Panther Commando

Chapter 4781: invincible

On the top of the mountain shrouded in darkness, Johnny crouched under the dim rock. He heard Wan Lin mention the battle just now, he gasped and said, "Thanks to you for coming in time, once the enemy reaches the top of the mountain, we will There is simply no way to escape from the enemy's guns!"

He shook his head and said, "At that time, we were suppressed by the enemy's firepower at the bottom of the mountain. Scorpion and I organized several counterattacks and tried to take the students up the mountain, but they were all suppressed by the machine guns and guns of the enemy from the north. I can't get close to the foot of the mountain. After you opened fire, Scorpion and I took the opportunity to rush up the mountainside."

Wan Lin heard his words of gratitude, he looked at Johnny and waved his hand, and then said somewhat puzzled: "From the situation we fought with the enemy on the top of the mountain just now, although these people are not weak in fighting ability, most of them People's fighting movements are standard fighting techniques used by Western special forces, and these people should not be from Yamaguchi Security."

Here he recalled the fight just now, and then said: "Among these people, there are only two or three boys whose movements are similar to those of the Yamaguchi security guards. But the recipients of the communication signals sent by the two traitors, why? In this area? Strange."

When Fengdao heard Wan Lin's question, he also said thoughtfully: "Yes, although these people have good combat literacy and equipment, most of them are indeed not as agile as the Yamaguchi security guards, I will go over to see their faces. "Speaking, he stood up, turned and ran to the top of the mountain behind. Wan Lin and Johnny also got up and walked back with guns.

Several people walked to several enemy corpses lying on the top of the mountain. He bent down and took off the night vision goggles on the enemy's face and stared at it. Wan Lin straightened up in the dimness and said, "These people are all white people, not from Yamaguchi security guards. Although there are also white people in Yamaguchi security guards, there are very few of them, and most of them are yellow faces."

Johnny also straightened up with a dignified expression. He looked at Wan Lin and said, "Yes, these people are indeed white. But the signal location determined by the telecommunications team will never be wrong. What the **** is going on? Not from Yamaguchi Security?"

Wan Lin shook his head and said, "When Lao Feng and I killed that Ralph and William just now, Ralph personally told me that they were indeed sent by Yamaguchi security guard Kuroda, and asked if I was the Huaxia leopard. people? They are from Yamaguchi Security, that's not wrong!"

Just when Wan Lin and the others were surprised, Cheng Ru ran from the dimly lit mountain behind with a sniper rifle. He ran to Wan Lin and said in a low voice: "Xie Chao has already rushed to the mound between the mountains on the side, and the sniper has been killed. Xie Chao checked it carefully. The sniper rifle seems to be from Yamaguchi's security guard. I have sent Wu Xueying over to check it carefully."

When Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's report, he nodded thoughtfully and continued, "Most of Yamaguchi Security's snipers use M-made sniper rifles. If it can be determined that this sniper is from Yamaguchi Security, This shows that the Yamaguchi security personnel have joined forces with this group of militants, or they are negotiating to join forces."

He then looked at Johnny and Fengdao again and said, "Let's take a closer look at the other killed people on the top of the mountain to see if there are any people who are suspected of being Yamaguchi security guards." He raised his feet and walked around. Johnny, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao also scattered to the top of the mountain.

Johnny walked and bent over to look at the corpses. He stared at the enemy who was lying on the top of the mountain, with a look of horror in his eyes.

At this time, he could already see that these boys were wearing bulletproof vests, helmets on their heads, and a few of them had monocular night vision goggles on their faces. Died of gunshot wounds.

He looked at the corpses near the edge of the mountain and took a breath of cold air. He had already seen that these people had rushed to the edge of the mountain. If Wan Lin and the two took a step at night, the muzzle of the other party's guns would definitely be aimed at the slopes and mountains below. In the meantime, a hurricane-like rain of bullets was swept out.

At that time, he and the scorpion and the students hiding under the mountain will be completely exposed to the muzzle of the other party's whistling bullets. I am afraid that no one will be able to walk out of this mountain alive!

Johnny took a deep breath, then squatted in front of a corpse in front of him and looked carefully. In the crevice of the rock next to the opponent's head, a faint luster was reflected in the moonlight, and the blood from the corpse had filled the surrounding low-lying areas. The boy's head was oddly tilted to one side, and a deep crack appeared in his neck.

There was a look of astonishment in Johnny's eyes, he really didn't know how this kid was killed. He followed and looked at the other boy on the side. The other boy fell on his back on the rock. He couldn't see any wounds on his body. There was still a look of astonishment in his eyes looking at the night After taking a closer look at the boy's body, he turned his head and glanced around, Feng Dao was bending over and pulling out a flying knife from a gangster on the side, he whispered: "Instructor Feng, come and have a look, this boy How did he die? Why didn't he have any wounds on his body?"

Hearing the sound of the wind knife coming, he walked to Johnny's side and looked at the shadow lying on the rock. He replied in a low voice, "This kid was smashed to pieces by Instructor Wan, and he died immediately."

"Isn't this kid wearing a body armor?" Johnny asked in astonishment, and Fengdao replied coldly: "It's useless even if he wears steel armor and armor. Our leopard head is extremely powerful, and our palm strength has passed through the body armor. , directly acting on his internal organs, this kid's internal organs have been shattered."

Johnny opened his mouth in astonishment. He didn't expect that this instructor Wan was not only superb in sniping skills, but also had such a strong fighting ability. He shook his head and whispered in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

Feng Dao smiled when he saw his surprised look. He reached out and picked up a half-slap-sized rock from the ground, then handed it to Johnny and said, "Johnny, do you think this rock is hard enough?"

Johnny took the rock and squeezed it hard and said, "It's hard enough, this is limestone." The wind knife took the rock and put it on his right hand. He then clasped his five fingers tightly on the rock, and a "click" sound followed from It sounded in his hand.

Johnny looked at Feng Dao's right hand in astonishment, his eyes widened, and Feng Dao followed with his clenched right hand. Under the dim moonlight, the hard stone half the size of a palm on the right hand of the wind knife has been clenched into small pieces by him at this moment.

Johnny whispered in surprise: "My God, how much power you have in your hands, you are absolutely invincible. No wonder you can smash this kid's internal organs with one palm!"

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