Panther Commando

Chapter 5623: 1 Blu-ray

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, several red lights flickered over the top of the mountain in the distance, followed by several explosions of firelight suddenly flashing from the back of the mountain.

At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling hurriedly ran from the mountains behind. Lingling ran to Wan Lin and reported in a low voice, "Leopard head, Captain Zou Tao is calling."

Wan Lin stared at the flickering fire in the night sky in the distance. He whispered into the microphone beside his mouth, "Brigade Zou, I'm Leopard Head!"

Zou Tao's hurried voice, accompanied by bursts of gunshots, followed from Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard Head, we have parachuted at the designated location, and we will head towards your location after landing."

"We just ran forward for about three kilometers when we were attacked at the foot of the mountain ahead. A group of militants suddenly shot from the hillside from the hillside. Now we are fighting the enemy. Occupying favorable terrain, we have been suppressed at the foot of the mountain, asking for reinforcements, asking for reinforcements!"

In Zou Tao's hasty report, Lingling crouched beside Wan Lin and opened the electronic countermeasure box. She quickly drew a red dot on the screen map, and then raised her finger to point to the red dot on the map.

She looked up at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, Zou Brigade has sent their location, which is at the foot of the mountain behind the mountain in front, about five kilometers away from where we want to be."

Wan Lin looked up at the map, followed by facing the flaming mountain peak in front of him, and waved his hand and commanded: "Go!" You are entangled with each other, we have solved the enemy in the canyon and rushed out of the canyon, about five kilometers away from you, you hold on, we will be there soon!"

"Yes!" Zou Tao's reply sounded from Wan Lin's earphones, followed by a burst of gunshots. Wan Lin then ordered into the microphone: "Attention all team members, speed up in battle formation, Zou Brigade has already caught fire with the enemy and are ready to fight at any time!"

Following Wan Lin's hurried orders, silhouettes of people sprang forward from the mountains shrouded in darkness. The two leopards were even among the rocks, rushing towards the darkness of the mountains ahead.

In the dimly lit mountains, Wan Lin and his group were extremely fast, appearing and disappearing among the towering rocks, and rushed straight to the foot of the steep mountain in front.

It wasn't long before the vague mountain shadows in front of them had clearly appeared in front of Wanlin's group of people in the moonlight, and bursts of rapid gunfire and explosions were clearly audible.

While running, Wan Lin stared at the flickering firelight behind the mountain and ordered in a low voice: "Chengru, you lead one group to rush up the hillside, and detour from the side slope. Zhang Wa, you take the second group to circle from the side mountain to the side. Behind the mountain. Fengdao, you bring three groups to follow me from the foot of the mountain in front!"

Before Wan Lin's order could be heard, a group of leopards who were running towards the foot of the mountain in the dim light suddenly split into three groups. Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa led a few team members and ran to the mountains on both sides. Wan Lin and Feng Dao took Xiao Ya and a few others, still following the two leopards who had already run 200 meters away, and ran straight to the foot of the mountain in front of them.

Wan Lin followed the two leopards and rushed to the bottom of a rock at the foot of the mountain in front of him. He then raised his hand and ordered the wind knives to stop advancing. He followed in a low voice and shouted to the leopard beside his mouth: "Brigade Zou, we have arrived at your place. The back of the mountain is now rushing to help from the foot of the mountain, the hillside and the right side of the mountain, please hold on!"

It was late at night, and the view between the mountains was extremely poor. Although Wan Lin and the others were already close to the battlefield behind the mountain, in order to avoid Zou Tao and the others, he misunderstood these sudden figures, so Wan Lin did not dare to rush directly to the foot of the mountain in front, but quickly informed Zou Tao and his team. position to prevent Zou Tao's men from turning their guns in tension.

Wan Lin heard Zou Tao's answer in the earphone, and then waved at the wind knives who were hiding around, and they carried their guns and got out of the darkness, and rushed straight to the foot of the mountain in front.

The gunshots of "dadada" and "dadada" behind the mountain have clearly entered the ears of Wanlin Wanlin group, and bursts of explosions have also been heard one after another.

At this time, the round eyes of the two leopards had a faint red and blue luster in the deafening gunshots. They rushed down the side of the mountain like a gust of wind, and the little flower jumped up to a rock more than two meters high in front of them. , and then looked towards the dark side of the hillside.

"Ow", a deafening leopard roar suddenly sounded from the rock in front of Wan Lin and the others, followed by a blue light beam on the top of the dim rock, and the figure of Xiao Hua jumped down from the top of the high rock like lightning .

In the eyes of Xiaobai under the rock, a bright red beam of light also appeared, and its white figure was like a white smoke, rushing straight to the side hillside in the thick night. In a blink of an eye, Xiaobai's voice and shadow disappeared from the jagged rocks on the hillside.

With Xiao Hua's deafening roar, Wan Lin and the others behind them quickly disappeared under the dark rocks at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, a string of red flames followed from the dark hillside above the side. "Da da da" and "da da da", the rapid gunshots also sounded from the hillside at the same time. On the rock at the foot of the mountain where Wan Lin and the others were, a piece of gravel was immediately hit by bullets.

Wan Lin threw himself under the rock, the sniper rifle in his hand raised upwards at the same time, and the muzzle was instantly aimed at a rock that Xiaohua blue light shot at just now. He sounded from the rock where he was invisible.

The gunshots on the hillside stopped abruptly, and a black shadow followed from under the dim rock on the hillside, slashing down towards another rock on the hillside ahead.

At this time, the little monk who had been following Feng Dao also rushed down a rock in front of him at the same time, and the sniper rifle in his hand also raised upwards. He aimed at the running shadow and was about to pull the trigger.

At this moment, the wind knife lying beside him suddenly reached out and grabbed the little monk's arm: "Don't shoot!" The little monk was stunned for a moment, and quickly released the tight trigger.

As soon as Feng Dao's voice fell, a red light had appeared on the dim hillside above the side, and a deafening roar followed, followed by a scream of "ah...".

The little monk who was in a daze was overjoyed and immediately understood the reason why the wind knife prevented him from shooting. It turns out that Xiaobai has quietly jumped up the hillside and killed the sneak attack boy in one fell swoop! If he fired blindly just now, he might have accidentally injured this little friend.

Just when the little monk was in a daze, Wan Lin and several people under the surrounding rocks had already jumped out with their guns. There was a sound of gunfire in the mountains on the side.

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