Panther Commando

Chapter 5631: scary mountain

Wan Lin squatted under the rock and heard Zou Tao's scolding, he whispered. "Yes, Black Snake does have rich experience in mountain operations, and the escape routes chosen are extremely concealed."

He then raised his finger and pointed to the bank in front, and continued: "Look, Xiaohua and Zhang Wa have already run towards the mountains in front of the side, which means that the Black Snake and the others have left the lakeshore after running along the lakeshore for a while, and headed straight for them. Escape in the direction of the border. Judging from the current situation, this kid has become a frightened bird, and he should speed up his escape."

Wan Lin said, turned his head to look at Tao Xing and the two who were squatting behind the rock on the side, and said, "I guess in the mountains ahead, there is probably a security guard from the mountain pass sent by Kuroda. The black snake is the mountain pass of Kuroda. The right-hand man of the security boss, he will not give up this kid easily, so he may still have a backhand and secretly send someone to respond in front. You are all ready to fight at any time, and you must hide yourself during the battle! "

After he told Tao Xing and the two, he then looked at Zou Tao and said, "Zou Brigade, let's follow." "Yes." Zou Tao replied in a low voice, and he followed Wan Lin and Feng Dao, leaning towards the rocks ahead. Run through the mountains. Cheng Ru also led the three groups and ran diagonally to the side of Feng Dao and their two groups between the mountains.

The mountains in front were still filled with solitary, dark rocks, and irregular glazed spots flickered on the black rocks. The surrounding soil was charred black, and the soil beside the rocks was barren. The mountain wind blew through the oddly-shaped rocks, making a "woo woo" sound, giving people a shuddering feeling.

The little monk ran along with Xiaoya and Lingling, and while staring at the terrifying mountain scenery around him, he muttered in a low voice, "This... it wasn't... it wasn't like this, now... how did it become so... It's scary, it turns out that there are blue sheep and leopards in this..."

Before the boy could finish his words, the wind knife in front turned his head to look at the boy and scolded in a low voice: "Shut up, who told you to speak again? Keep silent during the action!"

The boy quickly closed his mouth when he heard the stern voice of the wind knife. At this moment, Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Yu Wenfeng, who had been running about 300 meters ahead, suddenly dispersed, and then disappeared among the jagged rocks in front of them.

Wan Lin saw the movements of the group of Zhang Wa and the others in front of him, he raised his hand suddenly, made a "stop moving" gesture, and then threw himself under a half-person-high rock in front of him. He lay on the rock. Raise the gun and aim forward. The wind knives also dispersed, and all of them quickly disappeared among the dark rocks.

In the wireless earphones of everyone, Zhang Wa's low report sounded: "Leopard head, Xiaohua suddenly warned at the foot of the mountain ahead, the situation is unknown!"

"You are on the spot, I'll go take a look." Wan Lin replied immediately when he heard Zhang Wa's report, he followed and stood up from under the rock, and ran forward between the towering rocks. go.

Zou Tao saw Wan Lin running forward. He stretched out his hand and pushed the rock in front of him to stand up, but then he glanced at the wind knife still lying on the rock, and saw that he was still aiming at the mountain in front of him. The Chengru group on the side was still hidden in the mountains, and he hurriedly lay on the rock and raised his gun to aim forward.

He already understood that Feng Dao and the second group were still hiding under the rock because the situation in the mountains in front of him was unknown. Once all of them stood up and ran forward, they were likely to be discovered by the enemy, so Feng Dao and Xiaoya were still there. Lying on the rock motionless, he raised his gun to provide cover for Wan Lin.

While aiming at the foot of the mountain in front of Wan Lin, Zou Tao sighed in his heart: "It's no wonder that these leopard team members are always disadvantaged. They have formed a tacit understanding in the battle."

At this time, he already understood that Wan Lin, the leopard head, didn't need to issue orders, all the team members already knew what action to take. Only these top special warfare masters, after experiencing countless battles of life and death together, would they form such a situation. The tacit understanding of his own special brigade is indeed much different from that of this leopard troop. "

Beneath the black-gray rock, Wan Lin ran to the foot of the mountain in front of him like a lingering black smoke, and then crouched beside a towering rock, he raised his gun and aimed forward.

The mountains on the side of the foot of the mountain made Wan Lin's eyes shine. The mountains that were originally lined with strange rocks and pitch-black suddenly appeared green behind the foot of the mountain, green vegetation swayed on the undulating mountains, and towering trees stood like giant umbrellas. Among the rolling mountains, the whole mountain is full of vitality and endless.

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment when he looked at the green eyes, and Zhang Wa, who was squatting under the rock next to him, said in a low voice, "Leopard head, just now Xiaohua and Xiaobai jumped up the big tree 500 meters away, and Xiaohua suddenly disappeared from the thick branches and leaves. A blue light warning flashed in the middle, the specific situation is unknown."

While listening to Zhang Wa's report, Wan Lin stared at the green mountain in front of him. He whispered, "We seem to have been here before."

Zhang Wa also said: "Yes, I also look at this terrain familiar. This mountain with lush vegetation should be the place where we encountered the attack of giant rats."

He followed him and lay down on the rock again, staring at the mountains in front of him through the scope on the gun and hesitatingly said, "I felt the same way just now, but I didn't find those giant mountain mice and wolves here."

" At that time, there were indeed many mutant giant rats and wild wolves here. In this way, I will go and see, and you will cover." Wan Lin said, he drilled out from under the rock and was about to face the mountain in front of him. run between.

Zhang Wa reached out and grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, you are the commander, you can't take risks without authorization, or I should go with Bao Ya and A Feng to have a look." After that, he turned to look at Bao Ya and Yuwen As soon as the wind waved, the three of them drilled out from under the rock and ran to the two thick trees in front of them.

At this moment, "呖...", a long eagle croak suddenly sounded from the peak beside Wan Lin and the others, and a black shadow appeared in the air in front of him like lightning. Wan Lin quickly looked up.

A tawny goshawk was flying off a rock at the top of the peak. It flapped its broad wings a few times, and flew straight to the densely vegetated mountains ahead.

The goshawk immediately folded its wings in the air and slashed towards the dense grass in front of it, like a lightning bolt that suddenly fell in the air, and disappeared into the dense grass in a blink of an eye.

"呖!" A sharp eagle croak sounded from the grass, and the goshawk spread its wings and flew out from the grass. On the two powerful eagle claws under it, it quickly grasped a black thing. Rise into the air.

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