Panther Commando

Chapter 518: Devil's Doubt

Ishihara and the two did not dare to get too close. In the information provided by their intelligence department, it was specially emphasized that the Panther Commando had a ferocious kitten, so they did not dare to get too close, in case they were sensitive to this small animal. Smell found that, at the same time, they also deliberately carried powerful odorants to escape animal tracking.

The two of them lay on the top of the mountain and observed for more than half an hour, focusing on the people in the courtyard and the surrounding topography, and then drew a topographic map around the courtyard. Withdrew and returned to the forest where the rest of the team members were hidden.

It was almost evening, and the sky gradually darkened, and the mountains and forests were shrouded in a gray scene.

When Ishihara returned to the woods, he called Aoki to report the situation here. When he heard that the captain approved them to carry out the assassination, he immediately hung up the phone excitedly, turned around and called all the team members to his side. But a great opportunity.

He took out the topographical map around the Wanjia small courtyard that he had just drawn, and introduced the situation to the rest of the team with a low-light flashlight in the woods. Group him to personally lead a long-distance sniper attack on the hillside in front of the house.

But at that time, they provoked the king of the mountain, who should not be provoked at the time, in the Wanjia small courtyard, which aroused the anger of all beasts, and all twelve members of a team were buried in a foreign country.

At this time, after Aoki ordered the second team led by Ishihara to assassinate Wan Lin, he was leading the two team members around him to feast on the food stalls around the hotel, praising the delicious Chinese food in his mouth.

These R country special forces members have always followed the above order and regarded China as the imaginary enemy of the operation, so they specially added a Chinese course in the usual training. More than 60% of their team members can speak fluent Chinese , I didn't expect that it would come in handy in this assassination operation, and there was no need for translation at all.

Ishihara and the others finished their meal beautifully, and when they returned to the hotel, they lay comfortably on the bed and waited for the good news from Ishihara, but at about eight o'clock in the evening, the satellite phone Aoki had placed beside his pillow hurriedly called. .

He answered the phone slowly, and Ishihara's hurried voice immediately came from the receiver: "Report, the assassination failed. The other six were all armed. The four of us were killed on the spot. Now we are retreating into the woods."

When Aoki heard this, he immediately sat up holding the phone, his expression changed drastically. He did not expect that the assassination target Tanjia would also carry a weapon. In fact, Ishihara was trying to shirk responsibility and did not report that the other party was only carrying a self-defense pistol, so that Aoki mistakenly believed that Wan Lin and the others were carrying field equipment.

Aoki immediately shouted at Ishihara: "You should find a place to hide in the mountains immediately, and we will contact you when we enter the mountain."

The two team members around Aoki looked at him nervously, waiting for him to issue an order to enter the mountain, but Aoki didn't say anything for a long time, his mind was spinning quickly, analyzing the current situation:

Ishihara and the others failed to assassinate them, and they were already shocked. The other party may have notified the police and troops. They entered the mountain at this time, and they may attract the attention of the police at any time. It is too dangerous. Army.

Fortunately, the other party doesn't know the number of them coming. It is better to wait for the limelight to pass, the other party relaxes his vigilance, and then leads people into the mountain to assassinate, but it will be easier to succeed. Now let the idiots like Ishihara attract the attention of the other party. It's up to them to live.

After Aoki analyzed the current situation, with a sneer on his face, he got up and said to the two subordinates sitting on the sofa: "Damn, go to sleep and watch Ishihara and their own good fortune."

The two subordinates glanced at Aoki in astonishment, and they all understood in their hearts that the captain gave up on Ishihara and the others, leaving them to fend for themselves.

When the two of them thought of this, they both shivered unconsciously. This is their own countryman, a comrade-in-arms they have been fighting together for a few years. Buried in a foreign land.

The two were about to get up to wash up and prepare to sleep when Aoki's phone rang again, and Ishihara's panicked cry came from the microphone again: "Report Captain, we are being tracked by a large number of beasts", followed by a shock from the microphone. The roar of beasts in the ears and the running sound of a large number of beasts.

"What's going on, tell me more." Aoki asked loudly, but suddenly there was a scream from Ishihara on the phone, followed by the sound of animals gnawing and the sound of beasts roaring and running. After a while, the phone became silent. Silent.

Obviously, in the blink of an eye, Ishihara has become a delicious meal in the mouths of the beasts, and the satellite phone that Ishihara landed on the ground lost its calling function under the beasts' slaps and stamps.

Aoki's face changed, he stood up holding the microphone dumbfounded, why did so many beasts suddenly appear? Could it be that Ishihara and the others ran into the beast's den in a panic? With advanced weapons and equipment, how could it be possible for the beasts to chase and run.

But there was no sound from the microphone. Obviously, Ishihara and the others were buried in the mouth of the beast. Aoki and the two team members did not make a sound for a long time. What shocking thing happened and actually killed a few fully armed special forces team members. beast mouth.

These are all professionally trained killing Even a single person with bare hands would not be afraid of a tiger. How could it be buried in the mouth of a beast? Aoki and the others were puzzled.

Aoki was stunned for a moment, and he shook his head suspiciously, and whispered an order to his opponent: "Send five people immediately to inquire about the news around the mountain and see what happened."

Without knowing exactly what happened on the ground, Aoki, a special forces soldier with rich combat experience, would never dare to send troops lightly.

At noon the next day, several team members who were dispatched by Aoki for investigation sent messages one after another. The messages from several people were basically the same. They all said that for some unknown reason, there was a sudden large-scale commotion among the animals in the mountains last night. Drilling out of the depths, they all ran in one direction, wondering what happened in the mountains, and the local government also carried out emergency evacuation of the residents in the mountains.

The reconnaissance team also reported that, according to the local elderly villagers, it was because the mountain king was angry, which is why last night's situation happened. This has happened before. The fury of the beast, on their way back, happened to hear that the government had informed the mountain people that they could return to their homes.

After listening to the team's report, Aoki stared at him and didn't understand what was going on in the mountains.

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