Panther Commando

Chapter 4721: valuable information

The spacious living room on the second floor was filled with smoke, and Kuroda lifted the cigar in his hand and took a hard puff. He slowly exhaled the smoke from his mouth, looked at Phillips and continued: "Among so many people who covet meteorite fragments, you are the only ones. The red fox does not know whether to live or die, and continues to carry out operations against the meteorite fragments, so that you have lost your troops and lost a lot of money!"

He raised his cigar and flicked the ashes in the ashtray, then continued: "You should know the reason, so many brothers who were skilled in mountain combat gave their lives in vain in that mountainous area with treacherous terrain. It shows that the opponent is extremely strong. If you continue to act in the back, can you still succeed? These brothers are the capital for us to make money!"

Hearing this, Phillips fully understood the meaning of Kuroda's words. He also raised the cigar in his hand and took a breath, then exhaled the smoke from his mouth and said, "After John came back from you last time, he said You mentioned that the Huaxia unit was named after the leopard, and you also mentioned that this unit once participated in the World Special Forces Competition, is this information accurate?"

He said this without waiting for Kuroda to answer, and said thoughtfully: "I was still serving in the army at that time, and I also participated in the special competition. I know that the crown of the competition was taken away by the special forces of Huaxia. The Huaxia troops are really strong."

When Phillips said this, he looked up at Kuroda and said, "However, I heard that this Huaxia Special Forces was formed on a temporary basis, and there was no establishment at all. The personnel were only temporarily drawn from various military regions by the Huaxia military. The team has disappeared, and it is said that it has been disbanded, how can you still think that this team exists?"

When Kuroda heard that Phillips had participated in the special forces competition, he secretly said in his heart: "This kid is indeed younger than himself, and he had already retired from the army at that time."

Over the years, Yamaguchi Security has fought against this leopard force many times, but he has tried every means, but he has not obtained the details of this troop, let alone any personal information of the leopard team members, so Phillips's words really excited him. .

Kuroda immediately stared at the other party and asked: "My information is very accurate, you don't have to question this. There are various signs that the Huaxia special forces that participated in the competition have not been disbanded, but are still secretly existing in the Huaxia military. They have become one of the ace special forces of Huaxia, and they perform the most difficult tasks. Since you participated in that competition, do you still remember their true appearance?"

Phillips pondered for a moment, shook his head and replied: "At the time of check-in, all the participating teams gathered in a canyon, and I did see them at the time. They gave me the impression that they are young, tough special forces all over the world. They are inconspicuous, so I don't remember their appearance for a long time."

A look of disappointment immediately appeared on Kuroda's face. He heard Phillips meet the other party just now, and there was indeed a feeling of excitement in his heart, thinking that he could get more information about this unit, and he immediately turned to Some reluctantly asked: "Don't you have a fight with them in the game?"

Phillips looked at Kuroda and replied succinctly: "No. After the registration was completed, our special forces units entered the mountains according to the arrangement of the competition organizing committee and followed different routes to fight against those outlaws, so I am very concerned about these Chinese people. Not too impressed."

He followed and looked at Kuroda who was sitting opposite, shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Hey, in the eyes of us Westerners, you Asians look alike, so it is difficult for me to remember your appearance. I only remember, Most of them were thin, about the size of a squad."

Kuroda listened to Phillips' answer in disappointment, and he followed up and asked reluctantly, "Can you find the video data of that competition?"

Phillips looked at Kuroda Monkey's anxious look, knowing that he didn't have much information on this Chinese army, and he replied coldly: "The people who participated in the competition are all the best special forces selected by various countries. These People’s identities are all top-secret information, how could the organizing committee of the competition allow people to bring photographic equipment! You are also an old special forces soldier, why don’t you have any common sense?”

Hearing Phillips' rebuke, Kuroda's dark face flushed slightly, and he said embarrassingly, "I know the rules, but I'm too impatient."

He then said helplessly: "You should know that although our Yamaguchi security business is all over the world, Asia is still our key area. In the past few years, China's technology and economy have developed rapidly, and all kinds of business are very popular. , Even those intelligence agencies are targeting Huaxia's cutting-edge scientific research results, which is a good place for security companies like us to make money."

Having said this, Kuroda looked up at the closed door, and said in a low voice, "Drug and military business are both lucrative industries. Those drug lords and intelligence agencies have long been targeting the fertile soil in China, which is just right for the Security companies like ours provide an excellent opportunity to make money.”

When he said this, he said with a sigh: "We can make a lot of money when we know that we know ourselves. I will not hide from you, I have established an intelligence system in China, but I have exhausted all methods, but nothing Obtaining the detailed information of this mysterious force, I only know that China is the most elite and mysterious special force at this time. UU reading"

Phillips listened attentively to what Kuroda said. He knew in his heart that what Kuroda said this time was the truth! Otherwise, after hearing that he had participated in the special forces competition, this kid would not have been so anxious to ask about the situation of that unit.

It seems that he really hates this mysterious special force, but he has no grasp of the situation of this force, so he is afraid to touch the business of Huaxia, so as to avoid encountering this fierce special force again. force.

Seeing Phillips' contemplative look, Kuroda blinked his small eyes twice and said, "Phillips, in the meteorite incident, you have already touched a nail under this special force."

"From what I know, you should have lost at least 30 people in the mountainous area where the meteorite fell, the military hospital in the provincial capital, and the military research institute, and the 30 people lost should be half of your red foxes. Centaurs. Am I right?"

Hearing Kuroda's analysis, Phillips couldn't see any expression on his face, but he was secretly surprised. He secretly said in his heart: "This bastard's intelligence system is indeed complete, and even Lao Tzu's details are so clear. , the actions he organized in Huaxia were extremely secretive, I didn't expect this kid to know it clearly."

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