Panther Commando

Chapter 5651: Boundless Murder

In the dim mountain, Zou Tao was lying on the dim rock and slowly raised the muzzle of the gun. He quickly observed the location and terrain of the five shadows behind him, then lowered the muzzle again, and aimed at the three boys in front of him. .

At this time, the three boys in front were already in the dark and rushed to the mountains less than 200 meters away from Zou Tao and the others. The five boys who were sheltering in the mountains behind also ran forward ups and downs under the cover of rocks.

The five boys rushed under the towering rocks in front of them, and immediately disappeared under the jagged rocks in the rain of bullets flying between the two flank mountains at the back. Tao and a few people are already less than 300 meters away.

The three boys who ran in front saw their companions, then drilled out from under the dark rock and rushed to the dark rock in front of them.

They squatted under the three rocks in front of them, and the gun muzzles extended from the side of the rock. Three firelights were ejected from the side of the rock, and a piece of bullets roared and flew towards the two-winged mountains behind.

The marksmanship of these boys was extremely accurate, and a piece of sparks shot out by the bullets immediately splashed between Chengru and the other hidden mountains and the hillside where Wanlin and Kong Dazhuang were located. The muzzle fire between Wan Lin's hillside and Chengru's mountain vanished into the darkness immediately.

As the gunshots of the three boys in front sounded, the other five boys in the mountains behind immediately got out from under the dark rocks. Under the cover of the firepower of their companions in front, they ran towards the mountains in front of them like a gust of wind.

Between the dark mountains on both sides, the machine guns of Dali and Kong Dazhuang sounded intermittently. In the fire from the muzzles of their machine guns, machine gun bullets roared and flew over the towering rocks. On the rock beside the five boys who were running forward, a cloud of dust and debris shot by bullets immediately rose.

Several strings of assault rifles "da da da" also followed from the mountains where Cheng Ru and the others were, and bullets flew through the mountains where these boys were.

Obviously, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, who were distributed between the mountains on both sides, had seen the enemy approach the second group of hidden mountains as scheduled by their fierce firepower.

They then changed their strategy, shooting bullets at the enemy in the group behind, to avoid accidentally hurting their comrades who were hiding in the mountains in front.

At this time, the three boys who ran in front of them hid under the rocks and shot a few strings of fire between the two-winged mountains, and they followed them out of the invisible rocks and rushed forward.

One of them rushed under a rock in front of him and stopped suddenly when he looked at the dark mountains in front of him. He stuck his body on the rock and turned to look at the few companions behind.

The boy stared at the sparks shot by the bullets beside a few companions behind him. He was stunned for a moment. He turned around abruptly and looked at the dark mountains in front of him.

This kid seemed to realize something suddenly, the assault rifle in his hand suddenly raised forward, his fingers quickly pulled the trigger, and a shout came from his mouth at the same time.

At this moment, a cold light flashed in the eyes of Zou Tao and Feng Dao, who were lying under the rock, and they both shouted at the same time: "Hit!" The **** on the trigger quickly pulled down.

The two of them realized at the same time that the boy in front was extremely experienced in fighting, and he had already seen from the impact point behind him that in the quiet darkness ahead, boundless murderous intent was hidden! The opponent hiding in the front and rear mountains is using firepower to drive a few of them to the west mountain.

And in the dark mountains to the west, there must be an ambush of the other side hidden! So when the kid realized the danger, he immediately raised the muzzle forward, and at the same time issued a warning sound to his companions.

At the same time that Zou Tao and Fengdao issued the action order, a faint flame had already flashed from the rock on the side. "Pfft", a low sniper rifle sounded.

The boy who was raising the muzzle suddenly raised his hands, his head seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer, and his body fell backwards. , a string of fire snakes roared into the air. The boy raised his hands outwards, his body fell backward sharply, and the assault rifle also dropped from the air.

In the boy's sudden shout, the two shadows on the side were turning their heads to look sideways, and they saw their companions fall backwards on their backs.

The two boys were shocked! Immediately realized that in the dark mountains ahead, there were opponents waiting for them to come in ambush. The two boys reacted quickly, turned around and dashed under the rock on the side, the assault rifles in their hands also raised forward at the same time, and their fingers quickly pulled the trigger.

At the moment when these two boys rushed out, "da da da", "da da da"... Several rapid gunshots suddenly sounded from the mountains in front, and fire snakes came from a few rocks less than 100 meters away. The bullets suddenly spewed out, and pieces of bullets swept toward the mountains in front of them like a The two boys who were throwing out in front of them suddenly trembled a few times in the air amid the sudden rain of bullets. The assault rifles they just raised up also pointed to the dark night sky, and the two strings of fire snakes "Dada Da" and "Da Da Da" immediately shot into the air, and the two fell back to the rocks behind them.

The five black shadows that were running forward, also in the sudden rain of bullets, either threw themselves under the rock, or shivered and let go of the weapons in their hands and fell backwards.

"Come on!" Zou Tao roared sharply when he pulled the trigger and shot two short bursts. He followed it and got out from under the rock, rushing forward with the assault rifle on his shoulder.

At the same time, the figures of Xiaoya and a few others emerged from the mountains on both sides. The figures rushed forward very fast, and in an instant they rushed across the mountain where the three boys were located 100 meters away.

The assault rifles on the shoulders of several people spewed swift flames forward from time to time, and a string of whistling bullets flew straight to the mountains where the other five boys were in front.

At the same time that Zou Tao and the others rushed out, the gunfire between the mountains on both sides suddenly disappeared, and they fell back into the darkness. On the steep hillside 800 meters away, a red and a basket of two dazzling beams of light followed. The red and blue beams were like lightning flashes suddenly in the night sky. go.

With the beams of light streaking across the night sky in the eyes of the two leopards, the gunshots in the mountains suddenly stopped, and only a flickering figure appeared and disappeared under the faint starlight, rushing straight to the dim mountain in front. .

At this moment, Zou Tao was staring at the assault rifle on his shoulder.

He had already seen clearly just now that the three enemies who were close to them had been hit and killed on the spot by the bullets suddenly fired by several of them.

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