Panther Commando

Chapter 499: ancestor worship ceremony

Wang Tiecheng looked at the old man with a smile and said, "I have seen it, I have seen it, hehehe, you have a good grandson, just wait for him to bring you the certificate of meritorious service."

The old man smiled, Wang Tiecheng's words swept away the gloom that the old man had held in his heart for months, and he knew that Wan Lin must have performed another arduous task with Wang Tiecheng and the others.

After the old man finished talking about all this, Wan Lin suddenly took out a small bag from his arms, opened it slowly, and said, "There are too many tasks in this period of time, and I have not been here to tell you in a hurry, I have found the treasure cave of our ancestors. "What." Grandpa stood up suddenly.

Wan Lin slowly opened the small bag, while talking about the discovery of jewelry and secrets in the cave, and finally said: "This is the legacy of the ancestors and the complete mental method of our Wanjia internal strength."

Grandpa suddenly swayed a few times, and his face turned pale, so frightened that Wan Lin quickly stretched out a hand to support Grandpa, Grandpa pushed his hand away, his eyes fixed on the small package in Wan Lin's hand, and his voice trembled. Asked: " really the legacy of the ancestors and the inner strength of my family."

This is something that thousands of generations have been trying to find. These things have been missing for hundreds of years. Because of the loss of the complete Wanjia internal practice, the ancestors of all dynasties can only practice Wanjia Kungfu by word of mouth. .

In the past, the heads of the past dynasties only knew that in order to prevent accidents, the ancestors sealed the complete mental method of Wanjia Kungfu and a large number of treasures in a secret place. .

But it is this secret inheritance method, but due to the sudden death of the head of the generation hundreds of years ago, and finally lost the secret of the entire family.

Although the children of the Wan family have been secretly searching for this secret in all dynasties, they have all ended in vain. Unexpectedly, due to the wanted incident in the military region, Wan Lin broke into the extremely secret cave by chance and found the Wan family. A family heirloom that has been searched for through the ages, no wonder Grandpa is so excited.

When Wan Lin heard his grandfather's nervous question, he nodded solemnly, and reached out his hand to open the packet, "Slow, hold it with both hands, go back." Grandpa turned around and walked home.

Grandpa walked in front with a pale face, and Wan Lin walked back into the yard with the bag in his hands reverently.

At this time, everyone was busy preparing dinner in the courtyard. When they saw the grandparents and grandchildren coming with such serious expressions, they didn't know what was going on. They quickly stood up and stepped aside. No one dared to make a sound. Watch them.

Grandpa walked into the courtyard, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Zhang Wa, you guys put the table to the south of the courtyard, Xiaoya and Lingling lit the torches in the courtyard." After saying that, he hurried into the house.

The old man quickly walked out of the house, holding a bottle of Maotai wine and three wine glasses brought by Lingling and the others, respectfully placed it on the small table in the south of the yard, and then opened the bottle and filled the three wine glasses.

The old man carefully looked at the position of the place on the table, then took out three incense sticks and lit them. Holding the three incense sticks in both hands, he paused in the air and slowly inserted them into the hard tabletop made of a complete wooden board.

There was a soft sound of "chi", and several people around looked at the thin bamboo sticks under the three incense sticks, slowly penetrated into the hard table, and stood on the table with wisps of light smoke.

Standing on the edge, Yu Jing almost cried out, and quickly reached out to cover her mouth. She didn't expect that three thin incense sticks that could be broken with a gentle break were inserted into the hard table by grandpa. Scientists in physics can't explain this phenomenon with modern physical theory, no wonder she is so surprised.

After grandpa finished all this, he turned around and glanced at Wan Lin. Wan Lin, who had been holding the small bag in both hands, took a step sideways, stood in front of the small table, first held the bag with both hands above his head, and then respectfully He placed the packet behind the incense candle, then opened the packet and took a step back, standing respectfully at the table.

Xiaoya and the others all looked at the antique animal skin in the small bag in surprise. They all didn't know what it was, and they didn't know why Grandpa and Wan Lin were so serious about it.

It turned out that Wan Lin told Xiaoya and a few others that he had found the ancestral treasure, but he did not disclose the matter of finding Wanjia's complete inner strength mental method, because this mental method is the ancestral secret of Wanjia and must be presented first. After giving it to the elders of Wan's parents, it is up to the elders to decide whether to spread it out, so Xiaoya and the others don't know the secrets.

Grandpa looked at the rising cigarette, glanced around at the people around him, and said to Wan Lin, "Kneel down." Wan Lin bent his knees and knelt on the ground reverently.

Then, Grandpa turned around and said to Zhang Wa and Xiaoya who were around him, "You have all practiced Wanjia's inner strength mental method more or less. If you think you are my Wanjia's children, just kneel down."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, everyone stood behind Wan Lin and knelt down with a "pop". Li Dongsheng also came over and hesitated for a while. Just as he was about to kneel down, his grandfather stopped him and said, "You haven't practiced Wan's inner strength. Fa, you can’t count as a disciple of the Wan family, I’ll ask you to read the will of our ancestors in a while.” The old man knelt beside Wan Lin as he spoke.

The old man put his hands together and raised his head above his head, and shouted loudly to the animal skin on the table: "The ancestors of the ten thousand families are on the top, the junior Wan Hong, Sun Wanlin and all the disciples bow to the ancestors."

Saying that, he led the crowd to the ground and kowtowed three times in a row. Then, the old man raised his head to face the animal skin on the table, and said loudly, "Please leave the ancestors of the Wan Li Dongsheng hurry up and leave. In the past, he held up the folded animal skin with both hands and slowly opened it, and said in a calm and solemn tone, "Yu is a descendant of the great general of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Wang Guoan. The late emperor did not tolerate it, so he forced himself to hang himself, and when he was hanged, he left a legacy: it is strictly forbidden for the descendants of ten thousand families to rely on the martial arts of ten thousand families to be officials,..."

Li Dongsheng read every word very slowly, but every sentence and every word carried a majestic momentum, bringing everyone present into the ancient age of golden armor hundreds of years ago. Everyone seems to be listening to the words of the ancestors of the Wan family.

When Li Dongsheng recited: "There is also a "Wanjia Nei Gong Xin Dharma" at the bottom of the box, which records the highest realm of Wanjia's internal power practice. I am ashamed that no one of our generation has cultivated to the highest realm. Great, revive the glory of my martial arts..." Everyone was excited.

They have all heard Wan Lin say that the Wanjia Kungfu that he and his grandfather learned was just handed down by word of mouth from their ancestors, and that some of the best practices had long been missing, and the true and complete Wanjia internal skills had long been lost.

No one would have imagined that the complete inner strength of the Wan family would see the light of day after hundreds of years of vicissitudes of life and countless wars and disputes.

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