Panther Commando

Chapter 5646: emergency order

Wan Lin has rich combat experience, and he knows that fighting in such a mountainous terrain with complex terrain and dense rocks can not only rely on the superiority of troops and fierce firepower to gain a complete advantage in the battle.

In such mountain operations with complex terrain, the key to the final decision of the battle is tactical arrangement and individual combat capability, but this is the weakness of this frontier platoon, and the platoon leader does not have such tactics yet. Literacy.

Wan Lin pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Zou Tao and said in a low voice, "Your worries are justified. We are at least two days away from the border. According to the speed of our tracking, we can stop them before the border. If the grass beats the rabbits, kill the **** in front of you first."

He followed the order: "Zou Brigade, you immediately contact the frontier platoon leader and tell them that we are in this mountainous area, and order them to slowly chase from behind. The combat mission is to drive the opponent to the front mountainous area to prevent those **** from turning around and escaping. This mountain area is not for fighting, the group of **** in front are handed over to us!"

"Yes!" Zou Tao replied, and immediately adjusted the frequency of the individual soldier's communicator. He lowered his head and whispered into the microphone beside his mouth: "The platoon leader of the border defense platoon, I am Zou, the commander of the special brigade of the military region. Colonel Tao, hear the answer, hear the answer immediately!"

A response sounded in his earphone: "Report to Captain Zou, I am Second Lieutenant Zhou Hong, the platoon leader of the frontier defense company, please give instructions, please give instructions!"

Zou Tao immediately whispered: "Platoon Commander Zhou, our people are in the mountains to the northeast of you. We have seen you. From now on, you accept my command! I order..."

He then conveyed Wan Lin's arrangement, and then sternly exhorted, "Platoon Commander Zhou, your mission is to monitor the periphery, not to participate in battles."

Zou Tao followed with aggravated tone and said: "Once the battle starts, you should immediately covertly monitor to prevent any fish that slip through the net, and immediately kill the fish that slip through the net! However, without my order, you are not allowed to enter the battlefield without authorization, so as not to affect our actions!" "Yes!" Zhou platoon leader's answer sounded immediately.

Wan Lin saw that Zou Tao had issued an emergency order to the border guard platoon, and he immediately lowered his head to the microphone to report: "Every group, pay attention, the crowd that appeared at the foot of the mountain at ten o'clock was a border guard force of one of our platoons. The more than a dozen shadows running in the direction are mercenaries pursued by the border guards, and they have already fought."

When he said this, he commanded in a firm tone: "Now I order: The second group quickly detours from the side to the mountains in front of the other side, blocking their way."

"Teams 2 and 3, me and Zou Brigade, stabbed through the side of the mountain, and then used crossfire to quickly kill this group of rascals! Remember, make a quick fight, don't leave any openings, we don't have time to deal with them! Kill this group After the bastard, immediately pursue the direction of the border, and must not let the black snake escape, hurry up and act!"

As soon as Wan Lin's command sounded, a few dark shadows had already appeared under the dim rocks on the side of the mountain. Cheng Ru led the three groups of members and ran sideways towards the side mountain in the dark. Xiaoya and the others in the mountains behind Wanlin and the others also got out from under the rock and ran quickly to the side of the mountain.

Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru and Xiaoya had already acted, and he immediately watched the two leopards pointing to the side of the mountain, and the two leopards also jumped out without saying a word.

Wan Lin waved at the surrounding Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, and the others immediately got out of the rock and ran up and down to the side of the mountain.

The sky is dark. In the dimness, the steep peaks on the right side of the mountains plunged straight into the sky, and the sharp peaks seemed to tear the night sky apart.

The mountains are covered with boulders of different shapes. The black rocks are like beasts lying on the mountain, and the sunken mountains are like the big mouths of the beasts, ready to be swallowed in the mountains at any time. Shadows moving quickly.

Under the cover of darkness, Wan Lin's group quickly ran to the side of the mountain. Not long after, a group of quick-moving leopards had already pulled Tao Xing and sniper Xiao Li far behind Zou Tao's subordinates.

As Tao Xing ran forward, he turned his head and glanced at his staggering men. He followed and looked forward. The figures of Wan Lin's group had disappeared behind the jagged rocks in the mountains in front, and their leader Zou Tao had long since disappeared.

At this moment, Tao Xing suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from the side and rear, he quickly stopped and turned his head to look. It turned out that the sniper Xiao Li was running with one foot empty, and his whole body was falling forward.

Tao Xing hurriedly reached out and grabbed Xiao Li's arm. Xiao Li stood firm and panted violently and said in a low voice, "Squadron Captain, I can't run anymore, Captain Wan and the others are running too fast!"

Tao Xing glanced helplessly at Xiao He panted violently and shook his head. He is an old member of the special team. He knows that Xiao Li is extremely tired, so his eyes and body have already accurately judged the terrain, so this kind of flaw occurs in his actions.

Tao Xing participated in the operation with the team leader Zou Tao and Wan Lin. He knew the identities of Wan Lin and the others, and even more aware that among them, except for the team leader Zou, who had a profound internal strength, the rest of them were fundamentally weak in physical strength and speed. Just can't keep up with the most elite leopard players in the entire army.

He hurriedly dragged Xiao Li to squat under the rock, then lowered his head to the microphone beside his mouth, panted violently and asked in a low voice: "Zou... Brigade, Xiao Li and I... really can't keep up with you, your speed. Too soon. Now... now, we can't see where you are, what should we do?"

Zou Tao, who had been running to the side beside Wan Lin, heard Tao Xing's request for instructions. He jumped over a rock in front of him, then stopped and turned his head to look at the dimly lit mountains behind.

Wan Lin saw that Zou Tao suddenly stopped, and he also stopped under the rock in front of him and asked in a low voice, "Brigade Zou, what's the situation?" "Tao Xing and the two can't keep up." Zou Tao replied in frustration.

Wan Lin frowned in the dimness and continued: "Brigade Zou, we are too fast, they really can't keep up. Let them both stop following us, and immediately move closer to the position of the border guard platoon, which is led by Tao Xing. Command, let him tune the communication equipment to the frequency of our leopard, and report the situation in time."

"Yes." Zou Tao replied, and immediately issued an order to the microphone beside his mouth. He understood what Wan Lin meant. There were too many accidents in this mountain. Once Tao Xing and the two were alone and out of their sight, they would be very dangerous.

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