Panther Commando

Chapter 563: evidence

Li Dongsheng wiped the cold sweat from his head, and quickly replied: "Report Commander, with the assistance of the Southwest Military Region, the old man has been safely brought back to the Southwest Military Region Command."

Hearing that the old man had returned safely, the commander lowered his voice and said, "It's not too bad, if the old man is good or bad, I only ask you, I think you have several heads at that time, and you will deal with it over there. This is it." The commander hung up the phone with a "bang".

Qi Zhijun watched Li Dongsheng put down the phone while wiping his cold sweat, and finally couldn't help laughing "hahaha". Li Dongsheng took off his helmet in embarrassment and touched his head.

"Master Zhong from your military region has the same temper as our Commander Ouyang, and scolds people." Qi Zhijun said with a smile.

"You bastard, who are you calling someone to scold people?" The door was pushed open, and an admiral with gray temples walked in with vigorous steps, two slightly gray eyebrows raised together, a pair of bright God's eyes were looking at Li Dongsheng and Qi Zhijun.

The two quickly stood at attention and saluted. Qi Zhijun said embarrassedly, "Hey, no... I didn't say anyone." Admiral Ouyang came over and sat on the sofa. situation, and then said the whole story.

It turned out that Wang Molin, deputy director of the State Security Administration at the time, immediately ordered the State Security Bureau of Y Province to take the old man out of the detention center for protection after receiving a call from Liu Hongxin.

After making the call, he sat behind the office meeting, picked up a cigarette case on the table, took out a cigarette, and carefully reviewed Liu Hongxin's words, thinking about how to deal with the matter next.

He took a deep breath of his cigarette, squinting his eyes and looking at the blue smoke rising in front of him, suddenly, he thought that the Panther Commando was on a mission in Wanlin's hometown, and it was impossible for them not to know about it.

The little devil entered the mountains to take revenge on Wan Lin. It is impossible for him, the deputy director of the State Security Bureau, to know about such a big thing. The foreign thief entering the country is a matter of national security. He, the deputy director of national security, Naturally, the Secretary should pay close attention to the progress of the situation.

It's just that the fierce team of the Huabao Commando came forward, so there is no need for their national security system to take care of it, but he has been paying attention to the progress of the matter, and he knows that the Huabao is still in the Y province.

It was broken, Wang Molin slapped the table and stood up. He has cooperated with the Leopard Commando several times. He knows these hot-blooded men too well. They will never rub sand in their eyes. I don't know what happened.

He hurriedly threw the cigarette into the ashtray, picked up the phone and called Zhong Hanrui, commander of the A military region, told the whole story, and asked him to quickly assist the national security system to protect the old man, so as to prevent the leopard commando from acting too aggressively reaction.

After listening to Wang Molin's words, Zhong Hanrui pondered for a while, and then called General Ouyang Shan, the commander of the Southwest Military Region, and asked him to immediately take Wan Lin's grandfather to the military region for protection, and never let anyone hurt the old man.

Zhong Hanrui didn't call Li Dongsheng. He guessed that the leopard must have entered the detention center. The response speed of this team was definitely not understandable by ordinary people, and he had no reason to stop them from rescuing the old man. No matter what happened next, protect the old man first. Speaking of which, in fact, he notified the Southwest Military Region so that they could respond to the Panther Commandos.

After Commander Ouyang finished explaining the process, he looked at Li Dongsheng and said, "I don't know why they detained the old man. Because of the urgency of time, you Commander Zhong didn't tell me in detail. You can tell me now."

Li Dongsheng looked at the commander, started from eliminating the little devils, and explained the process of the commando team and the old man to clean up the little devils, and then talked about the old man's violation of the ancient rule of not passing kung fu to foreign surnames. Taught Wanjia Kungfu to several leopard commandos.

Commander Ouyang and Qi Zhijun's eyes lit up when they heard it. What kind of mind is this? It's a secret handed down from his ancestors.

When they heard that the old man used bows and arrows and Wanjia's magical kung fu, and one person took care of four or five fully-armed devil special forces, the two couldn't help but stunned. When the leopard team members, the two did not speak for a long time.

They are soldiers, and they all know the rules of ancient Chinese martial arts. No family of ancestral kung fu will voluntarily pass on their ancestral internal skills to outsiders.

But the old man did not hesitate to put a few leopard commandos into his door wall, and taught the magical exercises of Wanjia to Erlang who fought for the motherland. It is a precious heritage of the Chinese nation. It is a fortune. A priceless treasure that cannot be measured in money.

The old man treats the army as his family, and treats the soldiers as his family.

How could such an old man with deep sense of righteousness and stunts end up in prison? Both Ouyang Shan and Qi Zhijun had doubts in their hearts.

When Li Dongsheng was about to tell what happened next, a report suddenly came from outside the door: "Report, Wang Tiecheng, the leader of the special police brigade of the Provincial Armed Police, and a person named Liu Hongxin are asking for an interview."

The commander was stunned for a moment. He knew these two people, but he was not familiar with them. He had seen them at Liu Hongxin's Laser Research Institute last time.

Li Dongsheng said quickly: "These two people played a decisive role in rescuing the old man. Please come in and let them tell you what happened next." The commander shouted outside the door: "Please They come in".

After a while, Wang Tiecheng walked in with Liu Hongxin. The commander motioned the two to sit on the and asked, "Why did the elderly Wanjia get locked in the detention center, who can you tell me?"

Liu Hongxin looked at the commander and said, "Hey, it's up to me. The old man was living in my house at the time. He took the newly-received disciples out for dinner that morning. He met the son of Deputy Mayor Xiao Zhen and the Public Security Bureau. Yu Qingsheng's nephew and a group of people molested the waitress in the restaurant, and the old man taught them a lesson, and they took them to the detention center."

After Liu Hongxin finished speaking, he took out a disk from his pocket and handed it to Li Dongsheng, and then said: "This is the surveillance camera in the restaurant at that time, which really recorded the process of the incident at that time. Let's take a look. It was specially copied for me for a while, so that I could seek justice for the old man, and I made another copy when I came."

Gao Li took the disk from Li Dongsheng, walked to the commander's office, inserted the disk into the computer, and turned on the projector...

The scene at that time was reproduced on the wall screen. When they saw those people molesting several waitresses in broad daylight, the eyes of the soldiers present all burst into anger.

"Scum." Commander Ouyang scolded in a low voice. When he saw that the old man shot in rage and crushed Young Master Xiao's right hand, the commander slapped his palm on the coffee table and shouted, "Happy. "

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