Panther Commando

Chapter 513: share the same hatred

The helicopter took Pu Guocheng directly to the military hospital for treatment of the injury. Fortunately, it was only a scratch, but no bones or vitals were injured. The doctor helped Pu Guocheng to treat the wound, but his eyes were red, and he snatched the team members around him. The military communicator, called the special forces members of the 707 brigade who cooperated with the police: "I found no trace of the enemy." There was a murderous aura from his body.

"Report, no traces of those killers have been found yet," the team members in the city replied. Hearing the answers of his team members, Park Guocheng handed the microphone to the team members next to him angrily, and at the same time he slowly calmed down.

Since the other party is targeting their own special forces, the personnel they send to carry out the assassination must be some special personnel who have been professionally trained like themselves. Raids and assassinations are the special forces of the special forces, and they must have long ago. After researching the retreat route, they will retreat with a single blow, and they will never be exposed to the police and their own hands. Therefore, the probability of being able to find them should be extremely low.

After hesitating for a while, he asked the team members and medical staff to leave the ward. He took out his mobile phone and directly called the relevant department of the Ministry of National Defense of our country. He did not have Wanlin's communication method, so he could only call the military directly to inform him. If the situation arises, please contact Wanlin directly.

He wanted to promptly notify the Panther Commandos who had given them great help to the 707 Brigade in Country A, and let them beware of the little devil's retaliation.

After Pu Guocheng reported the situation to the Chinese side, he put down the phone with confidence, bursts of fatigue flooded into his heart, and he fell into a deep sleep on the bed.

When he woke up the next day, he looked at the sunlight shining into the ward from the window and thought about this series of attacks.

From the attack of Haig and Jones, the SEALs of M country, to their own attack, it basically happened on the same day, and the few people who were attacked were all people who personally eliminated Akino in the canyon of country A.

I remember that the weather was very clear that day, and the sky was clear and blue. It must have been the little devils who identified the little devils who cleaned up the little devils with their own hands through the real-time satellite images released by the organizing committee. Therefore, the little devils with a strong sense of revenge may have The troops were divided into three groups, and retaliatory actions were simultaneously launched against several people scattered in the three countries.

Park Guocheng carefully recalled the number of enemies who attacked him, and found that the enemy had followed and assassinated nearly ten people. Thinking of this, Park Guocheng was shocked, and he sent nearly ten special forces to attack him alone. There are at least twice as many people who assassinate the fierce leopard than who assassinate themselves.

Wan Lin is in danger. Wan Lin must be the main target of the opponent's little devils. When he notified Wan Lin's military region yesterday, it should also be the time when the other party launched the assassination. I wonder if his notification reached Wan Lin in time. , can this strange leopard soldier escape the catastrophe?

Thinking of this, Park Guocheng took the phone and immediately called the relevant department of the Ministry of National Defense of our country. What he did not expect was that this time the other party did not hesitate and immediately gave Wan Lin's satellite phone to Park Guocheng.

It turned out that when the relevant department of the Ministry of National Defense notified Li Dongsheng, Li Dongsheng immediately reported Pu Guocheng's identity and his relationship with the Leopard Commando to his superiors, and asked them to immediately take Wan Lin with him when Pu Guocheng called again. the satellite phone number to tell the other party.

Wan Lin listened to Park Guocheng's narration, his eyes were red, as if the dark and shiny face of Haige was in front of him, and he seemed to be smiling at him "hehe". The fierce man who hacked the little devil died tragically under the poisonous hidden weapon of the little devil, and was brutally cut off by the little devil.

On the phone, Wan Lin did not describe in detail how to clean up the first group of little devils who assassinated him, but simply said that the 12 team members of the other party had been wiped out, and then said: "Captain Park, you can rest in peace, don't be alone recently. Take action, these little devils are ruthless, you must be careful, you don't have to worry about me, I'm afraid they won't come." He hung up the phone.

He was not polite to Pu Guocheng. Those of them who came together in the fire of war, as long as the interests of the country and the army were not involved, would always be dead friendships and brothers.

Wan Lin immediately informed all the team members about the content of the call with Park Guocheng. When everyone heard that Haige was killed, everyone's eyes were red. That arrogant, stupid, black and thick Haige died just like that in the little devil's drama. Under the poisonous hidden weapon, and after his death, his head was chopped off.

The little devil's cruel method made every Leopard team member indignant, with blazing flames in their eyes.

As a soldier, especially a special soldier, it is not unacceptable to die on the battlefield or at the hands of the enemy, because they themselves are engaged in such a dangerous occupation. Proud of comrades.

But Haig died under the poison of the enemy, killing people with poison. This is a despised behavior by any special soldier in the world, and only a despicable little devil can do such a dirty deed.

"Kill." A cold word suddenly appeared between Li Dongsheng's teeth, "Kill." Cheng Ru, Dali, Zhang Wa, Xiaoya, and Lingling followed suit with the same cold word.

Yu Jing listened to the voices of her comrades who were braving the cold air. She shivered all over her body. She felt a chill rise from her spine. She finally knew why these special soldiers had such a murderous aura. The courage to share the enemy and fear Jing knows that as long as there are shameless, despicable, sinister and dark scum like the little devils in this world, the murderousness of Wanlin and these special forces team members will be never dissipate.

She, a high-level intellectual, is using her hearing, vision, and heart to feel these iron-blooded soldiers. She gradually understood the special soldiers of the republic around her.

Yu Jing finally knew how these little devils in human skins were doing wicked deeds in broad daylight. In the face of these brutal little devils, which soldier is not full of blood and murderous aura.

Her hands were clenching the assault rifle tightly, and the clenched hands had lost their blood color because of the force, and became transparent. For those little devils who have lost their conscience, they can only be treated with "kill without mercy".

The mountain wind blew through the noisy night of the mountain, and gray-black clouds gradually piled up in the sky, and the mountain returned to its former calm.

At this time, Wan Lin and Li Dongsheng were standing in front of a large stone with a piece of white paper on it. Wan held a pencil in his hand and was quickly drawing the surrounding terrain on the paper.

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