Panther Commando

Chapter 5617: Emergency moment

"Panther Commando(

Amidst the deafening sound of the explosion, a cloud of dust rose up from the cliffs at the mouth of the valley. On the steep cliffs on both sides of the canyon, pieces of weathered rocks were falling down.

On the dark cliff, the boy in front of Wan Lin reacted extremely quickly. The boy jumped diagonally in the wind from Wan Lin's strong blow, grabbed the pistol on his leg with his right hand and raised it sharply.

At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes suddenly flashed a gleam of light. From the action of the boy in front of him, he realized that the boy in front of him was indeed a formidable enemy. Elite soldiers.

The right palm he slapped immediately retracted, his right hand flashed across his waist like lightning, and his left hand grabbed the opponent's gun barrel and threw it vigorously at the boy who saved him.

Wan Lin slammed his feet on the ground, and his body sprang backward like a spring. As his body sprang backward, he raised his right hand and was about to throw out a steel needle in his hand.

"Woo," Wan Lin vigorously threw out the assault rifle with a sharp wind, and flew straight to the kid. The boy who was throwing to the side was startled, his body sank sharply to the ground, and when he landed, he rolled out to the side, and the pistol raised in his right hand followed up to Wan Lin.

At the critical moment, "Pfft", a low sound of a sniper rifle suddenly sounded from the dark cliff behind Wanlin's side. On the forehead of the boy in front of Wan Lin, like a small red flower, a stream of blood flowed from his forehead. The boy fell backwards on his back, and the pistol he had just raised against Wan Lin dropped to the ground. go.

Just as Wan Lin was about to throw out the steel needle in his hand, he saw the boy in front of him fall backwards on his back. He was stunned for a moment, then fell to the side of the rock, put away the steel needle in his hand, picked up the sniper rifle that had fallen to the ground, and quickly lay on the rock and raised the gun to aim around.

At this time, in the yellow mist surging on the mountain, two leopards were running from the side hillside. Wan Lin saw the expressions of the two leopards and immediately understood that there were no enemies around.

He turned and pointed forward to the dark cliff behind him, followed by two leopards, bent down and ran to the cliff beside the entrance of the valley in front.

Wan Lin already knew in his heart that the person who suddenly shot behind him must be the little monk who climbed up the cliff without authorization. The little monk suddenly appeared behind him. Now this kid must be afraid of blaming him, so he still hides under the rock behind and does not show up.

This kid must have seen just now that the enemy in front of him had raised his pistol, posing a fatal threat to him, so he hid behind him and suddenly shot, killing the kid in front of him with one shot.

And the three boys who were forced by the two leopards to escape to the top of the mountain just now must be the security guards who came to respond to the black snake. Now, two of the three have been killed by the two leopards. The boy in front of him also killed the little monk who suddenly shot.

Wan Lin's judgment was extremely accurate. The three boys who appeared on the top of the cliff were indeed ordered by Kuro Tian, ​​the boss of Yamaguchi Security, to cross the border to meet the black snake.

After learning that the men who were smuggling from the forest were found, the black snake immediately became furious. He immediately raised his mobile phone and strictly ordered Aihara, the leader of Yamaguchi Security in Asia, and ordered him to personally lead a small team of people from this high-altitude sparsely populated area. The mountain secrets have sneaked into Huaxia.

Aihara is the person in charge of Yamaguchi Security's Asian distribution. He was born in the special forces himself. After retiring, he followed Kuroda through life and death. He has rich experience in field and mountain operations.

At this time, in order to keep the rare talent of Black Snake, Kuroda strictly ordered Aihara, his right-hand man, to personally lead the team to China to receive Black Snake.

After receiving the order from the boss Kuroda, Aihara's heart sank suddenly. He knows Black Snake's position in the boss's mind, as well as Black Snake's skills and the legendary leopard army.

Now that Black Snake is so strong, he can't get rid of the chasing soldiers behind him in the mountains, which means that the opponent that Black Snake is tracking is probably the mysterious leopard army.

Although Aihara never directly fought against this leopard force, he had already heard of the battle that took place at the drug lord Ao Kun, and knew that some of his companions who had disappeared from the mountain pass security guard died at the hands of this mysterious leopard force. .

Now Kuroda ordered him to personally lead a team to sneak into Huaxia. He already had a premonition of the danger of this operation, and even knew that Huaxia was a restricted area for their mercenaries, which made him feel uneasy all the time. But Kuroda's order was given, and he had to bite the bullet, otherwise he knew what he was going to do.

Aihara took a group of his men and used the complex mountainous terrain in the border area to escape the observation post of the border troops. After they secretly entered Aihara immediately got in touch with the black snake, and they immediately rushed to the starry night. The meeting point agreed with the Black Snake.

After Aihara and the others rushed to the meeting place with the black snake, they found that the black snake did not appear. Holding a telescope, Aihara carefully observed the surrounding treacherous mountain terrain, and then ordered the team leader Fujiyama to take two battle groups to the canyon that the black snake must pass through.

Aihara is not only very experienced in combat, but also extremely flexible in mind. He knew that this was the territory of Huaxia. If the black snake was followed by a large-scale Chinese army, not only would they not be able to rescue the black snake, but they would definitely pick them up.

Therefore, when Aihara saw that the black snake did not arrive at the agreed mountain area as scheduled, he immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart, and he wanted to retreat. But he knew the position of the black snake in the heart of the boss, Kuroda. Once he retreated without a fight, he would definitely be severely punished by Kuroda when he went back. I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to keep his head.

Aihara looked at the towering mountains around him and thought for a while, then took out the map, he pointed to the narrow canyon on the map, and ordered the team leader Fujiyama standing beside him: "Fujiyama, this is the only way for the black snake to pass. , if he didn't have an accident on the way, he would definitely come out of this canyon."

After speaking, he raised his wrist and looked at the time, followed by pointing to Taniguchi on the map and said: "It is inferred from the time that the black snake should have arrived at this canyon in the middle of the night. Now you personally bring two battle teams and rush to this canyon. The exit of the canyon, once the black snake gets out of the canyon, you will immediately blow up the mouth of the valley and wait for the opportunity to kill the pursuers behind the black snake."

After he finished speaking, he pulled Fujiyama's arm and said, "Remember, if you find that there are a large number of people behind the black snake, after you blow up the Taniguchi, immediately retreat here with the black snake, and we are here to support you. ."

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