Panther Commando

Chapter 537: 0 years pharmacy

The old man nodded with satisfaction. What he wanted in martial arts was this kind of energy that was not afraid of hard work. At the same time, he also sighed that the child's physique was too weak. When Wan Lin was so old, he had already followed him all over the mountains. , which is related to Shanshan's malnutrition and lack of exercise since childhood.

The old man bent over and picked her up, and Shanshan said stubbornly, "Grandpa, I still have the strength, I can go." Grandpa hugged her distressedly, and looked around.

This is the bustling part of the city. There are many high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, the shops on the ground floor are lined up, and the stylish shopping malls are playing all kinds of music. The streets are full of people and the flow is endless.

Grandpa shook his head helplessly when he saw this lively scene. This is a big city. There are more people in this street than he has ever seen in his life. Qiuqiu was wrapped in bandages, and he suddenly saw such a lively scene. Suddenly, he stood up from Grandpa's shoulders, the long hair on his body stood up, and blue light appeared in his eyes.

Grandpa hurriedly said in a low voice, "Get down," and Qiuqiu put away the light in his eyes and continued to lie on Grandpa's shoulder.

Grandpa looked at both sides of the street and saw an antique plaque hanging on a shop across the street with the words "Jishitang" written on it. .

"Gah..." A harsh brake sound suddenly sounded, and a small white Porsche sports car suddenly stopped in front of grandpa. "Old man, I don't want to live." A young man with a shaved head stretched out from the side window of the car. The bright head shouted at Grandpa.

Grandpa frowned and didn't speak yet. "Yeah" Qiuqiu quit, blue light flashed from his eyes, and jumped from grandpa's shoulder to the roof of the car. A cold light flashed on his paw, and he raised his right paw to shoot at the roof of the car. Down.

When the bald head saw a flower in front of him, a black shadow flashed, and he quickly retracted his head back in fright.

"Come back." Grandpa hurriedly shouted, Qiuqiu looked down at his raised right paw, slowly put it down, and jumped back to Grandpa's shoulder with a "squeak", turned around and stared at the people in the car The bald driver and a coquettish woman with yellow hair and dark circles beside her.

Grandpa looked at the car, smiled, and said to the two people in the car who were startled by Qiuqiu's quick movement: "Hehe, I'm sorry." After saying that, he walked past Shanshan, whose face was pale in shock. Street.

"Old thing, the dirt is scum, don't wander around the street when you have nothing to do, isn't it courting death." The coquettish woman in the car stretched out her head and shouted at Grandpa's back.

The old man was dressed in a Chinese-style cloth, with buttons on the front of his chest, and a turban wrapped around his head, but the beautiful girl in his arms was dressed in red modern clothes.

A quaint old mountain dweller, holding a little girl like a modern doll, and a little cat with a white bandage on his shoulders, they are dressed up, and they really stand out in this bustling street, go. It attracted the attention of many people on the street.

Now, when the people around see two strange-looking young people driving a sports car and scolding an old man in front of the sidewalk, they are all indignant, and they ask in vain, "Why are you still driving so fast in front of the sidewalk? Cursing, it's outrageous." "Come down, it's impossible to drive a Porsche, come down."...

Grandpa ignored the woman's scolding just now, but now seeing that everyone was fighting for him, he turned his head and smiled at everyone. He glanced at the two people in the car again, and said, "You can't do this, young man, I'm older than me. Your parents are both old, how can you scold anyone casually?" He said, turning around and walking towards the shop with "Jishitang" hanging on it.

"Damn, old man, what kind of spectrum are you putting on, you don't know how to walk and kill you old man?" With the bald head's scolding behind, a roar of the engine came, and the small white sports car rushed forward, scaring The people on the sidewalk panicked and ducked to both sides.

Grandpa turned his head and glanced at the passing sports car, frowned, then smiled self-deprecatingly, and walked into the shop.

The shop is as expected by the old man. It is a traditional Chinese medicine shop. There is a row of ancient medicine cabinets on the wall facing the shop door. There is a table on the right side by the window. The old Chinese medicine doctor, sitting on the bench by the window in front of the table, is a few middle-aged and elderly people who are going to see a doctor.

The guy in the store saw the old man walking straight towards the counter, looked at the old man up and down, and asked enthusiastically, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Hehe, you can get me some herbs according to this recipe." The old man smiled and took out a folded prescription from his body.

The man took the prescription and glanced at it, and asked in amazement: "You need such a large amount of medicine for one set, and you need 20 sets of it. It's not for people to eat, right?" The old man smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's not for eating. , there will be no danger."

The young man glanced at the quaint old man, turned around and grabbed the medicine. After a while, the young man weighed the medicinal materials, divided them into twenty parts, and just wrapped them in paper.

The other guy on the side has already taken the prescription, and "crack crack" calculates the price with a big abacus on the table. This drug store has a history of hundreds of years in the provincial capital, and still maintains the ancient tradition. Still using the old abacus.

"Wait." The old man was looking at the furnishings of the pharmacy just now, but he didn't pay attention to the young man's movements. Now that he saw that he was about to wrap the medicine, he quickly said.

The young man was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is there any problem." The old man didn't reached out and grabbed a handful of medicinal herbs from the table and put it in the palm of his hand to look carefully, then lowered his head to smell it, tight He frowned and said, "Where did your medicinal materials come from?"

The young man was stunned for a moment. Even the old Chinese doctor who was sitting on the table to see a doctor raised his head and looked at the old man, "Is there any problem?" The young man's face changed, thinking that there was something wrong with his medicinal materials, but A century-old shop, the reputation is the sign of this kind of old shop.

Just as the old man was about to open his mouth, the door beside the medicine cabinet suddenly opened, and an old man in his seventies appeared at the door. He glanced at the old man and said with a smile, "You are an expert at first sight, come, brother, Let's chat in the house."

The old man suddenly realized that he was talking too straight. There are other patients here. If there is a problem with the medicinal materials, they will smash the signboard of the store.

He nodded apologetically and said to the young man, "You follow the prescription, and each medicine will add five cents to me." Then, he walked around the counter and walked into the old man's back room.

The old man politely put the old man on the sofa and said, "I am the shopkeeper of this shop. My surname is Li. You can call me Shopkeeper Li. Is there any problem with our medicinal materials?" The old man looked at Shopkeeper Li and shook his head. He shook his head and said, "Hehe, no problem, but the efficacy of each medicinal material will be greatly reduced."

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