Panther Commando

Chapter 5566: Shadows in the Woods

In the dim woods, Wan Lin's figure flickered from left to right, flashed under the dark trunks, and rushed forward for more than 100 meters.

At this moment, a pungent rancid and **** smell came straight from the forest in front of Wan Lin's nostrils. He swayed left and right behind a tree trunk, then rushed sideways and forward, quickly disappearing behind a thick tree trunk.

Wan Lin rushed to the back of the tree in front of him, his left foot slammed on the bulging tree root under him, and his body jumped up with a "swoosh". The thick branches have disappeared in the blink of an eye among the thick branches and leaves.

Just as Wan Lin burrowed into the thick branches and leaves, a small white shadow flew out of the dark forest in front of him, then got up and quickly disappeared into the thick thick branches and leaves that Wan Lin was hiding in. middle.

Three figures also appeared in the forest on the two wings behind Wan Lin. Cheng Ru, Feng Dao and Bao Ya rushed to both sides of the big tree where Wan Lin was standing like a gust of wind.

The forest in front of them was pitch black, and in the night vision goggles in front of them, the trunks of the trees were as motionless as standing giants. General silence!

At this time, Wan Lin was already lying on the thick tree trunk, raising his gun and aiming at the dim woods in front of him. He saw Xiao Bai jumping towards him directly from the front. He raised his left hand and grabbed Xiao Bai who had rushed in front of him. Putting Xiaobai on the side branch, he lay down behind the gun again, staring at the scope on the gun.

In the forest a hundred meters away, a faint blue light flickered like a firefly. Wan Lin saw the "safe" signal from Xiaohua, so he raised his head from the gun and turned to look at Xiaobai, who was lying on the tree branch beside him.

When Xiaobai saw Wan Lin looking at him, he quickly stood up from the branch, raised his front paws and gestured at Wan Lin a few times, and then pointed to the middle of the forest, which flashed blue light just now.

Wan Lin looked at Xiao Bai and nodded, then raised his left hand and stretched out his fingers a few times, and Xiao Bai immediately raised his right paw and waved it. Wan Lin frowned, realizing that Xiao Bai was saying that there was only one enemy in front of him.

He moved the muzzle slowly, took a look at the surrounding forest, and then waved his hand forward at Xiao Bai. Seeing Wan Lin's gesture, Xiao Bai immediately jumped out of the tree branch, landed and ran into the forest in front of him.

Wan Lin saw Xiao Bai running out, and he whispered into the microphone beside his mouth: "There is only one enemy in the forest in front of him, and now he has been killed by Xiao Hua, and the whereabouts of the other two enemies are unknown. Let's go and have a look, we are in action. must be careful."

As he said that, he turned over and rolled down from the tall branch, clinging to the thick trunk like a fallen leaf, and falling lightly to the forest floor covered with thick dead branches and rotten leaves.

Wan Lin ran forward with his sniper rifle on the ground. He rushed to the place where the blue light flickered, and immediately disappeared behind a tree. He quickly raised his inner strength, forced out his true energy, and searched the surrounding plants and trees.

He then stretched out his left hand and pointed to the small flower lying in front of him under a tree trunk as thick as one person. Seeing Wan Lin's gesture, Xiaohua immediately jumped out from under the tree trunk and ran straight into the dark forest in front of her. Xiaobai also jumped out from the branch of a big tree on the side, and ran diagonally towards the forest on the side of Xiaohua.

Wan Lin listened to the movement in the surrounding forest for a while, he followed in a low voice and commanded into the microphone: "Alert, I'll go and have a look." After saying that, he lay on the forest floor and crawled under the tree where Xiaohua sprang out. past.

In the dim woods, a strong stench of rancidity and blood came straight into Wan Lin's nostrils, but Wan Lin just held his breath and did not cover his mouth and nose.

He already knew in his heart that the strong rancid smell must be the smoke released by the enemy in order to prevent the two leopards from smelling their scent.

There is no toxin in the smoke, otherwise the enemy would not set up an ambush here, and the two leopards, who are extremely sensitive to various toxins, did not warn themselves.

In addition, the strong **** smell must have been caused by the two leopards tearing open the throat artery of this kid when they killed the sniper, and the surrounding forest was covered with blood, otherwise the smell would not be so strong.

Wan Lin crawled under the tree in front of him, and he saw at a glance that half of his head was exposed in the grass and rotten branches and leaves behind the big tree. A sniper rifle lay under the tree.

Wan Lin immediately understood that this was the enemy sniper who shot him just now! This person's body was covered with a thick layer of dead branches and rotten leaves, and his head was also tightly wrapped with grass leaves, and there was a strong smell of rancidity around him.

Wan Lin stared at the half of his head in front of him and said to himself: "No wonder even Xiaohua and Xiaobai's keen sense of smell and eyes did not find the sniper hiding here, it turns out that this kid used a strong rancid smell to cover up his body. The smell, and then used a near-perfect camouflage to deceive the sharp eyes of the two leopards. If this kid hadn't taken the initiative to shoot to expose himself, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to find the abnormality at a long distance. "

He then reached out and grabbed the exposed head of the other and pulled it out of the grass and rotten leaves under the tree. A strong man about 1.7 meters tall appeared in front of Wan Lin. There was a fist-sized wound on the man's neck, and blood was leaking from the **** wound.

Wan Lin looked at the man intently, then shook his head slightly, with a look of disappointment in his eyes. At this moment, Cheng Ru's low questioning voice suddenly came from his earphone: "Leopard head, is the kid who was killed a black snake?"

"No, this person is thick and slender, while the black snake has a slender body. The two have completely different appearances. He is definitely not a black snake!" Wan Lin replied in a low voice. Glancing at the hairy chest.

He then looked at the surrounding woodland where the boy was invisible just now, and continued to whisper: "This person is a yellow race, and there is no red fox logo on his chest. He should be a sniper of Yamaguchi Security."

Wan Lin said in a low voice, and withdrew his gaze from the scope of the sniper rifle, stared at the person in front of him and said, "This person is covered with thick rotten leaves and withered grass, it is definitely not a disguise made by himself, it must be black. Snake, the top sniper, helped prevent him from not being so perfect in disguise. This rancid smell in the forest must also be the special equipment that the black snake prepared to escape from tracking in advance. "

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