Panther Commando

Chapter 5040: reappear

In the roar of the old man's rage, his rapidly turning right palm suddenly slammed forward, and the rapidly rotating pink airflow in front of him, like a long pink dragon, went straight to the dantian of the lower abdomen of the boy in front of him!

"Ouch..." A scream followed, and the boy who was spinning like a spinning top in the air let out a shrill scream. Following the old man's palm, he flew straight to the black off-road vehicle behind him!

The boys behind them with weapons were already stunned with fright. They saw their master flying backwards like cannonballs. The boys quickly lowered the weapons they held up, turned around and ran around, but no apprentice came. In front of the master who hugged them whistling.

The figure slammed into the body of the black off-road vehicle with a bang. The guy who had just recovered his sternness opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then slipped off the body of the off-road vehicle that had been smashed into a deep hole.

The onlookers opened their mouths in astonishment and stared at the strange scene in front of them. The silent mountain echoed with the roar of the gangster hitting the off-road vehicle. Everyone stared blankly at the tall old man in front of him.

The old man of Wanjia slapped the vicious villain in front of him with a palm, his hands danced a palm shadow in the air, and the pink infuriating qi flew up and down, and then flew towards the old man's abdomen dantian like a long dragon. In the blink of an eye, the pink air wave has disappeared in the old man's body.

"Okay!" A burst of cheers followed from both sides of the road, and the applause sounded like thunder. The surrounding group of martial arts practitioners couldn't help but let out a cheer, and then raised their palms and slapped hard.

Just as everyone cheered, a gust of wind suddenly sounded beside the old man. A slender whip shadow threw out from Wan Lin's body with a "squeak".

"Crack", "Crack", two crisp whip sounds followed. The sudden whip shadow surprised everyone! Everyone hurriedly looked to the side of the black off-road vehicle, and two darts flashing with cold light were falling from the hands that the two boys had just raised.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they understood that these two boys actually took out hidden weapons and wanted to hurt people with secret arrows! Everyone's eyes suddenly widened, they really didn't expect these gangsters in front of them to be so shameless and vicious!

Obviously, after the defeat of their master, these two boys quietly took out hidden weapons to hurt people with secret arrows. The evil deeds of these two boys aroused the anger of everyone, and everyone roared in unison: "Hit these bastards!" In the deafening roar, everyone rushed forward angrily.

At this moment, the whip sound of "papapapa" sounded like beads. The long whip in Wan Lin's hand flew up and down like a black spirit snake, followed by a scream and the sound of "dang clang" falling, followed by the arms of the group of boys holding machetes and sticks. Bloody welts.

As the weapons in the hands of this group of gangsters fell to the ground, seven or eight angry young men around had rushed up, and a burst of "crackling and crackling" sounded.

These young men were all martial arts practitioners, and in their anger, they shot extremely hard, and in a blink of an eye, they knocked down the seven or eight gangsters to the ground. A few boys on the ground were rolling and screaming.

Xiaomin and Lingyu, who were standing on the side of the road, also rushed forward angrily. Xiaoya and Lingling quickly pulled the two girls to their side. They scurried out in anger to kill these rascals.

When the old man was cleaning up the vicious old boy just now, they and Wan Lin paid close attention to the boys in front of them to prevent these boys from taking desperate risks and secretly hurting the old man.

They knew that now Wan Lin suddenly shot out his opponent's hidden weapon, and then waved his long whip to remove the murder weapon from the hands of the rest of the boys, in order to prevent them from harming the old man and the surrounding crowd.

At this moment, two sedans suddenly drove from the road behind, and the two sedans slowed down and stopped on the side of the road ahead. Xiaoya and Lingling turned their heads to look, a black car pushed open the door and walked out a middle-aged man, Lingling whispered, "Look at Xiaoya, it's Director Ye Feng!"

Xiaoya quickly grabbed Wan Lin's arm and said in a low voice, "Wan Lin, Director Ye is here." Wan Lin, who was staring at the group of gangsters, heard Xiaoya's cry and quickly put away her long whip and turned her head to look.

At this time, Ye Feng, who had just got out of the car, had also seen Wan Lin and several people standing by the roadside. He raised his hand to stop the men who were about to rush towards the crowd, and walked towards Wan Lin with great strides.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at his grandfather and Tian Jue Shi Tai and said in a low voice, "Grandpa, Shi Tai, Director Ye is here. You two elders quickly stop the group of angry boys and teach these **** a lesson, don't let anyone die, I Go and greet Director Ye."

The old man and the master nodded when they heard Wan Lin's reminder, and a sharp voice of "Amitabha" sounded from the mouth of Master Tian Jue. This voice with internal force was like a group of young men who had inserted an ice pick into everyone's ears and were kicking the gangsters on the ground.

The old man of Wanjia took a step forward, looked at the group of brave young men and clasped his fists and said: "Thank you little brothers for your help! Now these scumbags have been punished, and their masters have also been abolished by the old man, so let them go."

A group of young men heard the old man's voice, and then they looked down at the gangsters who had been beaten to pieces, and they rushed to the old man's side.

A group of people walked up to the old man and the teacher, all of them respectfully clasped their fists and saluted the old The middle-aged man clasped his fists with both hands, bowed and asked, "Excuse me, senior, you belong to the Wan family. successor?"

The boys around looked at each other, and they asked in a low voice, "Wan's family, why have I never heard of this sect?" "Which sect is this? Never heard of it."...

The middle-aged man looked at the surprised eyes of the young men around him and straightened up and explained, "Since ancient times, the Wan family has been the best in martial arts in both internal and medical skills. The people in their sect are not only extremely skilled, but also have a very high level of martial arts. When the head of the gate sect sees a disciple of the Wan clan, he must bow down and bow to him as a junior."

He followed and sighed while looking at the old man in front of him, "As far as I know, the people of Wan's clan are all gods and dragons. It is rare for the world to see their true colors, and it is even more rare to see their countless skills in the world."

"According to legend, only when there are vicious people in the martial arts, they will appear in the arena to eradicate evil for the people! The infuriating energy they strike is all pink, which is the mark of their disciples appearing in the arena. No Thinking of this Wan's stunt, it actually reappears today!"

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