Panther Commando

Chapter 469: Special Bodyguard (2)

Zou Tao hesitated for a moment and said, "You guys are too few, why don't we send a few team members to follow up?" Wan Lin shook his head and said, "No, we have enough people, Captain, you are coordinating and commanding outside. We're in."

Just as Li Dongsheng was about to say something, Wan Lin raised his hand in a salute, turned around and jumped out of the command car. He couldn't let Li Dongsheng, who had been promoted to major general, take the risk again for such a dangerous action.

Zou Tao picked up the walkie-talkie on the table and ordered: "All attention, all attention, the assault team has already begun to enter, and each guard point pays attention to cover." Li Dongsheng nodded approvingly, it seems that this Zou Tao has a wealth of crisis management skills. With actual combat experience, he deserves to be the captain of the Provincial Criminal Police Corps.

Wan Lin jumped out of the command car, turned to Cheng Ru and the others and said, "The other three, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa follow me up, and you are responsible for covering and dealing with the rest." Then, facing Xiaoya and Linglinghuai Xiaohua and Xiaobai in the middle said, "Go, reconnaissance."

Xiaoya and Lingling released their hands, and the two leopards ran towards the Liying Entertainment City. "Crash" and the bullets flew out, "Crash, crash..." A few people in the back simultaneously pulled the bolts and put the bullets on, and then rushed out.

The few people who were saved automatically formed a skirmish formation in the fast march. Wan Lin was in the front, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa were behind him on the left and the right, and Dali was in the middle, and Xiaoya and Lingling were on both sides. Several people suddenly appeared in the square of the entertainment city, like a sudden breeze, and appeared outside the Liying Entertainment City building in a blink of an eye.

The site is located on a bustling street, surrounded by high-rise buildings. The neon lights on the roof and the advertising light boxes on both sides reflect the square in front of the entertainment city.

Hundreds of police officers at the scene stared at them in astonishment and asked each other, "Who is this, it's too fast." The actions of the few people just now were obviously different from the way the police marched in an echelon of combat, but strayed from left to right and headed straight for the target. , speed is simply not what police action teams have.

Zou Tao and Director Wang had long followed Li Dongsheng out of the command car, all silently holding the binoculars and watching the movements of Wan Lin and the others.

Wan Lin and the others rushed to the entrance, and saw that the entrance of the entertainment hall was opened, and there was no sound inside. The two leopards had already got in. Wan Lin leaned behind the wall beside the door and listened to the movement inside. , made a gesture to Chengru and several others, indicating that they were on standby, he swayed, suddenly rushed to the other side of the gate, and then turned back, flashing back and forth outside the gate of the entertainment city twice, his body suddenly Like an arrow from a string, it rushed through the door.

The police officers saw Wan Lin swaying like black smoke in front of the door. They didn't understand what he was doing until he suddenly pounced in. They knew that he was testing the firepower in the building. .

Wan Lin rushed into the lobby on the first floor, swayed his body quickly and rushed to the bottom of the stairs, and carefully observed the environment inside the building by the flashing neon lights on the buildings outside the building.

The environment inside the building is indeed quite different from the drawings provided by the police. The police provided the architectural drawings when the building was constructed at that time, but the Liying Entertainment City has been completely remodeled since then, which is already quite different from the original drawings.

The lobby on the first floor has thousands of square meters, and the top of the lobby directly reaches the roof, forming a huge space inside the building. Several huge crystal lamps are hung on the roof. There are several passages around the first and second floors. In each entertainment private room, on the first floor, facing the gate of the entertainment city, there is a wide staircase with a width of seven or eight meters leading directly to the corridor on the second floor. A golden iron fence is erected on the edge of the corridor on the second floor. The thick golden-yellow coiled dragon hall columns decorate the entire entertainment city with splendor.

The third floor is a relatively closed space. There is only one corridor with a width of three or four meters leading to the third floor. The corridor on the third floor is also closed by the wall. There are several windows symmetrically distributed on it. Various pictures of beautiful women are posted on the wall. Relatively closed office space in the entertainment city.

Wan Lin looked at the environment inside the building and found no opponent. With his gun pointed at it, he tapped the microphone hanging in his ear lightly.

A few figures flashed outside the door, and they threw themselves into the hall, occupying various positions in the hall on the first floor, kneeling on one knee, and the muzzle of the gun pointed in different directions inside the building.

At this moment, Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly jumped out of the rooms on both sides of the hall on the first floor and rushed towards Wanlin and Xiaoya. Xiaohua came to Wanlin, wagged her tail, and looked up at the second floor.

Wan Lin understood that the first floor was safe. The two leopards had not had time to search the second floor. He looked at Xiaoya, pointed to Xiaohua, and pointed to the corridor above his side on the second floor. Xiaoya nodded and hugged him. noob.

Wan Lin picked up Xiaohua with his right hand, pointed his left hand to the stairs on the second floor near him, and threw Xiaohua out to the corridor with his right hand, while Xiaoya also threw Xiaobai out.

Two shadows flashed in the air, "pa" and "pa" fire suddenly flashed on the third floor, and the two bullets flew past the two leopards in the air.

"Papapapa", Dali, Xiaoya, and Lingling, who were scattered around, each shot a burst of fire at the third floor, followed by a roll and left the shooting position. Wan Lin, Chengru, and Zhang Wa did not shoot. , just clinging to the concealment and watching the movement on the third floor.

They know that the three gangsters upstairs are all from special and have received the same special military training as themselves, and they will be injured by the opponent's gun if they are not careful.

The two leopards jumped up the corridor on the second floor, their eyes suddenly shot red and blue rays of light, they quickly ran around the second floor, hiding behind the corridor pillars, their eyes were bright, one red and one blue. Two spots of light shot at the window on the third floor. Obviously, the two shots just now aroused the anger of the two leopards, and they all focused their eyes on the window where the other party was invisible.

Wan Lin stared at the two windows on the third floor that the two leopards were staring at, and suddenly jumped out from the hidden stairs, raised his right hand, "pa", "pa", two shots hit the two leopards' eyes focused. two windows on the third floor.

"Crash", with the sound of the window glass on the third floor shattering, Wan Lin jumped into the air, "Papapapa...", Dali, Xiaoya and Lingling's automatic rifles followed Wanlin's gunshot, and all the bullets were fired. Hit the third floor window.

At the same time, Zhang Wa's automatic rifle suddenly shot a fan towards all the windows on the third floor, and quickly rushed to the stairs on the first and second floors, with the flames spraying from her chest instantly rushed up. Second floor.

With the sound of Zhang Wa's gunshots, Cheng Ru quickly flashed to the edge of the stairs with his sniper rifle, and he had already installed the infrared night vision scope and the muzzle was facing the stairs on the third floor.

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