Panther Commando

Chapter 5513: follow the shadows

With a lot of money and such a strong support, after weighing the pros and cons, Razor finally decided to participate in the operation of stealing confidential military intelligence in China.

At the same time, he was also determined to prepare to wash his hands with a large sum of money after this operation, stay away from this life of licking blood on the tip of a knife, and spend the rest of his life peacefully.

After accepting the mission, Razor immediately sneaked into Huaxia with several assistants. The assistants around him were selected from the comrades who had fought side by side with him after he left the spy agency.

These assistants he carefully selected all have rich combat experience and excellent individual combat capabilities, and are extremely loyal to him. They have assisted him in stealing a lot of classified information together, and covered him when he was in deep siege. He escaped with information, so he brought these few assistants who were like brothers in every action.

This kid Razor has a very careful mind. After he entered Huaxia, he did not directly take action against Yu Jing's research institute. Instead, based on the information provided by the intelligence agency, the intelligence agency and the Red Fox people took the lead in launching an operation against the secret optical factory of the Double Wing Group. He and his assistants were only responsible for observing and responding.

His purpose is to use this operation to understand the response of the Huaxia security department and the personnel situation of the mysterious Huabao troop. He wants to use the actions of the spies and Red Fox team members to personally check the opponent's emergency response and operations. ability.

At the same time, he also needs to understand the capabilities of intelligence agencies and those mercenaries, and conduct a comprehensive assessment of these partners to determine his future course of action.

This kid has rich experience in committing crimes, and knowing himself and his opponent is the key factor for his success. Therefore, before he acts, he must have a detailed understanding of the strength of the partner and the other party.

When he hid around the optical factory and saw a few agile personnel suddenly appear in front of the optical factory, the sturdy Red Fox team members were killed on the spot.

He immediately realized that the vigorous figures who suddenly appeared in front of the optical factory could kill the red fox personnel with rich combat experience in an instant. They were by no means ordinary police personnel, they must be the most elite special forces in China. , Huaxia's fierce leopard special forces are in front of you.

Razor realized that the leopard unit was right in front of him, and he reacted very quickly, and immediately determined that the leopard head of this leopard unit must be around the optical factory, and this leopard head must be his main opponent in future actions. To experience the ability of this leopard head.

He made a decisive decision and immediately ordered all his subordinates to prepare for the response. He followed with an assistant to deliberately expose his figure, and drove a motorcycle to the surrounding residential area. He knew in his heart that if the leopard head was nearby, he would definitely show his skills to catch up!

Sure enough, the two of Razor had just turned their motorcycles to the side road, and a motorcycle roaring and chasing immediately appeared behind them. The people in the car moved extremely fast, biting his figure tightly towards the densely populated residential area. chase.

Before the action, Razor had already considered the possibility of the appearance of the leopard, and he had already made a careful retreat opportunity for himself, so he dared to show up suddenly after the failure of the people of the optical factory Red Fox, which attracted Wan Lin, a tough guy. opponent appeared.

Razor still underestimated the tracking ability of Leopard Head. When he escaped, he couldn't get rid of the motorcycle behind him with all his strength. The other party was like a ghost, following closely behind him like a shadow.

At this time, Razor was secretly surprised. He activated the smoke device that had been installed earlier as a last resort. Then, following the thick smoke and the cover of his assistant, he showed all his skills and fled into the mountains. He wanted to use the complex terrain in the mountains to escape the chasing soldiers behind him. .

But he didn't expect that Huaxia's security department had already obtained information and knew that he, a top agent, had entered Huaxia. The other party sent a large number of military police into the mountains to search for them, forcing him to adopt a backup plan, making a big circle in the mountains and pretending to flee abroad.

After Razor fled near the border, he suddenly appeared in a small border town, and then used the hijacked transportation to turn around and head towards the city where the target was located. He wanted to sneak into the city where the Yujing Institute of Military Industry is located through the intricate road network. .

But he did not expect that the military and police in Huaxia responded so quickly. They quickly discovered his trace in a short period of time, and blocked all traffic arteries in time, forcing him to re-enter the inaccessible mountains.

Just when he got rid of the tracking of a large number of armed police behind him and approached the target city, a feeling of extreme danger suddenly burst out in his heart. He immediately realized that the people from the leopard force had followed.

Razor Surprised! He knew that this sixth sense was a hunch he had born from countless lives and deaths, and he also escaped from death many times by virtue of this hunch. This kind of premonition of danger has never failed him, and the leopard-headed leader must be chasing him behind him!

At this time, Razor was also surprised at the same time. He was confident in his ability to get rid of stalking. Even those police dogs with a keen sense of smell would not be able to search for his own scent in the mountains full of mountains and rivers.

But the leopard force seemed to be a prophet, closely following him and his assistant, and appeared silently behind him like a ghost, which really shocked the famous agent.

Razor was in extreme shock and immediately ordered his assistant to ask for help directly from the intelligence agency. He knew that this partner valued his ability very much and would definitely ask the fierce mercenaries of Red Fox and Yamaguchi to come to support.

At this time, he suddenly understood that when the security guards from Yamaguchi introduced him to the situation of the leopard, they once told him that whenever the leopard head appeared, it would be accompanied by a strange red and blue light beam and deafening ears. leopard roar.

At that time, he just thought that this was the excuse of the Yamaguchi security guards to cover up his defeat in the hands of the leopard several times, but he did not take it to heart.

But during his escape, he did see a flash of blue light in the thick fog, and heard the deafening leopard roar. He suddenly understood that Huaxia's fierce leopard force must be named after this!

After Razor sent a message of pleading for support, it didn't take long to receive a reply: Red Fox has sent an action team to go deep into the mountains to help, and even the security guards of Yamaguchi also sent people to respond, and they sent their best sniper black. Snake, and at the same time inform him of the action plan to evacuate the mountain.

Under the cover of the action team of Black Snake and Red Fox, Razor used the aircraft placed by the spies on the top of the mountain to get rid of Wan Lin, the leopard head, in time!

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