Panther Commando

Chapter 471: bodyguard

Ni Kuang's landline phone had been shattered by his anger and could not be connected, but the mobile phone always showed that the other party was on the call. Ni Qiusheng kept roaming around the room like ants on a hot pan, and kept pressing the replay button, cursing in his mouth.

At this moment, the bodyguard, who had been standing motionless by the desk, suddenly took out his mobile phone from his breast pocket and glanced at it. Ni Qiusheng raised his head and stared at him and asked, "Who's calling?" Without a trace of expression on the bodyguard's face, he replied coldly, "Advertising text messages."

Ni Qiusheng gave him a stern look, and scolded: "Fourth, you won't show a bit of a smile on your **** face, you will cry all day long, is your mother dead or your father dead?"

The bodyguard called the fourth was still expressionless, and a ray of light suddenly appeared in Ni Qiusheng's eyes, and disappeared in a flash. Ni Qiusheng saw the light in the bodyguard's eyes, and his body suddenly trembled. Just as he was about to say something, the phone suddenly rang.

He quickly put the phone to his ear, and the second uncle Ni Kuang's voice came from the phone: "You guys are ready to break through!" Ni Qiusheng was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and cursed: "You bastard, when you take money I'm more diligent than anyone else, if something happens, you're a **** tortoise and let me run away, if I can't run away, don't even try to run away!"

After cursing, he ran behind the desk and kicked the executive chair away. His face flushed with excitement. He opened the drawer and pulled out a pistol. What was taken out was a German HK P7M8/P7M13 9mm pistol.

Ni Qiusheng carried a pistol and shouted at the fourth child: "Damn, the old man doesn't care about us, let's rush out!" : "You **** go!"

The bodyguard's eyes flashed, and his right hand pistol was inserted into his waist. Ni Qiusheng was stunned when he saw the other party put away the pistol, not understanding how he put away the pistol at this critical moment.

Just as he was about to scold, he saw that the opponent's left leg suddenly took a step forward, and his right hand grabbed Ni Qiusheng's right hand holding the gun like lightning and twisted it. Ni Qiusheng's neck.

Ni Qiusheng felt that the other person's arm was tightly wrapped around his neck like a steel hoop, his face was flushed because he couldn't breathe, his eyes were bulging, and his eyes were red as if they were about to drip blood. He didn't understand why the bodyguard who had been following him all the time suddenly attacked him.

The fourth bodyguard's face was still expressionless, and he stretched out his right hand and took out his mobile phone from his arms: "Boss, remember, I'm not calling 'fuck'! Check it out for yourself, it's not that I want your life, it's Your uncle is killing you!"

Ni Qiu stared at the screen of his mobile phone with eyes like fish of life and death: "Never let Ni Qiu go out alive!" He suddenly remembered that these three excellent bodyguards were introduced to him by his second uncle. .

It turned out that Ni Kuang made all the phone calls of all the relevant high-ranking officials, but he didn't get any useful help. He pinned his last hope on the phone number above. It is inconvenient for him to intervene in the matter, let him cut through the mess as soon as possible, so as not to leave future troubles.

Ni Kuang was completely disappointed. The last person in a high position did not have the ability to stop the development of the situation. This obviously drove him to a dead end, and he had to consider retreating.

He put down the phone and stared at the night sky outside, pondering for a long time, slapped a palm on the arm of the sofa beside him, clenched his teeth, stood up abruptly, picked up the phone and sent a short breath. He must be silenced, no matter it is his nephew or whoever, he must ensure his own safety! As long as Ni Qiusheng died, he could push everything on the dead. In the current situation, he has no concern for any kindness.

A crisp sound of "click" came from Ni Qiusheng's office in the Liying Entertainment City. Ni Qiusheng, who sat down, walked out of the office with the pistol in hand, waved at the bodyguard at the other end of the corridor, and came to the other bodyguard who was leaning against the window with the pistol. The gun bent over and ran over and asked, "Fourth brother, what's the matter?"

The fourth child glanced coldly at the few ordinary bodyguards surrounding the stairs, and said coldly, "Prepare to withdraw!" The two were taken aback and asked, "Where's the boss?" The fourth fourth raised his right hand and slashed down gently After a moment, he said, "The old man's order."

These two people are the comrades-in-arms of the fourth son when he was serving in the special operations brigade of the Southwest Military Region. After retiring, he was introduced by a friend and was hired by the old man Ni Kuang to be his own car driver and bodyguard. After the old man retired to the second line, he was sent to Ni Qiusheng by the old man and asked him to find two more skilled helpers. One is to protect the safety of Ni Qiusheng, and the other is to monitor Ni Qiusheng's every move.

The fourth child followed Ni Kuang's arrangement and came to Ni Qiusheng to be his bodyguard. Naturally, in addition to receiving a salary from Ni Qiusheng, he also received a more generous salary from the old man Ni Kuang. He quickly found two old comrades in the special forces brigade, and the three of them followed Ni Qiusheng together.

The three of them have protected Ni Qiusheng's safety with their superior skills in several battles with Hongcan Entertainment City, so they have always won Ni Qiusheng's trust. But Ni Qiusheng never imagined that the person who had kept him safe many times turned into his The fourth child patted their shoulders when he saw the shocked expressions of the two of them. : "Brother, it's the last fight, get ready! Our only way out now is to go through the hall on the second floor and the first floor and into the basement. There are various pipes, and we can rush out of the entertainment city through the pipes. It's impossible for the police In such a short period of time, the outlet of the underground pipe network outside was blocked. In the past few years, our savings have been enough for the three of us to be unrestrained for a while."

The fourth said, bent down and walked to the stairway to the thugs guarding the stairway, and said, "The boss told you to rush out first, don't worry about him." Then, he took out a few stacks of banknotes from his pocket and handed them to them.

A few thugs turned around and glanced at the fourth child, knowing that he was the person the boss trusted the most, and thought the boss was kind enough to let them leave first. Several people nodded, stuffed the banknotes into their pockets, looked at each other, and the fourth opened up and shouted, "Come on!"

A few bodyguards seemed to be pushed and rushed towards the stairs with machetes in hand. "Da da da da" A burst of gunshots came from downstairs, mixed with a few 06-style pistols in the middle. Several thugs who had just rushed out rolled down the stairs without saying a word.

The three bodyguards were just about to rush out with the thugs when they heard the gunshots from downstairs. All of them were startled and quickly retracted their bodies to hide on the edge of the corridor.

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