Panther Commando

Chapter 5056: blood in the forest

Wan Lin and Monkey heard Xiaomin's crisp cry, and they hurried to the gate of the courtyard. The two ran to the door to take the fish baskets and bamboo baskets from their hands. The monkey looked at Squad Leader Hou and the security guard and complained, "You guys are too rude. How could you ask a few younger sisters to carry such heavy things?"

Squad leader Hou replied with a smile: "They didn't let us do it, saying that they caught these fish, and they had to move them back to show them to Grandpa and Master."

With a bright smile on Lingyu's face, she said, "Sister Lingling said, this is our big fish." Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they saw the red faces of the four girls.

Grandpa and Mrs. Tian Jue also stood up and walked over with a smile. Grandpa looked at the dozen or so big fish in the basket and asked in surprise, "Oh, you have caught so many fish in such a short period of time?"

Xiaomin replied excitedly: "Grandpa, we drove a boat to the center of the lake to cast a net. We even threw a lot of small fish into the lake. There are a lot of fish there, and we also caught a few big fish."

Lingyu also looked up at his grandfather and said excitedly: "Grandpa, nunnery master, a lot of big fish jumped from the boat into the lake, and a few of us worked hard to put these fish into the basket. Those big fish are very strong, I Both Xiaomin and Xiaomin were almost thrown into the lake by the big fish, thanks to Sister Xiaoya and Sister Lingling who caught us, the two eldest brothers hurried over to help us put the fish into the basket."

Grandpa smiled when he saw the excited look of the two girls. He kindly pulled the two girls to his side, then looked at the security guard and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

The security guard said honestly: "Grandpa, our specialty here is the fish in this lake. You finally came here. Of course, we want you to try it."

The old man took the security guard's arm and said, "Okay, then let's eat fish and drink two glasses at night. Come and sit down for a while." The security guard smiled and said, "I'm not tired, I'll hurry up and clean up the fish. It's good stew, I'll have a few drinks with you in the evening."

As he said that, he grabbed the bamboo basket in Wan Lin's hand, looked at the monkey and said, "Monkey, move the fish to the kitchen. I will help aunt and uncle clean up the fish. You accompany grandpa to talk with them." He carried the bamboo basket and strode into the building, and the monkey quickly followed with the fish basket.

The old man Wanjia looked at the backs of the security guard and the monkey and sighed: "Simple, honest, hospitable, this is the real mountain person."

Standing next to him, Tian Jue Shi Tai also said with emotion: "Yes, these are real mountain people, although most of them are poor, but they are very kind-hearted, which is why I have always been reluctant to bring Nianci. The reason for entering the city with Lingyu. In the past, I was really worried that they would enter the city and be contaminated with those dirty things."

After the teacher finished speaking, she looked at the two girls and said, "Xiaomin, Lingyu, go wash your hands and take a break." The two girls agreed, pulling Xiaoya and Lingling to the sink by the courtyard wall. .

At this time, Wan Lin looked at Squad Leader Hou and asked, "Didn't you bring your car up?" Squad Leader Hou replied, "Big brother was afraid that the fish would dirty your car, so I went back and drove the electric tricycle to bring the fish up. , I went down with the monkey and drove the car up." He greeted the monkey who ran out of the building and strode out of the courtyard.

Wan Lin saw the two monkeys striding out of the courtyard, and he turned his head to look at Ye Feng and Qian Bin who were standing on the side of the courtyard. Ye Feng and Qian Bin whispered a few words and then walked towards the courtyard gate. Wan Lin greeted him and asked in a low voice, "Ju Ye, how is the situation now, have you found any trace of Wang Hu and the others?"

Ye Feng replied in a gloomy and low voice: "Wang Hu's mobile phone has been confiscated by the other party, so far he has not sent a positioning signal. From the analysis of the current situation, the other party should strengthen the surveillance of Wang Hu and the others, so Wang Hu No chance was found to signal. However, our men have followed their footsteps into the woods."

Qian Bin also followed up: "Just now our people suddenly found a bloodstain in the depths of the woods, and then found four corpses in a grass. Judging from the situation, the other party seems to have discovered that we were following, and they did not have time to destroy the corpses. Extinction."

Wan Lin's eyes widened suddenly, and he said angrily, "These people must be the few players that Wang Hu said were unwilling to join their company. How did they die?"

Qian Bin immediately replied: "After identification, these people are the players who entered the next round. The cause of death of these people was all killed with a dagger, and the fatal wounds were all on the neck and heart. Found the traces of fighting. Those players are all people with martial arts, the only explanation can only be that they were suddenly killed by someone who was caught off guard."

Hearing this, Wan Lin scolded in a low voice: "These **** dare to commit murder in our China, they are courting death!" He followed Ye Feng and said, "Ye Bureau, from the current situation analysis, this foreign company is Through this competition, they came to Huaxia to recruit those martial arts scum who saw money. They killed these players who were unwilling to join in with them. The purpose must be to kill and silence them, so as to prevent these people from revealing their whereabouts and goals. "

He then looked at Qian Bin and asked worriedly, "Is Wang Hu still safe now?" Qian Bin immediately replied, "Safe, none of the people who were killed was Wang Hu. Wang Hu was very clever, he already understood us. The meaning of letting him go to the ring, as an undercover agent, he directly followed those people and ran into the depths of the forest."

After Qian Bin finished speaking, he looked at Ye Feng and asked in a low voice, "Officer We have too few people, do you want to inform the police and ask them to send more armed police to arrest these bastards?"

Ye Feng replied with a gloomy face: "The situation has become extremely complicated now, we must report it to the General Administration and comprehensively consider the countermeasures. Wan Lin's analysis just now is very reasonable. The scum with martial arts. But what exactly are they recruiting these scum for? We don't know yet."

He pondered for a moment when he said this, and then continued: "Judging from the current situation, they have come prepared, and they should have planned the retreat route before coming. It may be difficult for our people to follow for a long time."

As he spoke, he looked at Qian Bin and said in a low voice, "Tell up the map of this mountainous area." Qian Bin quickly took out a small laptop from the satchel he was carrying. He walked to the round table in the courtyard, turned on the computer and adjusted the A map is drawn.

Wan Lin and Ye Feng walked to the table and looked down. Wan Lin looked at the map and said, "Our commandos have performed several missions in this forest and are very familiar with this terrain."

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