Panther Commando

Chapter 5550: Pure gold and jade

Before Hei Zi could finish his words, Deputy Company Commander Qiu glared at him and roared, "Nonsense, what do you think they do? Don't ask about this confidentiality discipline if you don't know what you shouldn't ask?" Hei Zi heard the Deputy Company Commander's words Screaming, he raised his hand to cover his mouth.

He has long heard that the special forces in the special forces perform special tasks, and the weapons on their bodies will be equipped with different weapons according to different tasks, so he suddenly realized that these people must be special forces in the army. elite players.

At this time, after listening to Zhang Wa's report, Li Dongsheng stared at the little monk with his head lowered, and scolded: "Jingheng, didn't your master, brother and sister tell you long ago, there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside the world, Never be complacent."

As Li Dongsheng said that, he stepped to the little monk's side and quickly pulled out the pistol from the holster at his waist. With his raised arm, a rapid burst of gunshots rang out. The balloons fluttering on the target in front of the little monk burst with a sound, and the burst colored fragments fluttered in the wind.

The crisp sound of gunfire came to an abrupt end, and Li Dongsheng quickly inserted the pistol into the holster, followed by looking at the little monk coldly and said, "A soldier, the gun is your right-hand man, when you practice until the man and the gun are one, the finger Come back to show off your marksmanship with me when you're shooting, do you hear me?!"

The little monk heard Li Dongsheng's icy voice, he turned around abruptly, looked at Li Dongsheng with both feet upright, and shouted hoarsely: "Report... report to the head, I... I heard... I heard it!"

Captain Yang, who was standing behind Li Dongsheng, also suddenly turned his head to look at a group of soldiers of the guard regiment standing on the side, and shouted sharply, "Did you hear that too?"

"I heard!" A group of soldiers roared with their backs upright, and the expressions on their faces were very serious. Captain Yang followed and looked at Deputy Company Commander Qiu and shouted, "Deputy Company Commander Qiu, continue training!"

"Yes!" Deputy Captain Qiu raised his hand to salute, followed by a group of soldiers with awe-inspiring expressions, and quickly ran to the side shooting range. At this time, the faces of these soldiers all looked very serious.

The marksmanship shown by the chief Li Dongsheng and the girl Xiaoya shocked each of them and felt guilty at the same time. They are also soldiers. They already know that the gap between themselves and these elites in the army is too great.

Li Dongsheng saw that the deputy company commander Qiu had left with the soldiers, he stared at the little monk and continued to say sternly: "As a soldier, it is our duty to obey orders! Fighting, you can't compare to the brothers and sisters around you, even the brothers and sisters around you. You can't compare to a razor. Your shooting skills are not worth mentioning, what can you be proud of?"

In Li Dongsheng's stern voice, the little monk lowered his head, his face was flushed, and tears were already flashing in his two big round eyes.

Xiaoya saw the pitiful appearance of the little monk, she quickly reached out and tugged at Li Dongsheng's shirt, followed by watching Li Dongsheng and shook her head, she was really worried that Li Dongsheng's lesson was too severe, this little boy who had just entered the army. The monk couldn't take it.

Li Dongsheng turned his head to see Xiaoya's movements, and already understood what she meant. He said in a slow tone, "Jingheng, am I right? Did you hear it?"

Hearing Li Dongsheng's questioning, the little monk quickly raised his bald head and replied: "Report... report, what the chief said is... all right, I... I'm really far behind! I... I'll do it right now. Just go and practice, and as soon must catch up with Senior Brother and Senior Sister." As he spoke, he raised his arm and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Hearing the little monk's answer, Li Dongsheng said in a gentle tone, "That's right! Know your shame and then be brave. As long as you know your own shortcomings, you can find a way to make up for this shortcoming."

He then looked at Zhang Wa and Feng Dao who were standing right next to him and ordered, "Zhang Wa, Feng Dao, take him to continue practicing for me!" "Yes!" Zhang Wa and Feng Dao raised their hands and saluted, followed by pulling the little monk to Xiang Walk on the side target.

Head Yang watched Zhang Wa and Feng Dao leave with the little monk with his head lowered, and he could not bear to whisper to Li Dongsheng: "Deputy Minister Li, this little monk has achieved this kind of result for the first time with live ammunition. It's amazing, you are stronger than the veterans like Deputy Captain Qiu and the others, you are too strict, aren't you?"

Li Dongsheng looked at the little monk's back, shook his head, and replied in a low voice, "It's not the same! This kid has practiced martial arts in the deep mountains since he was a child, and he has great characteristics in both martial arts and Qinggong. This kid is a material for special forces."

When he said this, he turned his head to look at Captain Yang and continued: "Hunjin and jade need to be carved carefully! How can we not strictly require such a good seedling. Come, you and me to the war department, we will study and cooperate. Wan Lin's plan of action."

He then looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said, "You have worked hard during this time, and you both have a rest. Today is a holiday for you. In the evening, you can formulate an action plan and give it to me in the morning. In addition, Professor Chang sent The masqueraders here will report to you tomorrow. Go ahead."

"Yes." Wan Lin and Xiaoya quickly stood at attention and saluted, they turned around and walked towards the three little monks on the side target.

Captain Yang looked at the backs of Wan Lin and Xiaoya, and said in a low voice, "Deputy Minister Li, isn't Razor already dead? Why do they still have tasks?"

Li Dongsheng replied in a low voice: "We only informed your guards about Razor and those But now the situation has changed, the black snake of Yamaguchi Security has secretly infiltrated the city."

He followed Captain Yang and walked back, whispering as he walked, "We analyzed that the Black Snake's targets this time are Yu Jing and Wan Lin, so you should strengthen the security of the entire military compound, focusing on the villa area. In addition, during this period, Wan Lin will bring two people to Yu Jing's villa to cooperate with Xiaoya and the others to protect Yu Jing."

When Headmaster Yang heard this, he shouted in astonishment: "Here is the black snake?" Their guard group has been in charge of protecting the military compound and Yu Jing's research institute, and has cooperated with Wan Lin and the others on several missions.

He had long known that Black Snake was a sniper of Yamaguchi Security, he knew about this kid's past record, and he also knew that this kid had escaped from Wanlin and the other commandos several times.

Seeing Captain Yang's shocked look, Li Dongsheng said coldly: "Although the black snake is good at covert action, it's no big deal! Since he dares to come, we will keep him this time! You follow me. "Speaking, he strode towards his off-road vehicle with a solemn expression.

At this time, Wan Lin and Xiaoya had already walked behind the three little monks, and Zhang Wa was holding a pistol in both hands, demonstrating to the little monk: "Continuous shooting requires quickness and accuracy, and you must watch before you draw the gun. Listen to all directions and quickly identify all the targets you're going to shoot at."

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