Panther Commando

Chapter 523: silent forest

Seeing that there was nothing to put in the air knife, he drilled out of the hole and covered the bed as it was. He covered the hole and turned his head to see Wan Lin pulling out a small box from under the bed. The air knife walked over to take a look, Inside the box were two bundles of arrows neatly stacked.

Wan Lin smiled and said to Fengdao: "My little arrow was almost used up when I participated in the special forces competition in country A, and I haven't had time to replenish it since I came back. It happened that my grandfather made these for me at home, and I took it with me. It's time to let the little devils have a good taste of these sharp arrows." He said, putting two bundles of small arrows into the equipment bag.

The two walked out of the room to the courtyard, put the weapon and equipment bag under the table, cleaned up the tableware and chopsticks on the table, made a pot of tea on the table, and continued to chat.

The Panther Commando has made all preparations and is quietly waiting for the appearance of the enemy.

Time is passing by slowly, and the leopard commandos lurking in various positions really feel like they are living for years, especially the few team members who are hidden in the underground cave, unable to see the outside situation, waiting in the dark tunnel, even more depressed. a feeling of.

It wasn't until about 6 o'clock in the afternoon that Wan Lin walked into the tunnel with a large dustbin of dry food, bacon, sausages, and wild vegetables to deliver meals. Everyone inquired about the situation outside Wan Lin.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the various animals in the mountain seemed to have stopped their busy day, and they all returned to their lair in peace and quiet, and the mountain became quiet.

Lieutenant Colonel Aoki, the captain of Country R's Special Forces Commando, was standing at the edge of the forest, holding a binoculars and looking at the mountains outside the forest. The smoke from the smoke rising from the Wanjia courtyard had dissipated, and Aoki nodded with satisfaction.

The rise of the smoke from the kitchen indicated that the opponent did not find his group and was still at home. This all indicated that, so far, everything was developing according to his own plan.

The autumn sunset is like a red-burned discus, hanging diagonally on the top of the mountain in the distance, reflecting the originally white clouds into a fiery red, like a burning flame fluttering over the sunset.

Aoki stood at the edge of the forest, staring at the fiery sunset, and cursed inwardly: Damn, why don't you go down, even if you cover the mountains, you won't be able to shelter your mountain people.

Both the enemy and the enemy are waiting, and the waiting before the war is the most difficult time for every combatant.

The red sun finally jumped a few times on the distant top of the mountain and sank into the back of the mountain. Only a few clouds on the horizon were still blazing with red flames.

The mountains are gradually darkening, and in front of Aoki, there is a beautiful circle like an ink painting. The green mountains are like daisies, the streams are gurgling, and the shades of the trees are swirling. All these make the hated Aoki group of little devils can't help but sigh about the scenery of this country. Graceful and charming.

Aoki thought to himself: No wonder people in my own country have been coveting this neighboring country with vast land and resources for hundreds of years. Even this little-known mountain has such a beautiful and moving scenery. In China, the high-level military has always listed the imaginary enemy as this country, because this country is indeed a treasure land of feng shui.

He thought about his country's small territory and the disaster scene of frequent storms and earthquakes, and Aoki couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

The night finally enveloped the mountain, and the night wind blew across the forest, making the forest branches and leaves that could not be seen squeaked, and the trees on the surrounding peaks swayed left and right with the night wind. The legend of the mountain **** makes this mountain filled with a mysterious color.

A mountain wind blew on Aoki's face with the chill of late autumn. It seemed that the chill had invaded his heart. He couldn't help shivering, and an ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Aoki himself couldn't tell what it was, but this ominous premonition made his raised right hand slowly lower.

Just now, when he saw that the sky was getting dark, he raised his right hand and was about to give the order to start, but the sudden ominous premonition made him hesitate. The self-protection awareness and instinct possessed by special forces.

Sometimes this instinctive premonition works better than any advanced equipment, a battle-hardened veteran honed in long-term danger and life-and-death circumstances, something of an inexplicable .

Aoki hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and commanded into the microphone: "Team 1 set off immediately, occupy the commanding heights around the target courtyard, and surround the target courtyard. If the sniper fails, immediately destroy the target courtyard with firepower; Lead the third team as a reserve team, lurking on the mountain ridge two kilometers away from the target, ready to support at any time, and set off."

The ominous premonition just now made him change the tactical arrangement and divide the troops into two parts, one part to carry out the assassination operation, and the other part to be used as a mobile unit, so that the advance can be attacked, and the retreat can cover a detachment. At present, the strength of Aoki is only this. Twenty-four players from both teams are available.

He brought in a total of three teams, but the twelve members of the second team had already been buried in this mysterious mountain when they were led by Ishihara to sneak in here to carry out the assassination mission.

Aoki ran out of the forest with more than 20 fully-armed R country special forces commandos wearing night vision goggles, like a group of silent ghosts quickly running towards the Wanlin courtyard in the northeast.

At this time, Wan Lin and the wind knife disguised as his have lit a torch in a corner of the yard. The two of them sat leisurely at the small table in front of the authentic house in the yard. drinking tea.

They only lit one torch. Usually, they lit four torches in the four corners of the courtyard. This was to reduce the light and prevent them from being noticed by the enemy when they were replaced by dummies.

Wan Lin sat in front of the small table, touching the teacup with his hand, closed his eyes slightly, breathing thin and long. The realm of nothingness.

All kinds of faint sounds in the mountains and forests have been absorbed into Wan Lin's ears, the "whispers" of the mountain wind blowing through the branches, the occasional roars of large animals in the distance, the "whispers" of gophers and hares chewing on grass roots. "Crack" sound, the "rustling" sound of small animals running over the rocks... None of the faint sounds escaped Wan Lin's sensitive ears.

Feng Dao glanced at Wan Lin with admiration. From Wan Lin's current state of nothingness, he could see the inner strength of Wan Lin. This is the realm that practitioners of inner strength can only dream of.

He and Bao Ya came late and didn't see the scene where Grandpa and Wan Lin practiced kung fu, but as a Feng Dao who is also practicing inner kung fu, Wan Lin's current state has far exceeded his own kung fu. Compared with him, he is obviously not on the same level, and the difference is too far.

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