Panther Commando

Chapter 5058: Landscape Blessed Land

Nianci was stunned when she heard the voice of Master Tian Jue muttering to herself, and then she understood that this is the mountain where Xuanxu Guan is located! She knows that since her mother left Xuanxuguan with her, she has never stepped into this landscape that once made her sad.

Nianci reached out and gently grabbed her mother's hand and asked in a low voice, "Master, do you remember the past again?" Master Tian Jue heard Nianci's question, so he raised his hand and rubbed it as if he had woken up from a dream. Rub red eyes.

She looked out of the car window and sighed and replied, "The Buddha said: Everything happens by fate. I didn't expect that after decades, Lao Ni would step into this landscape again for you and Lingyu. This is something that cannot be erased. The fate of ah. Now the nothingness is gone, but the fate of Lao Ni and this landscape is not exhausted."

She raised her finger and pointed to the majestic mountains outside the window, and continued: "Look at Nianci, the mountains here are majestic and majestic, which gave birth to the two martial arts schools of Wan's and Xuanxuguan, and cultivated Lin'er and these heroic heroes. This is a blessed land."

She turned to look at Nianci and said excitedly: "Now, our Lingyu follows me and the benefactor Wanlao into this blessed land, which indicates that she will definitely become an elite talent useful to China! "

"That's right, this is a blessed land of mountains and rivers!" The old man from the Wan family who was sitting in the front suddenly praised, and the old man turned around to look at the excited teacher and said, "Lingyu is talented, intelligent and kind-hearted, she will definitely follow her. Like Xiaomin, Jingyi, Xiaomiao, and Shanshan, they will become useful talents for China! You can rest assured that the descendants of our Wanjia and Xuanxuguan will not embarrass us."

When the two masters heard the sonorous and powerful voice of the old Wan family, their faces showed gratified smiles. Nianci Shitai folded his hands together and said, "Amitabha, thank the old benefactor and Lin Er, you are the one who brought Lingyu to a bright road!"

At this moment, Wan Lin's cell phone suddenly rang. He took out the phone and put it to his ear and said, "I'm Wan Lin." The voice of Wang Tiecheng, the commander of the Armed Police Special Brigade, was immediately heard on the phone: "Wan Lin, I am It's Wang Tiecheng, are you back?"

Wan Lin said with a smile, "Brother Wang, Xiaoya and Lingling, I just came back a few days ago, and now I'm taking my grandfather back to their hometown in the mountains, do you have time? If you have time, come to the mountains to play for two days, right? "

Wang Tiecheng replied with a smile: "Haha, I don't have time. If you are in the city, I can find you to have a drink, but I can't go that far. By the way, I received an order from a superior just now, saying that a group of foreign companies in the competition will have a drink. People have killed several contestants, and now they are fleeing deep into the mountains. I have ordered two special police teams to rush to the scene of the incident to arrest them. I heard that Ye Feng, you and the old man were also there at the time. What happened at that time? Why is Director Ye also there?"

When Wan Lin heard Wang Tiecheng's questioning, he immediately understood that Wang Tiecheng must have received an urgent order, and his superiors did not introduce the situation to him in detail. He quickly replied: "I'm driving, wait a moment, I'll pull over to the side of the road."

He parked the car to the side of the road, then turned to look at his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, you and the two teachers get off the car for activities, I will answer the phone."

As he said that, he pushed open the car door and jumped down, making a rest gesture to Xiaoya in the car behind, he followed and sat down beside a road berm in front.

Wan Lin raised the phone to his ear and said, "Brigade Wang, my grandfather and two mistresses were sitting in my car. I was afraid they would be worried, so I stopped the car and told you."

He immediately recounted what he saw and heard at the competition, and then said to the phone: "Now, Director Ye and the others are investigating this foreign company. What is their motive for recruiting Chinese martial arts practitioners? We don't know yet. clear."

He hesitated for a while when he said this, turned his head to look at his grandfather and the two teachers who were standing by the mountain road and looked at the distant mountains and said in a low voice, "At that time, I heard Director Ye say that these people killed those who wanted to come back to practice martial arts. , I suddenly felt a sense of unease in my heart. I feel that these people are not ordinary gangsters. Judging from their quick evacuation and their methods of leaving no survivors, they seem to be Yamaguchi security guards, black hawks or red foxes."

"Red Fox? You mean the international killer organization that has emerged in recent years?" Wang Tiecheng asked in surprise. Wan Lin replied immediately: "Yes, we Huabao have already dealt with them a few times, and the way these people act is very similar to the people of this foreign company. Their people are the same as those in the hiring group. Stay alive."

When Wan Lin said this, he looked up at Xiaoya and Lingling who were walking beside him and said in a low voice, "Brigade Wang's phone number." He continued talking to the phone, "This is just my intuition, is it theirs? It's hard to tell. However, you must tell your people that once you find them, you must not be merciful, and don't think about keeping them alive. These people are extremely fierce, and we won't let us capture them alive."

"Okay!" Wang Tiecheng replied immediately, and Wan Lin followed: "By the way, those people included six big-nosed foreigners and three Chinese from the organizing committee. At that time, they fled into the forest with eight contestants who won the competition. Among them, four of them have been killed. Now, among the remaining four players is an undercover agent named Wang Hu. He is a member of Ye Ju. You must ensure his safety when you are in action. A team from the National Security Operations Department Team members, following behind them."

Hearing this, Wang Tiecheng replied: "The superior's order has already mentioned that the people from Bureau Ye are We will be more careful, I will now order my people to be more vigilant, and I will contact you if there is any situation. ." After speaking, he hurriedly hung up the phone.

Xiaoya and Lingling stood beside Wan Lin and heard the conversation between Wan Lin and Wang Tiecheng, Xiaoya said with a serious look: "Wanlin, are we helping the people from Bureau Ye and Wang Brigade to follow?"

Wan Lin shook his head and replied: "We have no orders and cannot act without authorization. Now the people from Ye Ju and Wang's brigade have followed, and the border guards must have strengthened their vigilance. Let's wait and see, their people should be enough. ." After speaking, he put the mobile phone in his pocket and said, "Let's go, don't tell Grandpa and the others about these situations, so as not to affect their mood."

The three walked to the old man's side. Grandpa asked, "Lin Er, is it a call from Team Wang? Is there something wrong?" Wan Lin replied, "It's okay, Team Wang is asking about the competition. He already knew that we were going. After the competition." The old man asked: "Did they send someone to chase those bastards?"

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