Panther Commando

Chapter 529: hunt (1)

Wan Lin slowly used his inner strength and mind method under the leaves, and adjusted his breathing extremely long. With every breath, his whole body relaxed, and his heartbeat became slower and slower with his breathing. The temperature gradually dropped and became consistent with the surrounding soil temperature. Just like an animal entering hibernation, various functions of the body entered a slow metabolic process.

Only his ears were flapping slowly, capturing every faint sound around him. About half an hour later, a sound of "rustling" stepping on leaves came from a distance, "kakaka" chopping vines. The voice also followed from time to time.

Hehe, the enemy finally appeared. Wan Lin lay at the bottom of the pit and forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart. He closed his eyes and quietly distinguished the distance and the number of people from the sound.

"One, two, three, four..." He silently discerned the footsteps of each enemy in his heart, and counted the number of people who appeared and where they were.

Everyone's walking posture is different from other people's characteristics. There will never be two people in the world who walk in exactly the same posture. Different people have more or less differences when walking, just like our palm prints In the same way, there will never be two identical palm prints in the world.

To distinguish this slight difference in silence is a set of hunting techniques summed up by people like Wan Lin and his grandfather who grew up in the forest and have deep internal skills through the exploration and practice of their ancestors. .

These hunters who rely on hunting for a living must have the ability to distinguish various animals in the dark hunting environment, because different animals have different hunting methods.

Just like you are hunting in a dark forest, and you judge that there is a coyote on the opposite side, but when you jump out bravely, you suddenly find that there are more than a dozen wolves on the opposite side, then you can only start hunting. become the prey of the wolves.

The footsteps of "Shasha" quickly passed by Wan Lin, "Twelve people." Wan Lin muttered silently in his heart, he was very confident in his judgment in his luck, which he had trained with his grandfather since he was a child. Ancestral secret skills, there will never be mistakes.

The dead leaves on his body completely shielded him from the ground, and the temperature of his body has been integrated with the surrounding soil, so he can naturally avoid the eyes of the enemy with infrared night vision goggles.

When Wan Lin felt that the enemy team was three meters away, he pressed his feet lightly, and his body emerged from the pile of leaves like a snake. Like a ghost in the dark night, he suddenly appeared behind the longitudinally advancing enemy team.

A powerful aura suddenly appeared on his body, silently wrapping the last enemy, his left hand slammed over the opponent's mouth, his right hand flashed a cold light, and the saber in his right hand slid across the opponent's neck like a bolt of lightning. Cut the other's throat.

Everything was completed in an instant. Wan Lin tightly covered the opponent's mouth, slowly withdrew his breath, and kept his eyes fixed on the enemy in front of him until the enemy in his hand slowly softened. Slowly lower the enemy to the ground without looking away from the enemy in front.

Wan Lin had just bent over and placed the enemy in his hand, when two small shadows suddenly crossed the sides of the last two enemies six or seven meters in front of him, and then he heard a "hissing" sound, a wave of heat and blood. The smell spread in the forest immediately.

"It's broken." Wan Lin secretly said in his heart, he stretched out his left hand to the back and drew out a small bow, and a short arrow in his right hand was already attached to the bowstring, pointing directly at the enemy in front. He knew that the two leopards must have been slashed with one claws. The carotid arteries of the last two enemies, the "hissing" sound is the whistle of the enemy's blood spurting out of the carotid arteries.

The sound and the smell of blood startled the enemy's third-to-last teammate. He turned around vigilantly, and happened to see two teammates, one left and one right, slowly falling to both sides.

He quickly pulled the automatic rifle on his shoulder, and was about to scream when he opened his mouth. "Woo!" A short black arrow passed through his neck with the sound of wind, and the strong arrow shaft slammed into a tree behind him. , making a slight "humming" trembling sound.

"Crack", the little devil who was hit by the arrow shook violently, and slowly fell backwards, making a sound when his body hit the tree.

This small sound finally alerted the enemy in front, "Attack." The enemy in front heard the sound, turned around and saw his companion who was slowly collapsing under the tree, quickly turned the muzzle, and made a loud noise from his mouth. Call.

"Bang", two meteor-like short arrows flashed in front of his eyes, the R country's special forces member instinctively ducked to the side, one short arrow was inserted into his shoulder socket like a meteor, the other "whoosh" The ground rubbed his cheek tightly and flew over the head of the other team member.

"Da da da", the wounded Guizi and his companions immediately turned around, and at the same time pulled the trigger of the automatic rifle in their hands, and the two flames swept towards the sound of the bowstring just now.

At the same time, Aoki and the others who heard the warning did not care about judging the direction of the attack, and they all fired at the surrounding area.

At this time, Wan Lin had long since flashed behind a big tree in the forest after shooting the short arrow, like a night elf. A few ups and downs disappeared in the depths of the dense forest, and the two leopards had already disappeared on both sides. Deep in the jungle disappeared without a trace.

It is the survival law of hunters and the code of special operations.

Aoki knelt down on one knee and shot the surrounding area for a did not find the opponent counterattack, he commanded into the microphone: "Stop shooting", and then made a gesture to a player next to him.

The player immediately lay on the ground and crawled towards the people who were lying behind him. He came to the front of them, checked the injury carefully, raised his head in surprise and glanced at the surrounding vigilantly, seeing that there was no movement, and then He turned around and glanced at Aoki, who was squatting beside a tree, made a gesture to him that four of the team members were dead and one injured, and then rolled on the ground a few times and came to him.

He turned over and squatted in front of Aoki and whispered the cause of death of several people. Aoki was stunned after hearing this. This is not exactly the killing method of the special forces. Except for the last member who died under the standard throat cutting method, the remaining three members The method of death is not like the way of special forces, and the last team member died under a small bow and arrow, and the force was extremely amazing, and a short arrow went directly through the neck.

Aoki is a little confused. Bows and arrows are ancient weapons. In modern society, such bows and arrows are extremely rare, and only hunters in the mountains occasionally use them.

Could it be that several of them died at the hands of the hunters, Aoki was confused, how could such hunters suddenly appear around, and they killed four of their own team members, which was more fierce than their special forces.

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