Panther Commando

Chapter 5636: surrendered wolf

The two leopards that suddenly pounced killed the two giant wolves that rushed towards Wanlin with one paw. They then jumped up from the wolf's head and rushed towards the other two giant wolves that had drilled out from the side of the hill.

At this time, the red and blue light beams shot out from their eyes have become more intense, and the red and blue light beams followed like two dazzling searchlights, viciously sweeping the giant wolves in the air, and then firmly The two giant wolves that rushed to the front were enveloped.

The two giant wolves that rushed to the front saw the blue and bright red beams of light suddenly shot in front of them. A panic flashed across their gloomy eyes, and they let out a shrill howl, twisting. Run away from the side.

The movements of the two leopards in the air are extremely fast! At this moment, the two giant wolves had already jumped at the top of the head like lightning. The sharp nails on their claws were inserted into the body of the giant wolf at the same time.

"Ow...", the two giant wolves let out a shrill scream, their legs slammed into the grass under the hills, and their huge wolf heads were thrown to the side, trying their best to get rid of their bodies. of two leopards.

But the two leopards seem to be growing on their backs, and the sharp nails on their claws have been deeply inserted into the bodies of the two giant wolves. Let the giant wolves under them shake their heads vigorously, they seem to be attached to them. The wolf's head is generally motionless.

They raised their heads on the neck of the giant wolf, and as the two leopards raised their heads, a stream of blood spurted out from the thick neck of the giant wolf, and the bright red blood column was sprayed diagonally into the air like a fountain. The two giant wolves that were struggling just now, like deflated balls, fell softly from the air.

The two leopards pressed **** the back of the giant wolf, got up and rushed to the top of the hill in front. They opened their **** mouths in the air, facing the giant wolves rushing from the surrounding hills, and suddenly made a deafening leopard roar, and the red and blue light columns in their eyes instantly changed from one A ghastly wolf swept past.

The deafening leopard's roar resounded through the mountains, and the entire hills trembled violently in this furious roar, as if it had been shaken.

The giant wolves who were already panicking behind them suddenly saw the red and blue light beams across their eyes, and heard the giant roar echoing in their ears. A look of extreme terror flashed in their fierce eyes, and they stopped abruptly from running. footsteps.

They raised their heads in panic and looked at the two little leopards in the air. The azure blue and bright red beam of light seemed to have a magical power, and in an instant, it firmly attracted the eyes of the wolves. In the originally gloomy wolf eyes, a look of extreme fear emerged.

Under the vibrations from their feet, their bodies involuntarily fell on the rolling hills, and the huge wolf bodies shivered in extreme fear.

The heads of the giant wolves were clinging to the grass in front of them, and the wolf's eyes stared at the two little leopards that had fallen to the top of the hills in front of them. A giant wolf that just happened to be ferocious suddenly seemed to be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, lying motionless among the hills.

Amidst the furious roars of the two hill kings, Tao Xing, the commander of the first squadron of the Southwest Military Region Special Forces, and the sniper, both of them couldn't help raising their hands to cover their ears, and then stumbled a few steps amid the violent vibrations under their feet. , his body fell to the side, a trace of blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Zou Tao was rushing towards a rock under the hill with his assault rifle. His expression changed greatly when the two leopards suddenly roared, as if his heart had been hit by a hammer. He quickly stopped, and suddenly raised his inner strength to suppress the tumbling blood in his body.

As soon as Zou Tao stopped, he heard a muffled groan from Tao Xing and the two beside him, and staggered to the side. He quickly stretched out his right hand and grabbed Tao Xing's arm.

The wind knife on the side saw Tao Xing and the two staggered down, and he quickly reached out and grabbed the sniper's arm, and then whispered: "Squat down." Internal force, sent to this sniper's body.

Fengdao already understands that although Zou Tao's two subordinates are of high technical and tactical level, they have no internal strength in their bodies. Amid the furious roars of the two leopards, their blood must be tumbling in their bodies, and they have been unknowingly affected. He had internal injuries, so he quickly forced out his internal force to suppress the turbulent qi and blood in the opponent's body to prevent their internal injuries from aggravating.

Zou Tao saw Feng Dao suddenly forced out an internal force, and immediately understood the intention of Feng Dao. He also quickly forced out an internal force to send it into Tao Xing's body, and he immediately raised his head and looked into the hills in front of him. He looked at the group of giant wolves that were already lying on the hills, his mouth opened unconsciously in astonishment.

Just now, the sound of wolves running and howling echoed in the mountains, but at this moment, the two leopards suddenly quieted down. The two giant wolves that jumped up just now have fallen under the hills, still spraying on their necks. With a fountain-like blood, a strong smell of blood filled the air.

A group of giant wolves that were still extremely ferocious just now, after seeing the tragic state of the four companions in front of them, crouched down among the hills trembling with fear, staring closely at the two kittens that had fallen to the top of the hills. leopard.

The sight of these two little mountain kings glowing in the eyes giant wolves lying on the ground really shocked Zou Tao. He had never seen such a strange sight before.

Although Zou Tao is familiar with Wan Lin and the others, he has fought side by side in several fierce battles with the enemy. He knows that the two leopards are extremely ferocious, but he has never seen these extremely ferocious beasts in the mountains. The scene of surrender in front of two hill kings.

At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling in the back saw Zou Tao staring blankly in front of them. The two rushed to Zou Tao's side. Xiaoya and Lingling grabbed the arms of Zou Tao and Tao Xing respectively. Xiaoya said in a low voice: "Brigade Zou, don't make a sound, squat down!"

As she said that, she pulled Zou Tao to squat on the grass, and the left hand holding Zou Tao's arm followed with an internal force, trying to force the internal force into Zou Tao's body. She knew that the roars of the two leopards in their fury were extremely lethal. People without deep inner strength would definitely be hurt by such roars.

Zou Tao felt the internal force from Xiaoya's hand, he quickly raised his hand and said, "Xiaoya, no, I'm fine." As he spoke, a strong internal force surged from his arm, forcing Xiaoya's internal force back.

Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, then released her right hand that was holding Zou Tao's arm. At this moment, she suddenly remembered that the leader of the special team of the Southwest Military Region was a master of the natural sect.

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