Panther Commando

Chapter 5578: gunshots outside the cave

At this time, Bao Ya had already raised his hand and took Xiaobai on his shoulders into his arms, he gently stroked Xiaobai's head and said gratefully: "Xiaobai, thank you, you saved my old Bao's life, go back to me I'll buy you some chocolate!"

When Xiaobai heard Bao Ya say that he was going to reward him with chocolate, he grinned excitedly, raised his tail and shook it a few times on Bao Ya's face.

Wan Lin smiled when he saw Xiao Bai's excited look: "Stinky boy, you know what to eat." He followed and looked at Cheng Ru and the three and said, "Throw the mineral water and cans here into the narrow hole to prevent anyone from getting caught. Enter here and accidentally eat poisoning. Black snakes and these **** are too vicious, they must not be allowed to walk out of this mountain alive!"

Saying that, he raised his flashlight and lit the surrounding cave walls, followed by He Chengru and the three of them picked up the remaining mineral water and cans, strode to the side of the cave wall, and stopped under a cave wall with many cracks. stopped.

The wind knife raised his flashlight and took a look at the dark crack. He said in a low voice, "This crack is very deep. Just throw it here." Then, he threw down the boxes of cans he was holding, Wan Lin said in a low voice. Several people also threw all the mineral water and cans in their hands. A sound of the collision of objects and rocks followed, and after a while, the sound gradually disappeared.

When Wan Lin heard the voice disappear, he straightened up and said, "This crack is really rare, and outsiders can't touch it at all. Go, the black snakes shouldn't go far, let's catch up quickly." He followed Bao Ya's shoulder. Xiaobai pointed forward.

With a flash of red light in Xiaobai's eyes, he immediately jumped off Bao Ya's shoulder, and it ran towards the cave in front of him like a smoke. Wan Lin and the others also lifted their heels up.

Just now, Xiaohua and Xiaobai passed through the cave unhindered, which means that the cave is safe, and the black snake has already left the cave, so Wan Lin and the others simply turned on their flashlights and ran towards the cave ahead.

Wan Lin and the others followed Xiao Bai for dozens of meters, and the cave suddenly turned diagonally upward. Wan Lin and the others climbed up the steep cliff on the side, and saw a bright light at a glance, shooting diagonally into the dark hole. Inside.

"Where did these **** find such a hidden cave? It seems that the mercenaries in the mountain pass have been lurking here for a long time." Bao Ya looked at the narrow hole in front of him that looked like a crack in the rock, and scolded in a low voice.

Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Bao Ya heard Bao Ya's scolding, and they all looked at the entrance of the cave, and they all glanced at each other. They knew in their hearts that Bao Ya's judgment was extremely accurate.

Although it is only more than 100 kilometers away from the mountain, there are no people in the surrounding dozens of kilometers. I am afraid that the mountain people on the mountain do not know that there will be such a hidden cave here.

Even if hunters in the mountains pass by here occasionally, I am afraid they will not find out that there is a cave that can be used as a storage space hidden in the cracks in the rocks that are often seen in the mountains.

Wan Lin and the others climbed along the steep bottom of the cave to the crack in front of him. Wan Lin followed him and lay down under the crack, extending the muzzle of his sniper rifle to aim out.

At this time, Xiaobai had already drilled out of the crack and was jumping from the rock outside the cave to the hillside below. Wan Lin moved the muzzle to take aim at the distant mountains.

A rising sun has risen on the top of the mountain in the east. The whole mountain is bright in the bright morning light, and the weeds are overgrown in the morning light. In the mountains that had regained their vitality, the sound of crisp birdsong was echoing.

Wan Lin moved the muzzle slowly and scanned the clear mountains outside. He followed in a low voice and ordered, "Go!" With that, he carried his sniper rifle and drilled out of the narrow crack in the rock.

Wan Lin and the others speeded up when they got out of the cave exit, and followed Xiao Bai and ran diagonally down the mountain. A few people just ran to the foot of the mountain, when Wan Lin's earphone suddenly heard a call: "Captain Wan, Captain Wan, please answer if you receive it, please answer if you receive it."

Wan Lin hurriedly stopped and replied, "Yes." In his earphones, Guan Xiaofeng, the captain of the Criminal Police Department of the Municipal Police Bureau, sounded a hasty report: "Report Captain Wan, I am Guan Xiaofeng, I have been contacting you just now, but no In response, I thought there was an accident on your side."

Wan Lin immediately said, "We were in the cave just now, and there was no signal. What's the situation on your side now?" He knew that there must be an emergency on Guan Xiaofeng's side, so he called himself in such a hurry.

Sure enough, Guan Xiaofeng replied immediately: "Our criminal police team and an armed police team were tracking and found the traces of the five fleeing criminals. Our criminal police team and the armed police team immediately chased them. Now, we have seen their figures, They are running towards a hillside, and we and the armed police team are chasing..."

Before Guan Xiaofeng could finish his words, Wan Lin's urgent questioning voice had already sounded: "Report your location immediately." Before he finished speaking, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the mountains not far ahead. The gunshots of "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da" were very harsh in the silent mountains.

Wan Lin immediately looked at the three people around Feng Dao and waved his hands. He followed and shouted into the microphone: "We have heard the gunshots, you hold them, and we will arrive later!" He took Cheng Ru and the three to accelerate down. The hillside, followed Xiaobai in front of him and rushed straight to the mountain where the gunshots sounded.

The sound of violent gunshots was coming from the side of the front foot of the mountain. Wan Lin and the others rushed to the foot of the mountain in front of him, then rushed to a stop under a few rocks, raised their guns and stretched out the muzzle from the side of the rocks focused on the mountains on the side of the foot of the mountain.

At this time, a small yellow and black shadow rose and fell between the rocks, running towards Wan Lin quickly. Xiaobai, who was lying beside Wan Lin, stood up and wanted to run away from Wan Lin to meet Xiao Hua who came running.

Wan Lin hurriedly held Xiao Bai behind him, he raised his arms and waved at the running little tricks. Xiaohua ran to Wan Lin's side like a puff of smoke.

Xiaohua stood up and watched Wan Lin sway his front paws a few times. It pointed to the mountain behind Wan Lin, and then turned to point to the hillside not far ahead.

Wan Lin saw Xiaohua's movement and immediately understood what it meant. He raised his hand and patted Xiaohua's head lightly. He followed behind the gun and aimed at the hillside 1,500 meters away.

He stared at the clusters of fire from the muzzle that were emerging on the hillside, and then lowered the muzzle again, watching the dozen or so fires emerging from the rocks below the mountain.

He whispered to the three Chengru people lying around: "The black snake did join up with those five boys. The armed police force and the city bureau's criminal police team are dragging the enemy with firepower at the foot of the mountain. Now we are from the side of the hill. In this area, covertly close to the front hillside, and kill those **** unexpectedly."

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