Panther Commando

Chapter 5614: dark canyon

"Panther Commando(

There are steep cliffs standing on both sides of the canyon. The valley is full of boulders falling from the cliffs. The canyon is dark, only the night sky above the canyon is shining with dim stars.

Wan Lin stared at the dim canyon on one side, then glanced at the steep cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and said to Yu Wenfeng in a low voice: "We can't detour, the black snake must pass through this canyon, if we Detour, there is simply no way to stop him before he crosses the border."

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he whispered into the microphone next to his mouth: "A Feng and Bao Ya entered the valley to scout, and the rest of the team were hiding outside the valley." Yuwenfeng got into the dim canyon.

Just as Wan Lin stood up in the dark, Lingling's report suddenly sounded in the earphone: "Leopard head, the captain of the Zou Brigade asked for a call." "Take it." Wan Lin immediately ordered, and he squatted again. under dark rocks.

Zou Tao's voice sounded in Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard head, we have killed the two remnants that escaped from the forest, and are now taking the helicopter sent by the border guards to the mountainous area where you are located. The helicopter has a limited range. , you must return immediately after arriving in your mountainous area, please give us the direction of the ropeway immediately."

After listening to Zou Tao's urgent report, Wan Lin immediately whispered to Lingling and Xiaoya who had run to her side, "Map!" Lingling had heard the conversation between Wan Lin and Zou Tao, and she immediately turned on the electronic against the box.

A military map appeared on the screen of the electronic countermeasure box. Lingling quickly drew a circle in the canyon in front of them and said, "This is our current position."

Wan Lin glanced at the map, then raised his hand and clicked on the map opposite the canyon: "Lingling, let Zou Brigade and the others land at a distance of 30 kilometers opposite the canyon. We tracked very fast, and I judged whether the black snake could walk or not. It’s far, definitely within 30 kilometers ahead, Zou Brigade and the others landed here, just in time to intercept Hei Snake and the others.”

"Yes, I will send it immediately." Lingling replied, and she quickly tapped the keyboard a few times. Wan Lin immediately said into the microphone: "Brigade Zou, our location and your drop-off site have been announced. I judge that the black snake is more than ten kilometers ahead of us. Please search for us immediately after dropping off. We'll be there later." "Yes!" Zou Tao's answer followed.

Wan Lin cut off the communication with Zou Tao, and then raised his gun and aimed at the dark canyon ahead. At this moment, a faint blue light suddenly flashed from the darkness in the valley.

Wan Lin immediately understood that this was Xiaohua's signal to himself, and no abnormality was found in the canyon in front of him. He immediately whispered into the microphone: "Yuwenfeng, Bao Ya, you follow me into the valley first, and the others follow after. Zou Brigade has arrived by helicopter and is rappelling 30 kilometers ahead!"

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he drilled out from under the rock at the mouth of the valley with his gun in hand, and ran towards the valley with Yuwenfeng clinging to the cliff on the side of the mouth of the valley. The figure of Bao Ya also flashed out from the other side of the Taniguchi, and also drilled into the dark canyon against the opposite cliff.

Wan Lin and the others ran forward for about 300 meters. Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa, and Feng Dao also took the other team members, clinging to the cliffs on both sides of the valley, and quietly entered the valley.

The canyon in the night was silent, only the sound of "rustling" from the feet of a group of people in Wanlin could be heard faintly, and their figures flickered among the jagged rocks in the valley, like a group of ghosts in the dark, heading straight ahead. Taniguchi rushed away.

When Wan Lin, Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng rushed to about 200 meters near the Taniguchi in front, a sense of danger suddenly appeared in Wan Lin's mind.

He stared at the towering mountain on the side of the Taniguchi in front of him and stopped, raised his hand and tapped the microphone beside his mouth, ordering all the team members to "stop advancing", he followed by lying on a rock under the cliff and raised his gun to aim at Taniguchi in front of him .

With the knocking sound from Wan Lin, the ups and downs in the valley suddenly disappeared in the darkness. All the leopard team members lay down in the darkness and gently pulled the bolts, raising their guns to aim at the mouth of the valley and the cliffs on both sides. go.

At this time, the little monk was running forward with his sniper rifle. The wind knife that had been following him grabbed the boy's arm, and then pulled the boy under the rock in front of him. He immediately raised his gun and moved forward. Aim away.

At this time, the wind knife has understood that the little monk must not understand the meaning of the knocking sound in the earphone. Sure enough, the little monk was stunned for a moment, and then he looked at the wind knife on the side.

The boy saw the air knife in the shooting posture, and only then did he understand the meaning of the sudden knocking sound in the earphone. He also quickly lay on the rock and raised the gun to aim forward, and his right hand also gently raised and pulled the gun At this time, the expressions of Chengru's group have become tense. They all know that Leopard Head is extremely sensitive to danger. The order must have sensed some unknown danger!

At this moment, a faint blue light suddenly flashed under the dim Taniguchi in front, and two small shadows, one black and one white, appeared under the dark rock. The two shadows were like lightning, suddenly heading towards the steep cliff on the side of the Taniguchi. Pounced, and then rushed to the top of the cliff with ups and downs on the cliff.

The Wanlin group who were hiding behind the rock immediately raised their guns, and through the night vision scope on the gun, aimed at the cliff on the right where the two leopards rushed. On the dark cliff in front of the side, there was no abnormality at all.

Rocks and cracks protruding on the cliff are like beasts lying on the cliff and the big mouths of beasts. Every rock and crack seems to hide enemies.

Wan Lin glanced at the side cliff, and suddenly retracted the sniper rifle in his hand. He put the sniper rifle behind him and jumped up under the rock. He raised his left hand upwards at the same time, scratched a crack in the rock that was more than two meters high, and then his body jumped up again.

He then jumped up on a raised rock on the cliff in the dark, kicked his left foot vigorously, and slanted his body to the other rock above the side, moving very fast...

At the same time that Wan Lin saved, a small black shadow was also saved 100 meters behind. The little monk saw Wan Lin jumping up the side cliff. The boy rolled his eyes, took up his sniper rifle, and turned around and rushed up. A steep cliff on the side.

The wind knife lying on the rock next to it and Xiaoya and Lingling behind them were shocked! The wind knife heard the wind next to him, turned around and stretched out his right hand to grab the little monk, to stop the kid from acting without authorization.

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