Panther Commando

Chapter 4741: whistling police car

As soon as Kuroda finished speaking, a string of flashing police lights had already appeared on the white snow in the distance. Not long after, four or five police cars came roaring from the opposite road.

A nervous look immediately appeared on Fujii's face. He pressed the steering wheel with his left hand, and quietly pulled out the pistol from his waist with his right hand and put it under his butt. The walkie-talkie commanded: "Once the police car intercepts, immediately protect the boss and rush out!" "Yes!" The three bodyguards in the car in front responded immediately.

Although they did not use weapons against the robbers, they just taught these boys a lesson with their bare hands. But in his fury, Kuroda may have killed the gun-wielding robber. If the kid really died, it would be a case of human death.

Once they are stopped by the police, they are likely to be detained by the police on the spot. And Kuroda, who shot to kill the robbers, will also be caught in this long-term lawsuit. Therefore, if the police intercepted, he must desperately protect Kuroda to escape from here and avoid this unwarranted disaster.

Several police cars flashed their lights and whistled past Kuroda and their two cars, heading straight for the crime scene in the distance. The police in the car did not realize that the people in the two cars were involved, so they did not stop to intercept their vehicles.

Kuroda stared coldly at several passing police cars, he followed by pressing the window, took off the dark green sunglasses on his face, and threw them into the thick snow on the roadside. Fujii was relieved when he saw the police car whizzing past, picked up the pistol under his butt, and inserted it into his waist again.

Kuroda raised the window, and picked up another pair of brown sunglasses from the car. Wearing his face, he leaned his back on the back and said, "Go to the place in front of you to change the license plate, order the branch here, let the They immediately sent people to drive two cars to greet us. After those police cars learned about the case, they would definitely track down the whereabouts of our two cars and let them drive them away and dispose of them."

"Yes!" Fujii replied immediately, and he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed it out. After conveying Kuroda's order, he picked up the walkie-talkie in the car and ordered the car in front to stop where there was no one to change the license plate.

The two cars stopped on the side of the road at the bend at the foot of the mountain in front. The three bodyguards quickly took out two license plates from the car, and the two ran back with one of the license plates.

They ran to the front and back of Kuroda's car respectively, and quickly replaced the front and rear license plates of the off-road vehicle with a screwdriver. The two immediately opened the rear door of the off-road vehicle and got into the car. One of them sat on the rear seat and whispered. : "Boss, we'll follow you." Kuroda turned to look at the two and nodded, then said to Fujii, "Go!"

The two off-road vehicles with their license plates changed, and they quickly drove forward on the road. On the fork in front, Fujii picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered, "Take the fork on the right."

As he said that, he turned the steering wheel to the left and drove to the left, and the one in front went to the right side of the mountain. It wasn't long before the two silver off-road vehicles had melted into the white snow and ice.

Fujii turned the car on the left side of the road, stepped up the accelerator and drove forward. At this time, Kuroda glanced vigilantly at the rear-view mirror in the car, and then said to the two bodyguards behind him: "Pay attention to the back, to prevent the police car from catching up."

"Yes!" The two bodyguards replied in unison. The two of them bent over to pick up two long cloth belts from under their feet, and quickly pulled out two assault rifles from them. They then took out the magazines with a "click". Inserting the gun body, the two immediately put the assault rifle on their lap, and the muzzles were all pointed at the car door beside them.

At this moment, Fujii, who was driving, suddenly picked up his mobile phone and glanced at it, and he reported in a hurried voice: "Boss, Asamiya suddenly sent an urgent message, saying that it is late at night on his side, and he has just received Ralph and The contact signal sent by William, but the signal was very short, and no contact was made."

"Who are Ralph and William?" Kuroda asked in surprise. Fujii quickly explained: "It is our two brothers who disguised as security personnel and entered the Falcon Base for training under the name of your friend's company. Ralph and William are their aliases."

Kuroda suddenly remembered this matter, and he quickly asked: "Why didn't Asamiya contact them?" Fujii immediately replied: "The specific situation is unknown, Asamiya's report just said that the time of the signal sent by Ralph and the others It was very short and seemed to be trying to connect with him."

Kuroda frowned, looked at the white world of ice and snow in front of him, and said thoughtfully, "Relph and William secretly entered the Falcon base with communication equipment, I'm afraid they won't have a chance to communicate for a long time, they should be secretly using the dark. Sneak out and send a signal, report that they have entered the Eagle base and are in danger, and remind Asamiya to monitor the signal at any time."

He said to himself here, a look of excitement suddenly flashed on his gloomy face, he turned his head to look at Fujii and ordered: "Yes, these two boys just sent a signal a few days ago, and now they have sent two contact signals in a hurry, they Obviously they are reporting that they have safely entered the Eagle Falcon base. Inform Asamiya and order someone to monitor the signal in this band for 24 hours, and report immediately if there is any news."

Kuroda then followed up: "Once the three people sent by the red fox report to, they will be sent to this mountainous area immediately, and the black snake must be found as soon as possible. To deal with those people in China, the black snake must personally Go." "Yes!" Fujii replied immediately, and he quickly pressed the phone to send a message.

At this time, the Falcon Base was already shrouded in the thick darkness. Wan Lin, who was sleeping, suddenly sat up in the darkness. He grabbed the individual soldier communicator placed by the pillow and raised it to his ear, and then whispered: "Scorpion, what's the situation?"

Scorpion's low voice immediately came from the earphones: "Instructor Wan, the team member who was in charge of monitoring the two boys reported that the boy named William sneaked out of the campsite through the window on the cliff, and he entered the whole prostrate. The side canyon, then enter the forest where the communicator is hidden, and take out the communicator to make a secret call."

Wan Lin was shocked! He jumped off the bed and asked hurriedly: "Has the communication team monitored the signal?" Scorpion's voice immediately sounded: "It has been monitored, the other party only made two calls briefly, and the signal was cut off without waiting for the other party to answer, this kid obviously I was worried about being discovered by the electronic surveillance in the base. Now, this William is crawling back to the cave station."

Wan Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said in a low voice, "This kid sent two short call signals, which will not reveal the location of the base. He should be checking whether the communicator has been found by us, and by the way, he will notify the outside world. Accomplices, the two of them have entered the base safely."

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