Panther Commando

Chapter 509: brutal revenge (1)

Without this kind of life-and-death friendship across national borders, Jones of country M would not have immediately notified Park Guocheng of the 707th brigade of country H who had contact with them after the attack, and asked him to try to notify the leopard commandos.

When Pu Guocheng heard Wan Lin's reply on the phone, he was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand how Wan Lin and the others were unprepared and eliminated more than a dozen well-armed little devils who attacked.

He hesitated to ask, but then shook his head again. He knew that this magical leopard commando had a lot of unknown combat power. In country A, they were surrounded by the enemy several times. In his view, Park Guocheng Under the circumstances that it was absolutely impossible to rush out, it was this brave commando who brought them back to life, rushed out of the siege, and severely injured those terrorists, and sent the depraved little devils to the guillotine.

This is a special force that cannot be predicted or judged by common sense. Park Guocheng shook his head slightly and answered Wan Lin's greetings with a phone: "I have already been attacked, but fortunately it is not a big problem, I am also getting a seal from the M country. The commando sniper Jones immediately raised his vigilance after the notification, and only narrowly escaped the disaster. He was only slightly injured during the attack. It was nothing serious. I have passed our intelligence system to investigate this organized assassination. The operation was investigated, and at the same time we were hunting for my assassin, and the whole thing went like this”…

Park Guocheng slowly started from the attack of Haig and Jones, and told Wan Lin the whole process of the incident.

It turned out that at the same time as Wan Lin and the others returned to China, Lieutenant Colonel Cole, sniper Captain Jones and spectator Haig, who were surviving from the M-country SEAL team who participated in the World Special Forces Competition, also returned to China.

These **** surviving commandos returned to their troops, and were naturally treated like heroes. While giving them various rewards, their team was extra kind to give the three of them a month's vacation, allowing them to carry out self-development. Take a break and adjust to the tension after a fierce battle.

Jones and Haig's hometowns are in the same state, and the distance between the two is just over 100 kilometers. They both returned to their homes by plane.

After spending a few days with his family and friends, Jones, a special forces member who was used to living in a tight brigade, finally felt lonely and bored. This afternoon, Jones was really bored at home and suddenly thought of his old partner. Haig, he took out his phone and called Haig.

Haig received a call and immediately invited him to come to play with him, saying that he had a very good girlfriend, and was about to ask Jones to help him with his advice. The two met in a small town not far from Haig's house. Meet in the restaurant.

Jones put down the phone, immediately jumped into his Chevrolet jeep, and drove to Haig's house in plain clothes. After more than 100 kilometers, Jones drove into the small town agreed with Haig in less than two hours.

At this time, the tall Haig was waiting for Jones at an Italian restaurant in town with his girlfriend Emma.

Haig's girlfriend is an immigrant from Southeast Asia. She has a tall figure, plump breasts, two thick and **** lips, and she looks like a **** beauty.

This is what Haig met when he visited his home last year. Since Haig served in the army, the two did not meet for a long time. However, through a limited number of meetings and phone calls, the two actually dated for more than a year. They are very satisfied with each other, so Haig has always wanted Jones, who is both an old partner and a good friend, to meet Emma, ​​mainly to help himself, and at the same time to show off.

Just as Haig was chatting with Emma in high spirits and looking out the window to wait for Jones, three Asian men in suits suddenly walked in outside the restaurant.

The few people who came in looked around the restaurant. It was just five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was not yet time to eat.

Haig glanced at the few people who had just entered, and suddenly found that they were all Asians in their twenties. Good body coordination.

Haig's heart suddenly moved, and he secretly said: "Soldiers, these must be soldiers who have received strict military training, otherwise there will never be such good physical coordination and uniform movements."

But he didn't care too much, this was his own country, and he was a world-famous Navy SEAL. If something happened, he was confident that he would be able to deal with a few soldiers. He withdrew his eyes and continued to look out the window.

A few Asians saw that there were only a few waiters in the restaurant, and they were chatting lazily by the cashier counter, so they went straight to the table next to Haig and sat down. A waiter saw them sitting down and took the menu and walked away. come over.

Before the waiter approached to speak, one of the Asians asked coldly in English, "Niggers can also enter this restaurant."

The word "nigger" pierced into Haig's eardrum like a steel needle. He stood up in a jerk, turned his head and glared at the three. In front of his girlfriend, he laughed and said, "How could such a beautiful girl follow a nigger." Then, he reached out and touched Emma's face.

Before he could finish his Haigpu's big slap suddenly stretched out and grabbed the arm of the other party that was reaching towards Emma. He stood up and pushed towards Haig from left to right.

"No, the other party came prepared." Haig suddenly realized that the other party was not causing trouble for no reason. The tall and powerful Haig grabbed the opponent in his right hand and quickly supported the opponent's waist with his left hand. He smashed to the two people on the side, followed by his right fist and hit the Asian man approaching to his left with the sound of wind. Since he saw that the three opponents were not good, he did not hesitate to attack.

The two of them saw their companions who were smashing over. One was short and the other was short, and they suddenly flashed in front of Haig. One side of the body avoided Haig's punch with the sound of the wind. The left hand suddenly lifted up, and a cold light appeared. Haig's arm flickered, and he followed the flying body and took a few steps back.

At this moment, the person who had been thrown out by Haig had already been dragged down from the air by another of his companions. He stumbled to the ground and knocked over two dining tables. ." Turning over and pounced on Haig again.

Haig threw out a person, then took a step to the side, his legs were slightly different, and his hands were in a boxing posture. The sleeves dripped to the ground.

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