Panther Commando

Chapter 559: Call for evidence

With the old man's laughter, Ye Feng and Li Dongsheng had come to the door of the pre-trial room, Ye Feng swept the scene with cold eyes, and ordered: "The operation department immediately controls the monitoring room, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to destroy the evidence. The technical department in the bureau will collect evidence."

Ye Feng has a wealth of experience in political struggle. At this time, he saw that the commandos had taken control of the situation, and immediately thought of preserving the evidence, which was necessary for the subsequent development of the case.

He knows that all interrogations by the public security department must be recorded and recorded on the spot so that they can be used as evidence in court.

Qian Bin, the thin-statured director of the National Security Bureau's operations department, turned his head and glanced around, turned and led his subordinates to a room with a surveillance room not far away. He pushed open the door and walked in.

At this time, four or five people sitting on the monitors in the room were whispering about the situation outside. The monitors on the table were all black, and none of them were lit.

When they saw Qian Bin broke in, an old police officer in his 40s or 50s stood up immediately. He looked at Qian Bin and the five people behind him, and when he saw that they were all wearing plain clothes, he said, "Are you guys? Who, why did you break into this place, this is a secret place, get out."

Qian Bin replied coldly: "We belong to the National Security Agency. We have taken over here. Please go out immediately." The people in the room were stunned. Pulled up on the seat and pushed out the door.

Qian Bin took out his mobile phone and called the director of the telecommunications department in the bureau, and told him to send someone to collect evidence, but there was no sound from the mobile phone. looked around and walked out of the house.

At this time, Li Dongsheng saw Qian Bin walking out with his cell phone, and suddenly remembered that Lingling had been blocked here, and he quickly turned around and ordered, "Unblock."

When Qian Bin heard Li Dongsheng's words, he realized that the radio signal had been blocked by Li Dongsheng and the others. He saw that the monitors were all black, and it seemed that the commandos had even cut off the power.

He nodded at Li Dongsheng, and immediately called Shang Wenhua, the director of the telecommunications department in the bureau: "You personally take someone to the Municipal Public Security Bureau Detention Center to collect evidence. The director is here. In addition, notify the Power Supply Bureau and the Telecommunications Bureau to maintain the detention center. electricity and communications".

Director Shang was stunned for a moment. He hadn't heard of any major case. Why did the director even go out in person? Without thinking about it, he immediately rushed over with the two of them.

At this time, Wang Tiecheng had already run up to the tower in the detention center. Deputy Squadron Hou quickly saluted Wang Tiecheng when he saw Wang Tiecheng. Armed police soldiers are already standing in the center of the tower with automatic rifles.

Wang Tiecheng saw that there was nothing wrong, and said to Deputy Squadron Hou, "This is a member of the army, you continue to be vigilant." Deputy Squadron Hou is now a monk Zhang Er who is confused. He doesn't understand how people from the army suddenly came here in full armor. .

Their armed police are only responsible for vigilance and are not involved in local cases, so he does not know what happened.

Wang Tiecheng turned around and walked down the tower to the pre-trial room. The police officers in front of the pre-trial room had all been ordered to return to the surrounding rooms. When he came to the aisle, he saw Ye Feng and Li Dongsheng walking towards the room with their feet raised. There were three fully-armed female soldiers, Zhang Wa and Lin Zisheng, all with automatic rifles on their shoulders, facing the aisles on both sides.

City Public Security Chief Yu Qingsheng, who had Cheng Ru's gun pointed at his head in the room, heard footsteps at the door, and slowly turned his face to look in front of the door. He didn't dare to move violently, for fear of irritating the sniper opposite. .

When he saw the two people walking in, he immediately found out that one of them was Ye Feng, the director of the Provincial National Security Bureau, and the other was a man in full armor and wearing a training uniform, but there was no sign on his body. Same outfit.

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Someone he knew came, and he felt safe at this time. Li Dongsheng came in and waved at Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, and the two immediately put away the guns in their hands.

Li Dongsheng first walked in front of the old man, looked up and down, and asked, "Are you not injured." The old man smiled: "It's up to them."

Li Dongsheng stretched out his hand and squeezed the old man's hand, then turned and walked to Ye Feng's side. At this moment, Wang Tiecheng also walked in.

When Yu Qingsheng saw Wang Tiecheng, the leader of the Provincial Armed Police Special Police Brigade, come in, he immediately called out: "Captain Wang, who are these people, this is a blatant prison robbery, who gave them the rights, and whether there is Wang Fa. "

Wang Tiecheng looked at him coldly, and before he could answer, Li Dongsheng suddenly said into the microphone, "Let him in."

It turned out that he received a report from the wind knife at the gate of the detention center, saying that a person claiming to be the deputy mayor Xiao Zhen was coming in.

Just now, Feng Dao and Bao Ya immediately returned to the detention center after destroying the communication and electricity here. When they entered the door, they saw that Brother Feng Yu had taken control of the gate. He immediately stood outside the door with Bao Ya to help them guard.

At this moment, Feng Dao and Bao Ya were standing in front of the gate with guns. A black high-end car drove quickly and stopped at the gate. A secretary-like person with silver-rimmed glasses got out of the car, standing beside the car. What are you saying to the wind knife.

When Fengdao heard Li Dongsheng's order, UU Reading said, "Please let Vice Mayor Xiao Zhen come in." The secretary smiled after hearing this, and muttered: "Hey, I really don't believe that anyone dares to dare. Stop our car." Turning around, he was about to get into the car, "Sorry, vehicles are not allowed in." The air knife raised his hand and said.

"This is Vice Mayor Xiao's car. You guys are too bold to stop his car. Just ask, no one in this city dares to stop our car." The secretary turned around and shouted loudly. , "I'm sorry, I don't care whose car this is, get out if you want to get in." Feng Dao looked at him coldly.

The secretary blushed and was about to say something when the back door of the car was pushed open, and a man in his fifties with black-rimmed glasses came down. His cold eyes glanced at the air knife from behind the thick glasses, and looked at the secretary. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'll go in."

He raised his foot and walked towards the small iron gate, the wind knife took a step to the side to clear the passage, the secretary was about to go over, and the wind knife suddenly raised his left hand to stop him: "I'm sorry, you can't go in."

"You." The secretary was furious, Xiao Zhen glanced back at the secretary, waved his hand, and got into the small iron gate by himself.

The secretary looked at Feng Dao angrily and asked loudly, "Who are you, and you are too bold to call you Director Yu..."

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