wang was hanging up the phone angrily and came over angrily. He walked up to Zou Tao and scolded in a low voice: "Damn, what is it." Zou Tao raised his eyes and asked: "What's up."

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