Panther Commando

Chapter 5037: loud mouth

In Wan Lin's deep voice, Squad Leader Hou stepped on the accelerator to accelerate and rushed forward. He followed and stopped the car behind two motorcycles. The off-road vehicle that Xiaoya was driving was also parked behind Wan Lin's car.

At this time, the two motorcycles that Monkey and Lingling were driving were already parked on the side of the road. The black off-road vehicle behind them suddenly braked and stopped beside the two motorcycles. Monkey and Lingling jumped off the motorcycles in rage.

The two of them just propped up the motorcycle, and Xiaomin and Lingyu, who jumped from the back seat of the motorcycle first, took off their heads and took a step forward angrily. The boy shouted, "What are you doing?"

It was the two boys who leaned out just now who got out of the black car. They saw two slender girls pointed at them and asked, and a wretched smile appeared on their faces immediately.

A boy looked at the two delicate little girls and shouted, "Little girl, what are you talking about? Come on, get into my brother's car." After saying that, he and the boy beside him took a step forward, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the two girl's wrist.

At this time, Lingling and Monkey had already propped up the motorcycle. They turned around and saw the two boys stretched out their paws to the two girls. They rushed forward and shouted: "Let go!"

At this moment, Xiaomin and Lingyu's wrists suddenly trembled, and a hot and cold breath rushed towards the hands of these two boys, and the two boys suddenly trembled as if they had been electrocuted.

At this moment, the two girls flipped their wrists and got out of each other's big hands, and the two roared coquettishly: "Rogue, get out!" In the crisp cry, the two girls raised their right legs on one side, " "Slap" and kicked **** the left hip bones of the two boys in front of him.

"Oops!" The two boys exclaimed, staggering to the side. The other two boys who just jumped out of the black off-road vehicle quickly took a step forward to support the rushing companion.

At this time, Monkey and Lingling had already rushed behind Xiaomin and Lingyu. The two grabbed Xiaomin and Lingyu's arms and dragged them behind them. They looked coldly at the six boys who jumped out of the two cars.

The two boys who were kicked away stood firm. They broke free from their companions' arms. One of them turned to look at the girl standing beside the motorcycle and shouted, "Stinky girl, it will be two more times, you are courting death!" The boy followed from behind. Pulling out a three-section stick from his back, he and his companions rushed towards Lingyu and Xiaomin angrily.

"Amitabha!" A low chanting sound suddenly sounded from the side of the road. The two boys stopped and turned their heads to look. At a glance, they saw an old man and two nuns walking towards this side, with two young men following them. and a slender girl.

A boy standing beside the black off-road vehicle saw the two masters. He opened his mouth and shouted at his companions: "Haha, look, this competition is really lively, and the two bald donkeys are also here. Join in the fun?" "Hahahaha..." The surrounding boys immediately burst into mocking laughter.

When Wan Lin heard them insulting the two masters, he turned around and stuffed Xiaohua into Lingling's hands, stretched out his hand and grabbed the monitor Hou and Monkey who were about to rush forward, and he whispered: "Stand back, protect Xiaomin and Lingyu! "Speaking, he took a step forward suddenly, and the two monkeys quickly stood behind him on both sides, staring at each other with wide eyes.

In the mocking laughter of the other party, the faces of the two masters had already floated a cyan color, and the two reached out to grab Wan Lin's arm. Master Tian Jue looked at the boys in front and said coldly: "Amitabha. Xiao Shi The main thing is to keep your virtue, or you will be punished!"

At this time, there were several cars driving behind. Inside the car, they saw two cars on the narrow mountain road ahead. They quickly parked the car on the side of the road and looked forward.

The old Wan family also glanced coldly at the ferocious boys in front of him, then he glanced at a group of martial arts practitioners watching by the side of the road, shook his head and said to Wan Lin and the others: "Forget it, don't have the same knowledge as them. "The old man turned around and walked to the car.

At this time, the boy with the three-section stick heard the words of Shi Tai and the old man of the Wan family. He raised the three-section stick in his hand and pointed at the old man and Tian Jue Shi Tai and cursed: "Old man, thief and bald donkey, you don't know anyone like you. I'm not afraid of retribution!"

Before waiting for the boy's voice to fall, a gray figure suddenly rushed out from the side of Tian Jue Shi Tai, and before the boys in front could react, the figure had already rushed to the scolding boy, and a sharp roar followed: " Shut your stinky mouth!" In the sharp roar, a few crisp slaps followed from the face of the boy holding the three-section stick.

Everyone looked up in astonishment, and at this moment, the gray figure had retreated to the two old men behind him like lightning. Nianci Shitai, who was wearing a gray plain clothes, held the opponent's three-section stick in her hand and said coldly: "These martial arts weapons are the weapons of evil in your hands, don't worry!"

Saying that, she raised her hand and threw the three-section stick to the cliff behind her. It turned out that she had already snatched the three-section stick in the opponent's hand at this moment, and gave the boy with a mouth full of feces a few loud mouths.

The crisp slap, the ghostly figure, and the sharp angry shouting made all the arrogant young men in front of him stunned. Just now, Nianci Shitai's figure was too fast, and before they could react, Shitai's figure had already retreated from them.

A group of onlookers also stared at Master Nianci too with wide Several young men applauded: "Good skill!" "This figure is too fast!" Most of these onlookers were Wearing sports uniforms and martial arts uniforms, it looks like a martial arts practitioner going to the martial arts conference.

These people had already understood the whole story from the black car that stopped in front of them and the angry expressions of the girls in front of them, and the seven or eight people onlookers gathered around in anger.

One of them, a middle-aged man in his 40s, walked into the crowd. He reached out his hand to stop a few ferocious young men, frowned and said, "What are you doing in broad daylight? Do you really want to do something to the elderly and women?"

The middle-aged man's voice just fell, and the boy who had been slapped a few times by Master Nianci suddenly took two steps forward, and his left hand punched the middle-aged man who was standing in front of him. , roared angrily in his mouth: "You bastard, get out, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party would be so arrogant, and would actually take action directly on him, the peacemaker who came to discourage him. He stepped aside from the fists from multiple sides and reached out to grab the opponent's wrist.

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